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2023-2024 Season

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I am looking forward to the week of Jewels! Just a few thoughts as I mull over casting and debuts for the first two weeks. Some interesting, against-type choices. For example, LaFreniere in Diamonds and Nadon in Stars & Stripes. I would think that LaFreniere, who excels in big bold movement (eg, Concerto Barocco 2nd violin) and has a huge sunny smile, would be a more obvious choice for Stars & Stripes, rather than Diamonds. On the other hand, Nadon with her sultry air of grand mystery, would be a more obvious choice for Diamonds rather than Stars & Stripes. Both could be great, however -- will be interesting to see. Also, Peter Walker in Stars & Stripes -- wow, does he have the technique? Not sure I've ever seen him in this kind of all-out bravura role. On the other hand, I have high expectations for Emma von Enck in Rubies. After being disappointed by not seeing her in Sleeping Beauty and Square Dance, I am excited to finally see her in a role that brings her talents front and center. 

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6 hours ago, Puck said:

I believe Darla Hoover took a "buyout" and signed an NDA which is why no one knows why she is leaving. The treatment of Suzy Pilarre was horrifying. Anyone else think Stafford is a meglomaniac?

I do NOT think Stafford is a megalomaniac. Not at all. It’s a large school. I’m sure many different factors with staff come into play. IIRC, SAB’s statement said Hoover asked to leave. If you have information from another public facing source you should cite it. 

from upthread:

“SAB just sent out email that elaborates (slightly) on some of the staff changes discussed here. Of special note: Suzanne Farrell will be a visiting teacher!”

Chair of Faculty Darla Hoover informed us in August that she was stepping down from her position and ending her tenure on SAB’s faculty effective with the start of this Winter Term. We extend our sincere thanks to Darla for her leadership and wish her all the best in her next steps.

Edited by BalanchineFan
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I am sitting on the plaza before the performance. They have some giant scrims set up across the front of the theatre, showing different ballet moments in very, very slow motion. I see symphony in C second movement, with what appears to be Aaron Sanz and, I think, Unity Phelan. It’s kind of hard to make out. Has Sanz does second movement before? Would love to see him!

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13 minutes ago, cobweb said:

They’re making a big ruckus with megaphones etc, and passing truckers blowing their horns in support. I see at least one news truck. I’m not sure it’s getting a lot of interest from people passing, who all seem on a beeline to get in the theatre. 

is there an orchestra at the performance or canned music?

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7 minutes ago, Balanchinomane said:

Full orchestra!! Wendy and Jon came out front. Said there are 200 alumni in the house! Lots of glamour.

I suppose there are no shortage of musicians in NYC able to fill in any empty spots - does anyone know how that works at nycb? 

I feel a bit shallow saying 'oh, phew' but I cannot imagine Jewels without a live orchestra. 

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What a lovely gift - NYCB has several (probably around 40 by the time it's done) extensive clips of the performance on their IG stories right now. They may 'highlight' them on their account permanently but they may disappear in 24 hours. 

Somehow I've actually never seen Fairchild in Rubies before. I hope she's years away from retirement because I just adore the impish quality (and sense of total technical control) she brings to her dancing. 

Edited by Papagena
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15 minutes ago, Papagena said:

What a lovely gift - NYCB has several extensive clips of the performance on their IG stories right now. They may 'highlight' them on their account permanently but they may disappear in 24 hours. 


Yes, What a treat! I love that they're being taped from the wings, close-up. It would be even better if they'd leave them on the account after the usual 24 hours!

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4 hours ago, Papagena said:

Somehow I've actually never seen Fairchild in Rubies before. I hope she's years away from retirement because I just adore the impish quality (and sense of total technical control) she brings to her dancing. 

Agreed, but I'm astonished with the perfection of that Tall Girl, both in rehearsal and performance! 😲

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Really great night.

250 alumni dancers came out at the end together, while the orchestra played “pomp and circumstance” and confetti  rained down. The alums all had been given commemorative pins they were wearing. One women I couldn’t recognize was asking all her fellow dancers to autograph a white button down shirt, cool idea. 

the rally beforehand was lively and a number of musicians from the philharmonic and the met orchestra were there in solidarity along with some SAG-AFTRA members. Heard a few people who were confused by the SAG-AFTRA signs and thought it was one of their own demonstrations. The City Ballet orchestra performed wearing black T-shirt’s with their Union logo. 

I was sitting next to some SAB teachers in a very dancer-heavy section and heard lots of “WOW”s from them as Mira and Sara danced. Felt like they both were really going for broke and taking risks, thrilling performances! Very moving to see the emotion and rapport between Russell and Sara in one of their last performances together. And Anthony and Megan were fabulous in Rubies. Also thought Indiana was excellent in Emeralds, very lush and expansive. 

wonderful start to the 75th anniversary season! 


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3 hours ago, cobweb said:

I am sitting on the plaza before the performance. They have some giant scrims set up across the front of the theatre, showing different ballet moments in very, very slow motion. I see symphony in C second movement, with what appears to be Aaron Sanz and, I think, Unity Phelan. It’s kind of hard to make out. Has Sanz does second movement before? Would love to see him!

David Michael (Wendy Whelan's husband) did an installation a while back (maybe 10 years ago?) called "Slow Dancing," which showed dancers from a variety of dance genres in extremely slow motion--I would guess that this could be his work.

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These IG stories from rehearsal and performance from the wings are wonderful! I want them to do this for every program! (And very interesting to see Ashley Bouder in rehearsal after all the discussion about her.)

Does anyone know, please: for Jewels, do many of the corps de ballet dance in more than one segment? Surely not all three?

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Just in from tonight and I have mixed feelings about the current state of the company, which I’ll have to sort through in my mind. But initial thoughts, it was a great idea to have the alumni night. They all wore special pins, and you could see people greeting old colleagues and friends, or sometimes introducing themselves and being greeted with affection. It was very heartwarming to see them all onstage. I would love to see if anyone did a video and IDs some of them, like the woman in the wheelchair. I felt like saying to my seat-mates — thank you for your service!
Mearns and Janzen gave an absolutely beautiful performance in Diamonds. Full of depth, ardor, and beauty. Adrian Danchig-Waring, Anthony Huxley, Megan Fairchild, and Mira Nadon all look in great great shape to start the season. And if the orchestra was trying to prove they’re worth it (I take no sides, I have no idea about the issues), they succeeded. Especially in the Tchaikovsky, the oboe and horns and overall grandness just melted my heart. 

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What a fantastic night at the ballet.  My friend and I were both star struck the whole night.  We were sitting in the rear first ring near Lauren lovette, Robbie Fairchild, Christopher Wheeldon, Kathryn Morgan and a host of current dancers who were standing in the back to watch the performances.  It felt like a who’s who of the dance world!

I have only ever seen abi Stafford in emeralds (twice) so it was a treat to see Indiana’s debut.  She was as lovely as ever I felt.

rubies was fantastic - Megan fairchild is so sassy and I’m here for it, while Mira nadon just keeps getting more and more amazing each time I see her.

and diamonds. Sigh.  I could watch this ballet over and over again.  Sara mearns was full on and it was so breathtaking.

a night to remember! 

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All of the orchestra members were wearing black t-shirts with the words New York City Ballet Orchestra on the front, and maybe the name of the union.  The backs of the t-shirts said:

See The Music

Hear The Dance

Pay the Orchestra.

The news truck outside, I believe, was channel 7  news, the local ABC affiliate.

All around a pretty wonderful evening.  Janzen and Mearns were great in Diamonds.  Janzen finally went gray after coloring his hair for years.  Good for him.  He is so elegant.  A shame to see him leave so young.  The other standout of the evening was Nadon.   

That casting of Apollo in the third week with Chan and the All Tall Girl muses should be great.  Surprised that Taylor Stanley is not doing Apollo.  And do they really need to put Unity in as the lead in two consecutive ballets in one night (Terpsichore followed by Sleepwalker).    

Edited by abatt
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abatt said:

That casting of Apollo in the third week with Chan and the All Tall Girl muses should be great.  Surprised that Taylor Stanley is not doing Apollo.  And do they really need to put Unity in as the lead in two consecutive ballets in one night (Terpsichore followed by Sleepwalker).    

     The Apollo casting sounds stupendous!  Agree about Phelan, as much as I like her, I'd prefer to see a different dancer in Sonnambula.

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