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Everything posted by abatt

  1. His Instagram says he's dancing with Murphy in Harrisburg PA for PA Regional Ballet. This gig appears to be unrelated to ABT.
  2. The fouettes were also Sarah's weak spot when she debuted SL at the Met last season. It wasn't just the problem w. completion of all the fouettes and filling out the entire music for that section of the ballet. A separate problem at that performance was that she broke character when things went poorly. She was no longer evil temptress Odile, but sad faced Sarah Lane. A lot of people chalked it up to the fact that Lane was tossed into the role at the Met at the last minute. Maybe that's the case, but the subject video of her recent performance seems to support the opposite conclusion.
  3. His Onegin was spine chilling. Thank goodness it is preserved on DVD. A tragic loss of a great talent who died far too young.
  4. Day and Fairchild should only be angry at themselves for assuming that the general public was too dumb to piece together the information that they were publicly sharing with the world over a long period of time. The ship for caring about and protecting their former spouses or others sailed long before canbelto ever re-posted their publicly available info & photos on ballet alert. Robbie sadly missed the boat on this one.
  5. I saw this performance last night. It was fabulous. Kelli O'Hara sings and acts so beautifully in this. Robbie Fairchild danced up a storm in the supporting role of Harry Beaton. Also, I think his acting has improved substantially since I saw him in the Broadway run of American in Paris. Patricia Delgado has a small non speaking role, as the dancer in "Funeral Dance". The only somewhat weak link is Patrick Wilson, who replaced the originally announced Steven Pasquale for the entire run. NY Times review below, plus red carpet photos. Peter Martins and Darci Kistler were at last night's show. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/16/theater/brigadoon-christopherwheeldon-city-center-review.html http://www.playbill.com/article/see-kelliohara-patrick-wilson-and-more-come-out-for-the-new-york-city-center-gala
  6. Very bad news for dance. I suspect we'll be seeing a lot of Mark Morris under Jane Moss' leadership, but not much in the way of major ballet companies.
  7. Natl Ballet of Cuba may be coming to Saratoga, NY this summer. Nothing has been firmed up yet. http://www.saratogian.com/article/ST/20171017/NEWS/171019827 https://saratogatodaynewspaper.com/today-in-saratoga/pulse/item/7425-spac-announces-2017-successes-2018-initiatives-and-explains-reasons-for-condensed-nycb-season
  8. Lincoln Center Festival is no more. That may explain, in part, issues relating to the cancellation of the POB tour to NY. This seems like a death knell for visits by major international ballet companies to NY. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/14/arts/music/lincoln-center-festival-jane-moss.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Farts&action=click&contentCollection=arts&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=3&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
  9. If Vengsay Valdes is announced as leading the first Don Q in DC, I will definitely be there. I'm waiting for casting.
  10. Since nobody other than Peter Martins has commissioned her to create new works, she would not be able to make a career out of choreographing. She has missed a lot time over the past few seasons due to injury and the surgery she had on her foot. However, Justin Peck could certainly have a full time career as a choreographer.
  11. http://www.penbaypilot.com/article/court-appearances-rescheduled-again-pair-arrested-after-camden-summer-burglaries/94475 Current status - Court appearance delayed until 2018 while Martins and her accomplice are in residential drug rehab programs.
  12. I wish they would bring Scotch Symphony back into the NYCB rep. They haven't performed it for many, many years.
  13. Hallberg was a poor partner during the time period at issue. It took him a long time to build his upper body strength. Wiles would have been a particularly difficult assignment for him because she was quite tall. However, sounds like her behavior in response to his weaknesses was repulsive, unprofessional and inexcusable. McKenzie was pairing them together a lot, so that may have been a factor in her abrupt departure from ABT. I don't think too may audience members shed a tear upon Wiles' departure.
  14. Juliet is probably Hee Seo's strongest role. The technique required doesn't expose her weaknesses in the way the Petipa ballets do.
  15. I was contemplating whether that TBA slot in SL might end up being Bolle. He's danced a number of times with Copeland at La Scala and during La Scala's visit to CA last summer. Bolle has been doing 2 shows per season at the Met for a few years. He stopped doing the ABT SL a few years ago, but maybe Copeland's small stature (easy lifts) could be be a motivation to return to the role.
  16. I'm considering going to see the Natl Ballet of Cuba at the Kennedy Center, which conflicts w. ABT's Bayadere week. I have no interest in seeing Hee Seo or Boylston as Nikiya, especially after having seen the ethereal Nikiya performances of the Mariinsky's Tereshkina and Kondaurova at the Kennedy Center a few weeks ago.
  17. The Met and Gelb have tried for a number of years to negotiate w. the unions to open on Sundays and close during a weekday. The negotiations have always failed. The HD broadcasts are cannibalizing in house attendance at the Met opera.
  18. Cirio is a principal in search of principal roles. His only lead is in Don Q. If I were him I would be very frustrated.
  19. Boylston as Nikiya? Is this a role debut for her? I don't see her as Nikiya, at all. She was a good Gamzatti, and should have stayed with that role. Speaking of Bayadere, I guess we'll have to watch Hee Seo stumble around the stage if we want to see Hallberg's Solor and Murphy's Gamzatti.
  20. Review of "I Feel the Earth Move." Glad I stayed away from this one. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/26/arts/dance/american-ballet-theater-millepied-i-feel-the-earth-move.html
  21. Osipova guesting with ABT in Giselle. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/26/arts/dance/american-ballet-theater-spring-season-wayne-mcgregor-alexei-ratmansky.html
  22. abatt

    Polina Semionova

    Perhaps it's because after the birth of her child she did not want to spend multiple weeks or months away from her child and husband.
  23. It seems clear that they are not planning on assigning SL to Abrera at this late stage of her career. So now we know to expect a Shevchenko SL when the spring season is announced. I think Lane will certainly be cast in SL during the NY run, given that there are 8 SL's to be cast. Misty probably gets two, and hopefully Shevchenko, Lane, Murphy, Boylston, Seo, and Teuscher each get one show in NY.
  24. I was privileged to go to the KC for a long weekend, and I agree that Tereshkina and Kim were breathtaking. There are complaints that Kim can't act, but I didn't care. His technique is so marvelous. It reminded me of better times at ABT, when there was male dancing at that high level every night. I thought both Tereshkina and Kondaurova were absolutely wonderful. They both have steely technique, and were soulful Nikiyas. They also both had such beautiful arm movements and flexible backs. My favorite Gamzatti was Batoeva. Can't wait to see move of her in the future. These KC appearances are invaluable to balletomanes.
  25. Salstein is going to be in Carousel on Broadway. Carousel starts in the spring. I think he is the dance captain, and he appears in the ensemble of dancers. I don't think he has a speaking role.
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