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Everything posted by abatt

  1. Completely agree with you. I saw it on Broadway. The play didn't speak to me or move me at all. I thought both Eclipsed and King Charles III, both nominated for best play that season, were far superior to The Humans. King Charles III was broadcast on PBS previously, but I don't know if it is still available for viewing on their website.
  2. Juliet is Seo's best role, in my opinion. No difficult pointe work or killer technical demands.
  3. The dancers whose contracts will not be renewed for next season must be notified by NYCB in February under union rules. Assuming no new AD is appointed in the next few weeks, are the 4 interim AD's going to vote amongst themselves as to who will not be coming back? Or will there be no terminations? While that idea sounds nice, if nobody leaves there may be no money to offer contracts to apprentices. Also, how far in advance do they sign contracts for new choreography and costume designers? Are the contracts for the Fall 2018 gala already signed, sealed and delivered? Personally, I'd be happy if the Fall Fashion galas became a thing of the past, but SJP is still on the Board, and those galas are her brainshild.
  4. They used to have these lecture demonstrations for the Balanchine birthday Saturday in the late afternoon, after the matinee but before the evening show. 11AM on a Saturday is just cruel. Also, the event used to be free, but now they are charging for it. When it was free, the tickets were gone almost immediately. There seem to be a good number of seats left at the moment.
  5. Certainly all the dancers are highly professional. However, I think part of what drives the high caliber performances at NYCB is a sense of competitiveness, especially at the soloist level. Now that there is nobody with authority to promote in charge, I'm concerned that go-for-broke performances may not be in the cards at the present moment. The name of the game for people who are on the cusp of promotion at the moment is probably to just stay healthy until the next AD arrives. I also have to wonder how this state of limbo is going to impact programming for next season.
  6. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    He may still be getting jobs here and there, but the main source of his employment and income are gone, and his reputation has been permanently and damaged.
  7. The misconduct of Louis CK occurred between the 1990s adn 2005. His work with FX started in 2009. The article says that there was no misconduct during the course of his employment with FX. That was the subject of the investigation. FX was not investigating conduct that may have occurred when he worked elsewhere for other employers or entities..
  8. abatt

    Gomes and ABT

    I would be careful to separate out people who are trained journalists and those who are editors or operators of trade publications regarding dance. It's become clear to me that simply being editor or writer of a trade publication does not mean that the person has any actual background in journalism, or the standards applicable to formal journalism.
  9. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/07/arts/television/louis-ck-fx-investigation.html FX recently released information regarding its investigation into the workplace conduct of Louis C.K. The investigation revealed that there was no evidence of workplace misconduct by Louis C.K. Let's hope that NYCB, which receives some public funding, will exercise the same level of transparency upon its completion into the investigation of Peter Martins' workplace conduct.
  10. It's ironic that Scheller left in June because Martins rarely used her, and now Martins is gone. We should have had Scheller for the duration of her career here at NYCB. Nobody has commented on the fact that Megan Fairchild and Andy Veyette are cast in the same ballet (Divertimento). Has there been a thawing of relations?
  11. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/05/opinion/golden-globes-metoo.html?_r=0 An interesting read about the mob mentality of the me too movement.
  12. I don't agree. If she had written "I believe your are siding with an abuser" or "in my opinion you are siding with an abuser", it would have been clear that she was stating her opinion. However, the words that she wrote state as a fact that Martins is an abuser. The exact words used matter, especially when those words are being published to a wide audience in a magazine.
  13. Happy to have her open her mouth if she can give us facts based on her 8 years of employment, rather than relying on DUI's and the Darci incident. That has not happened. By the way, I do believe Alina Dronova's account in the NYTimes, because she offered specifics based on her experience during her employment.
  14. I'm not surprised she threw her hat into the Martins-bashing circus. Based on her history of complaining in the NY Times about her layoff when it happened, my only question is what took her so long to get this little "Open Letter" out there..
  15. There are gradations of harassment, which is why there are gradations of punishment and penalties under the law.
  16. He was never convicted of any crime relating to the Darci incident, and Flack had no personal knowledge of the Darci incident other than what was published at the time. She was not even a member of the company when the incident occurred. Dance Magazine should not allow a disgruntled former employee of NYCB to state her opinion as if it is a fact. At least the other accusers in the Times stated their specific facts to support their allegations of abuse. What does Flack add to this conversation, other than satisfying her own ego to get back at Martins for terminating her, and why is Dance Magazine enabling this? Time for Flack to go back to therapy. ADDED: Flack is purporting to speak based on her knowledge of NYCB as a former employee of NYCB. If she had some specific facts to tell us about her experience as a former employee regarding Martins's alleged abusive conduct during the course of his employment as AD, that would be welcomed. No such facts are presented to us regarding her own personal experiences during her 8 year tenure. Instead, she brings up matters that happened outside of Martins' employment (the Darci incident, DUI)s as her "proof" that Martins is an abuser. Where's the beef, and why is Dance Magazine publishing this ?
  17. No, Flack is stating as a fact that Martins is an "abuser". She presents it as fact, not opinion.
  18. Comparing Sophie Flack's blathering in print to a rape case is absurd. If Flack has no personal knowledge or facts based on her own experiences at NYCB to add, she should never have been given a platform by Dance Magazine to prattle on about Martins and how NYCB dancers should feel.
  19. IN the good old days, before everyone was automatically presumed guilty based on internet postings of someone with a grudge, we had laws protecting against libel and slander.
  20. Exactly. If she has no personal knowledge of any specific facts pertaining to the issue of Peter Martins' abuse, why is she writing an "open letter" in Dance Magazine? To lecture current NYCB dancers as to how they should feel about the situation? I have to wonder whether any attorneys for Dance Magazine vetted this "open letter" before Dance Magazine published it.
  21. She most definitely claims that Martins is guilty of abuse. Her exact words are that if you side with Martins, "you are siding with an abuser". Yet she doesn't offer any facts to support that assertion. Nor does she clarify whether he is guilty of sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, or all of the above. Just more vague claims which are being presented as facts and truths. If a widely read publication is going to give someone a platform for an "open letter" to make an accusation against someon, it really needs to take account of journalistic standards.
  22. Yes, but if Flack has decided that she is judge, jury and prosecutor, and that Martins is guilty of abuse, why wouldn't she provide her own facts to back up that conclusion? At least the Times articles provide specific details from each person quoted, adhering to some form of journalistic integrity. Not so in Dance Magazine.
  23. http://www.dancemagazine.com/open-letter-new-york-city-ballet-2524021433.html Well, terminated dancer Sophie Flack has decided throw her two cents into the mix. She doesn't report on any abuse she endured, but concludes that Martins is guilty and should have been terminated back when Darci called the police on him in the 1990s.
  24. Also surprised that Bouder is cast in the lead of Cortege. Casting against type.. Gina Paz isn't doing the secondary role in Cortege? She's great in that role. Is she injured??
  25. Some letters to the editor at the NY Times re the Martins debacle. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/04/opinion/martins-new-york-city-ballet-harassment.html One letter takes a derogatory view of Board members who have deep pockets but don't care about running the institution. In this day and age, we should all be grateful that some rich people are still giving their money to arts institutions. Why should these board members also have a duty to police the day to day behavior of Peter Martins. Those channels should be set up within the institution itself, and not be the responsibility of the board members.
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