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ABT Swan Lake Met 2024

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44 minutes ago, ABT Fan said:

Agree that Roxander was a marvelous Benno tonight. His jumps and charisma have no competition. I believe tonight was his debut (or did he do this in KC?), but he’s outgrown it already. Give this young man a lead role. Coker was splendid and Kimura was lovely but nervous and tentative in her debut.

Seo had a very odd night - something was definitely wrong. From the start she looked to be phoning it in. There was no emotion, no drama, and she and Stearns looked more like they were in rehearsal, not going full out. Her Odile was the same - except she quickly lost all stamina. She started her fouettés late, I think intentionally stalling, and did all singles rather poorly finishing early . Dramatically, there was no difference between Odette or Odile. Stearns was predictably solid yet unremarkable, but he also had some technical issues here and there. I was actually bored most of the evening.

Sebastian made no impact as PVR. Miyake and Magbitang were excellent Neopolitans. Miyake has enormous potential.

I agree. Seo was disappointing, and something definitely was off.  She has given beautiful performances of Odette the last two years, but not tonight.  

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2 hours ago, stuben said:


Then there is the YAGP factor that I saw in both, Chloe is technically good and solid, however, again I felt she was over exaggerating her every move perhaps to compensate for her lack of emotions. I am bothered by her every move to looking at the audience/camera vs engaging with her partner, every so often as they were together her head was turned towards the audience as if to gain recognition.

As for their partnering it felt over coached, the tempo in the white swan pas was slower than I recall, to the point that if it was any slower I think I would have fallen asleep! Not their fault however, each move they made together looked more like a pose for a photograph. I also noticed Chloe went off point a bit and did travel quite a lot in her fouettés but otherwise was nicely done. I would agree with Vipa that this was a forgettable performance, other than the stage promotion, which I personally expected after reading that NYTimes fluff article. I too feel her promotion is a bit premature but I wish her and the company all the best.


I loved Chloe's line and long limbs in SL, but her phrasing needs  work. Her presentation is choppy.    She was definitely too focused on striking a pose in certain segments of the ballet.  I also felt no real connection between her and Bell.  I  noticed how slowly certain portions of the second act were played by the orchestra.  I thought the music was too slow at times. Chloe was best in Act III, where her strong technique made a big impression.    Hopefully working with Nina Ananiashvilli this summer will help refine her presentation.  



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31 minutes ago, abatt said:

I loved Chloe's line and long limbs in SL, but her phrasing needs  work. Her presentation is choppy.    She was definitely too focused on striking a pose in certain segments of the ballet.  I also felt no real connection between her and Bell.  I  noticed how slowly certain portions of the second act were played by the orchestra.  I thought the music was too slow at times. Chloe was best in Act III, where her strong technique made a big impression.    Hopefully working with Nina Ananiashvilli this summer will help refine her presentation.  



Good to know I’m not seeing things! Her long limbs and lines are nice but those features don’t always make a great dancer, at least not without the emotions. Ballet isn’t just the technique as most YAGP is presenting, storytelling makes the classics what they are. Which is why I feel her promotion is nice but IMHO a bit premature but hopefully it’ll work out for her and the company, since she’s part of the competition world and will draw that audience to the shows.

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Posted (edited)

Regarding this afternoon, someone mentioned Susan Jaffe quieting the audience when she walked out on the stage. Unfortunately, it had little effect where I was sitting, in the balcony. Though I knew what was going on,, the  person sitting with me did not and it took 4 or 5 attempts shouting in her ear to identify Susan Jaffe and tell her what was going on.

Likewise, at the beginning of the performance I had really no idea what the person announcing cast changes said. Not only was the audience noisy, but the person announcing seemed to have  a very weak voice. I like to hear these changes and note them in my playbill if possible. The only words I could hear clearly were "Betsy McBride" but I have no idea whether that meant Betsy was being replaced or replaced someone else.  It was obvious to me that Frenette danced in place of Sumitami as I know what Frenette looks like, but a lot of the dancers, especially corps women, are hard for me to identify.

I keep a sort of running list of things I think the Met needs to address if they ever renovate  -- today I added improved sound system to replacing sagging seats, raising toilet seats, removing 1960s ashtrays from ladies room stalls, AC system that does not require closing all the front doors just when people want to enter, etc.

One interesting thing for me about this performance -- Just the other day I was wondering if Eric Tamm was still with the company. He originally rose to soloist, then quit, maybe walking out in a huff over something, not sure, perhaps 8 or 10 years ago. He reappeared a couple years ago, though this time in the corps. He must be 40 or close to it by now, so I was wondering if he was still there. He was one person I was able to identify today -- I often have an easier time identifying men than women and I think there was something about his hairline I recognized.  In any event, it was nice to see him and I thought he danced well.

Edited by Mary Mellowdew
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Unfortunately, at ABT currently, in my opinion.. there are a few principals who lack both dramatic presence and the technique that Chloe already possesses.. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, abatt said:

I loved Chloe's line and long limbs in SL, but her phrasing needs  work. Her presentation is choppy.    She was definitely too focused on striking a pose in certain segments of the ballet. 

Despite my rapturous response to Misseldine, I can also agree with what you've said here. I do agree there was some choppiness and that she could work on her phrasing. I didn't like how she bopped her foot into position in her extensions. But for me, she was more compelling than what I've seen from most principals over the last 5-10 years at ABT and displayed a raw talent that I deeply appreciate. I've been pretty disappointed in how ABT's promising ballerinas have turned out recently -- at one point, I thought Shevchenko might be the next great ballerina, only to be disappointed by her blandness -- so for me, Misseldine is a bright spot.

Edited by fondoffouettes
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5 hours ago, Mary Mellowdew said:

Regarding this afternoon, someone mentioned Susan Jaffe quieting the audience when she walked out on the stage. Unfortunately, it had little effect where I was sitting, in the balcony. Though I knew what was going on,, the  person sitting with me did not and it took 4 or 5 attempts shouting in her ear to identify Susan Jaffe and tell her what was going on.

Likewise, at the beginning of the performance I had really no idea what the person announcing cast changes said. Not only was the audience noisy, but the person announcing seemed to have  a very weak voice. I like to hear these changes and note them in my playbill if possible. The only words I could hear clearly were "Betsy McBride" but I have no idea whether that meant Betsy was being replaced or replaced someone else.  It was obvious to me that Frenette danced in place of Sumitami as I know what Frenette looks like, but a lot of the dancers, especially corps women, are hard for me to identify.

I keep a sort of running list of things I think the Met needs to address if they ever renovate  -- today I added improved sound system to replacing sagging seats, raising toilet seats, removing 1960s ashtrays from ladies room stalls, AC system that does not require closing all the front doors just when people want to enter, etc.

One interesting thing for me about this performance -- Just the other day I was wondering if Eric Tamm was still with the company. He originally rose to soloist, then quit, maybe walking out in a huff over something, not sure, perhaps 8 or 10 years ago. He reappeared a couple years ago, though this time in the corps. He must be 40 or close to it by now, so I was wondering if he was still there. He was one person I was able to identify today -- I often have an easier time identifying men than women and I think there was something about his hairline I recognized.  In any event, it was nice to see him and I thought he danced well.

I noticed the same thing about the speakers. 

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, cobweb said:

Presumably this is planned in advance, not just some spontaneous decision on the part of the AD. But what if the dancer doesn't give a performance as good as expected... does the promotion get scrubbed? 

Yes, Chloe's position was changed to principal on ABT website not long after I got home, so I imagine the contract must've been drawn up and waiting for her to review and sign before Jaffe walked out onto the stage. I imagine there still may be some degree of spontaneity — i.e., an if the moment feels right factor.

I imagine some of the very slow tempi may have contributed to some of the phrasing issues as well. In my experience, Ormsby Wilkins is one of the more erratic ABT conductors — snd especially in Swan Lake, it seems — so there may have been some surprises there.

Edited by nanushka
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Thanks to all of you for your many insights on Chloe and others. I have mixed feelings about her and mainly was trying to figure out, why has she been singled out as special? Potential galore, but it wasn't like seeing recordings of a young Kirkland or Osipova. Just a few thoughts:

Jake Roxander as Benno was a real treat Wednesday night. I've seen him in Etudes and as Lensky. Give the guy more roles so we can see him! Such an exciting dancer in his athleticism, presence, dramatic ability. One annoying detail when he supported a partner in pirouette: he attentively watches her waist, then jerks his head up with a phony smile to the audience. (Is this what people mean by competition habits?)

Gillian Murphy was the best of the first four to me. Nuance, drama, expressiveness were just so moving throughout. One very small detail I'm noticing: when she hits the iconic pose in attitude, her extended leg is far above her waist, underscoring what a gorgeous position this is. With the other three, they usually extended their leg waist-high, but no higher. 

Aran Bell was the best of the four Siegfrieds, by a mile. The complete package. I thought his dramatic details were nuanced and convincing throughout. The technique, the little embellishments he was able to throw in (especially in black swan), his PRESENCE. If he has competition bad habits, I don't know what they are. And his swan dive at the end - wow! I hope somebody backstage recorded that and posts it on social media!

Purple Rothbart: They called out so many cast changes that I couldn't hear, I'm not sure who did this Tuesday night, but he was the best of the lot. He seemed to hypnotize the maidens and they responded in kind. Several well-deserved laughs from the audience at his antics. 

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1 minute ago, California said:


Purple Rothbart: They called out so many cast changes that I couldn't hear, I'm not sure who did this Tuesday night, but he was the best of the lot. He seemed to hypnotize the maidens and they responded in kind. Several well-deserved laughs from the audience at his antics. 

I think Curley was Purple Rothbart on Tuesday 

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9 hours ago, Mary Mellowdew said:

Regarding this afternoon, someone mentioned Susan Jaffe quieting the audience when she walked out on the stage. Unfortunately, it had little effect where I was sitting, in the balcony. Though I knew what was going on,, the  person sitting with me did not and it took 4 or 5 attempts shouting in her ear to identify Susan Jaffe and tell her what was going on.

Likewise, at the beginning of the performance I had really no idea what the person announcing cast changes said. Not only was the audience noisy, but the person announcing seemed to have  a very weak voice. I like to hear these changes and note them in my playbill if possible. The only words I could hear clearly were "Betsy McBride" but I have no idea whether that meant Betsy was being replaced or replaced someone else.  It was obvious to me that Frenette danced in place of Sumitami as I know what Frenette looks like, but a lot of the dancers, especially corps women, are hard for me to identify.

I keep a sort of running list of things I think the Met needs to address if they ever renovate  -- today I added improved sound system to replacing sagging seats, raising toilet seats, removing 1960s ashtrays from ladies room stalls, AC system that does not require closing all the front doors just when people want to enter, etc.

One interesting thing for me about this performance -- Just the other day I was wondering if Eric Tamm was still with the company. He originally rose to soloist, then quit, maybe walking out in a huff over something, not sure, perhaps 8 or 10 years ago. He reappeared a couple years ago, though this time in the corps. He must be 40 or close to it by now, so I was wondering if he was still there. He was one person I was able to identify today -- I often have an easier time identifying men than women and I think there was something about his hairline I recognized.  In any event, it was nice to see him and I thought he danced well.

Eric Tamm was never promoted to soloist. He was being given some soloist roles and I, along with some others here, thought he was on the path to be promoted. He then quit and became a real estate agent along with Luis Ribagorda, who was also in the corps. They joined the same real estate company in NJ. Then a few years later they both returned to ABT. Tamm wasn’t able to pick up where he’d left off. By then, other dancers had surpassed him and his technique isn’t where it used to be. He’s also been noticeably heavier since coming back. I don’t think he’s been given one soloist or demi soloist role since returning.

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15 minutes ago, California said:

Thanks to all of you for your many insights on Chloe and others. I have mixed feelings about her and mainly was trying to figure out, why has she been singled out as special? Potential galore, but it wasn't like seeing recordings of a young Kirkland or Osipova. Just a few thoughts:

Jake Roxander as Benno was a real treat Wednesday night. I've seen him in Etudes and as Lensky. Give the guy more roles so we can see him! Such an exciting dancer in his athleticism, presence, dramatic ability. One annoying detail when he supported a partner in pirouette: he attentively watches her waist, then jerks his head up with a phony smile to the audience. (Is this what people mean by competition habits?)

Gillian Murphy was the best of the first four to me. Nuance, drama, expressiveness were just so moving throughout. One very small detail I'm noticing: when she hits the iconic pose in attitude, her extended leg is far above her waist, underscoring what a gorgeous position this is. With the other three, they usually extended their leg waist-high, but no higher. 

Aran Bell was the best of the four Siegfrieds, by a mile. The complete package. I thought his dramatic details were nuanced and convincing throughout. The technique, the little embellishments he was able to throw in (especially in black swan), his PRESENCE. If he has competition bad habits, I don't know what they are. And his swan dive at the end - wow! I hope somebody backstage recorded that and posts it on social media!

Purple Rothbart: They called out so many cast changes that I couldn't hear, I'm not sure who did this Tuesday night, but he was the best of the lot. He seemed to hypnotize the maidens and they responded in kind. Several well-deserved laughs from the audience at his antics. 

Tuesday's Purple Rothbart was Curley.  He was very good.  I hope they give him more chances at roles.

California - I must have very similar taste to you because I too believe that Murphy was the best of the 4 O/O's this week, and Bell was the best Siegfried.

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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, ABT Fan said:

Eric Tamm was never promoted to soloist. He was being given some soloist roles and I, along with some others here, thought he was on the path to be promoted.

Yes, I know he was given Ballo della Regina — a pretty impressive assignment. It's too bad he's now relegated to perpetual SL Spanish dancer. It'd be nice to see how he could do with Benno. (McKenzie seemed to be quite averse to Bennos taller than their Siegfrieds; I wonder if Jaffe has the same inclination.)

Edited by nanushka
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Posted (edited)

Tamm had a soloist role in Ratmansky's Of Love and Rage in 2022 but that might be it. 

I'm truly impressed by those who are able to sit through this Swan Lake production for every show or almost every show of the week, ha. The Act II lakeside, black swan pas, and finale are gold but so much of the rest just slogs. It doesn't help when you get stuck with a bad pas de trois. If the costumes for the courtiers and princesses weren't so big and heavy I would be able to enjoy more of the dancing. Once a year is good for me, maybe two depending on casting/scheduling! But I'm thankful for all of the reports here of each cast. 

Edited by matilda
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3 minutes ago, matilda said:

I'm truly impressed by those who are able to sit through this Swan Lake production for every show or almost every show of the wek, ha. The Act II lakeside, black swan pas, and finale are gold but so much of the rest just slogs. It doesn't help when you get stuck with a bad pas de trois. If the costumes for the courtiers and princesses weren't so big and heavy I would be able to enjoy more of the dancing. Once a year is good for me, maybe two depending on casting/scheduling! But I'm thankful for all of the reports here of each cast. 

I feel much the same. After last year, I swore off this production for at least a few years but was drawn back by Chloe's NYC debut. For me, the real killer is the transition between Acts III and IV. McKenzie was sitting about 6 rows ahead of me yesterday, and during that whole section I just kept wondering, "What were you thinking?"

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I agree with all the accolades for Missildine - she was wonderful. With strong technique, exquisite lines and that indescribable "something extra" hers was the first ABT O/O I've loved since Part. I thought she was very dramatic and impactful in all the right places. I loved the Makarova tempo white swan pdd and I thought her 1st lakeside solos were great, both beautifully danced and expressive. I can't remember the last time that passe/ releve solo was so arresting - you could feel that she had made her decision and was tying her fate to Siegfried's. She and Bell were wonderful together and I hope ABT keeps them together, at least in Swan Lake. He is the complete package and so graciously took a back seat in the bows, it was Chloe's night.
Jaffe's onstage announcement of her promotion was thrilling but I agree with the posters here who thought it was premature. She does have a few things to work on like her flow and phrasing but I wouldn't expect a flawless performance from any O/O the first few times out. It's such a complicated role it really requires time and experience to grow into. I think Chloe would have benefited from another season or 2 as a soloist to grow her repertoire without the undue pressure that will come from her meteoric rise to principal. And ABT already has too many female principals. They don't have enough performances for the principals they already have, and now they have another. I hope Jaffe knows something we don't about upcoming principal departures.
Markey took me by surprise, he was the best Purple VR I've seen in a long time. Very clean impressive dancing with those long legs and what charisma, He really commanded the stage and I'd love to see him again. I've seen Sebastian twice this season and he was unbelievably underwhelming.
I was also at the evening performance and agree 100% with ABT fan
11 hours ago, ABT Fan said:

Seo had a very odd night - something was definitely wrong. From the start she looked to be phoning it in. There was no emotion, no drama, and she and Stearns looked more like they were in rehearsal, not going full out. Her Odile was the same - except she quickly lost all stamina. She started her fouettés late, I think intentionally stalling, and did all singles rather poorly finishing early . Dramatically, there was no difference between Odette or Odile. Stearns was predictably solid yet unremarkable, but he also had some technical issues here and there. I was actually bored most of the evening.

Sebastian made no impact as PVR. Miyake and Magbitang were excellent Neopolitans. Miyake has enormous potential.

With the exception of the Roxander pdt and the Miyake/Magbitang Neopolitan this was the most boring Swan Lake I've ever see, and I've seen a lot of them!
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I don't know if this is true but I also can't find any evidence otherwise, Ziggy just posted her congrats to Chloe on insta as the first principal of Chinese descent with ABT (she's half Chinese on her mother's side). I thought surely there must have been another principal of Chinese descent in ABT's past but couldn't find any. Can any of you recall others? 

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Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, balletlover08 said:

I don't know if this is true but I also can't find any evidence otherwise, Ziggy just posted her congrats to Chloe on insta as the first principal of Chinese descent with ABT (she's half Chinese on her mother's side). I thought surely there must have been another principal of Chinese descent in ABT's past but couldn't find any. Can any of you recall others? 

I don't think there have been. Anyone else recall? They have had very few Asian principals in general.

A few other thoughts about yesterday:

I agree with the others that I had hoped Misseldine would not have been promoted this year. She could have used another year (and as nysusan said, the women principal ranks are now very crowded; but Copeland cannot come back at this point, I hope, and I can't imagine Murphy has more than another year in her - I hope not). That said, I still think her debut yesterday was extraordinary. Hers was the first Odette I've seen in a long time that actually made me believe this was a frightened, startled swan. And, she had a dramatically different interpretation between Odette and Odile. As someone else noted up thread, she with Bell had some of the most blazingly fast supported pirouettes I've seen, that seemed to go on and on. Wow. Yes, she had a few "poses" but I'm hopeful those will be softened in time. Her raw talent and immense maturity on stage are evident to me. However, I do understand Jaffe wanting to seize the moment and capitalize on such a debut, in a sold-out theater, for SL! There will never be another moment like that. And, create buzz she did and I can't fault Jaffe for that. She's trying to bring the company back to life, so to speak, and one way to do that is to create excitement around the next generation. She isn't a fool - she knows that some/many of the principals she inherited are not so talented or interesting. Same can be said for the soloists. But, many of them will be retiring in the next few years, including their two remaining stars - Cornejo and Murphy - so now is the time to get the public excited about who is coming up.

Regarding Seo, I do hope she's ok. I should have added in my original post last night that I thought she was phoning it in on purpose, because something was going onThat performance was not her. I hope she'll be back to her normal self by next week's R&J.

I know Hoven is leaving but I haven't seen him onstage once so far. Has anyone else? Katie Williams is also leaving, but I had hoped to see her yesterday as one the Big Swans. Has she danced at all either?

Andrew Robare in the peasant corps really stood out - lots of energy, extended limbs, wonderful engagement with everyone around him and strong technique. Him along with Markey, Coker, Fleytoux, Armstrong, Beyer, Li, and Miyake need to be put forward and given solo roles pronto. Coker, I am hopeful, will finally be promoted after this season. The only current soloists who have potential to move up are Curley, Park, and Roxander. That's a problem.

I will miss Erica Lall. 

Edited by ABT Fan
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I agree with the comment above. Jaffe did not have to promote Misseldine, but the company desperately needs some excitement right now. Yesterday afternoon was incredibly exciting even before the big announcement. Even though Murphy apparently triumphed on Tuesday, next year she'll be 46. I don't even count Copeland as an ABT member anymore. I trust Jaffe has a plan. 

I haven't seen Williams or Hoven on the ABT stage in maybe two years. Williams probably would have danced Myrta last year but I believe she got injured (along with Fang) and that opened up spots for Misseldine and Li debuts. I've seen Williams at several NYCB shows recently though, so she's definitely around. 

I'm very surprised about Seo since she looked so amazing in Onegin and Woolf Works. 



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2 hours ago, matilda said:

I agree with the comment above. Jaffe did not have to promote Misseldine, but the company desperately needs some excitement right now. Yesterday afternoon was incredibly exciting even before the big announcement. Even though Murphy apparently triumphed on Tuesday, next year she'll be 46. I don't even count Copeland as an ABT member anymore. I trust Jaffe has a plan. 

I haven't seen Williams or Hoven on the ABT stage in maybe two years. Williams probably would have danced Myrta last year but I believe she got injured (along with Fang) and that opened up spots for Misseldine and Li debuts. I've seen Williams at several NYCB shows recently though, so she's definitely around. 

I'm very surprised about Seo since she looked so amazing in Onegin and Woolf Works. 



Maybe it was Stearns effect. The bland leading the bland.  The last two years  Bell was her sl partner.

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I see there are mixed reviews, but I thought Chloe was stunning and was the best O/O I’ve seen since Part. My benchmark is and probably will always be Nina Ananisahvili in the role. Yes, Chloe is young, but she will surely develop into a major artist as she continues to dance this and other roles. She is already exceptional at 22.

As others have already noted, Bell is the COMPLETE package and he gave a stellar performance from beginning to end. And WOW on that leap into the lake! Just gorgeous.

I couldn’t hear the name changes over those speakers either, but I was pretty sure it was Frenette as Benno. I thought he did a great job, but as others have already mentioned one of the ballerinas should not have been out there for the pas de trois. Best pas de trois I’ve ever see was Herman Cornejo, Erica Cornejo and Xiomara Reyes shortly before Erica left ABT.

I thought Markey was very good as VR. I’ve only seen dull and unremarkable VRs for a quite a while, so Markey was a welcome change.  Looking forward to Curly’s VR in a few days. 

Missed the promotion on stage as we needed to make our train! 

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26 minutes ago, NinaFan said:

Best pas de trois I’ve ever see was Herman Cornejo, Erica Cornejo and Xiomara Reyes shortly before Erica left ABT

Amen to that! I remember too. 

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