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2023-2024 Season

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20 hours ago, pirouette said:

Here's the link for anyone who's interested: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ubs-DzggnKCrovbCDw3pqIChxma4Ql3/view?usp=sharing

Some of my own personal thoughts: 

  • It's disappointing to see that Emily Kikta only danced four times in the entire season (4T's and Stars & Stripes if I'm not mistaken). I wonder what's going on there. I know issues about height have been discussed upthread, but for reference, she danced 15 times in 7 roles in Fall 2023.  
  • As expected, Phelan danced the most, but it's amazing to see how much Maxwell and Von Enck danced this season!! 
  • Seeing the numbers among the corps — Alec Knight and David Gabriel have certainly had an impressive season!

Would love to hear everyone else's thoughts! :) 

I always appreciate your charts. Thank you for putting it together.

I think Kikta was just unlucky in the rep that was offered this season. I don't see a lot of ballets that they "could" have put her into. Or maybe she wasn't able to perform that often. She was great as Choleric in 4T when I saw it.

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19 hours ago, deanofdance said:

but couldn’t help thinking that “Solitude” would be better without the boy.   Even with the boy, it’s a strong piece — but who wants to feel manipulated into liking a piece —or deterred from saying they don’t like a piece — because of the sentimental atmosphere of a father losing a young son to war/invasion?  Especially when both father and son dancers come out to take a bow together at the end.  

I thought what Ratmansky did with the boy was spectacular, though. Not just him lying there, but

  1. the moment when the boy appears with the two women and then disappears before the father gets there.
  2. the boy being lifted, and then echoing the man's movement
  3. the boy walking upstage amid the rubble, followed by the man's jetés circling the stage
  4. the boy and the man being reunited and the man sheltering the boy as the lights flash brightly

And it's never the only thing happening in the ballet. I felt moved and not manipulated.

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Emma VE and D. Gabriel had  great debuts tonight in Ballo.  Pure joy.  Both are technical wizards.  I cannot wait to see them conquer more of the rep.  NYCB is bursting with talent at all levels. 

I hope Gabriel is promoted to soloist.  After his work this season and the challenging lead roles he has performed so well, he deserves it.    

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Agree about the Von Enck and Gabriel debuts. She sparkles through every inch of her limbs while moving at lightening speed. It's true that Gabriel is a technical wizard but he also projects on stage and partners extraordinarily well for someone so new to the corps. He's in a similar vein as Joe Gordon and Anthony Huxley, and I hope to see him rise the ranks fast. 

The "middle act" of In a Landscape and Hallelujah Junction was for me a pleasant throwback to 2000s-era NYCB. I don't necessarily need to see these works again anytime soon, but I enjoyed them and feel they are worth keeping in rep. In a Landscape was a bit too long and the music on its own did not hold my attention, but the bendy Agon-inspired choreography was interesting enough, and Afakansenkov moved like melted butter in Knight's hands. Hallelujah Junction was well danced by the leads but the four corps couples really stood out. 

I probably don't need to see the Concert more than once every ten years or so, but Maxwell was really, really good as the lead ballerina. She's been at the company for over a decade; why are we only getting to witness her acting chops now?? Appreciate that she's finally having her moment, doing so well particularly in roles previously danced by Hyltin and Lovette. 

Edited by matilda
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Totally agree about Emma Von Enck and David Gabriel in Ballo della Regina last night. Could not be more joyful and delightful. She radiates and sparkles out to the rafters. He looked amazing, very elegant, technically strong, and confident. Great to see!! Mary Thomas MacKinnon made a great impression as one of the soloists, very impactful and strong presence. For other women in the principal role, I'd love to see Alexa Maxwell and maybe Olivia MacKinnon (assuming she can bring her best, buoyant self). 

This was my first time seeing In a Landscape, and I hope it will be my last. For me, this was major dullsville. Alec Knight continues to have a very good season, and I'm sure Afanasenkov was fine (I've liked her a lot in other roles), but my attention drifted off. 

I don't love Hallelujah Junction either, but at least it has a lot of very dynamic dancing. Great vehicle for a stellar KJ Takahashi, and the soloist couples all looked strong, including, once again, Mary Thomas MacKinnon. 

Like @matilda, I probably don't need to see The Concert very often anytime soon. But this was a great opportunity for Alexa Maxwell. Indeed, why have we not seen her acting chops before?? She was just great, vivid, dramatic, and humorous. I see her in some of the Lauren Lovette rep. I recall when Lovette did the Costermonger pas de deux, bringing her goofy humor and breathing new life into this hackneyed section. I could see Maxwell doing the same. (Of course, I always love an excuse to bring back Union Jack!) David Gabriel subbed for Spartak Hoxha as the "yellow sweater" guy. After his very elegant and confident turn in Ballo della Regina, it was surprising and fun to see him as a super-nerdy guy, but he seemed to relish the change. 


Edited by cobweb
name misspelling
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Echo the praise for Emma Von Enck and David Gabriel in Ballo last night. She danced wonderfully all throughout: effervescent, light, fleet.  Her face looked quite tense at the beginning (debut nerves I'm sure) but after she got through her first solo she was just BEAMING for the rest of the ballet and it was lovely to see her joy in her face as well as her movements. I can't believe David Gabriel only joined the corps a year and a half ago. He feels like the full package already. Beautiful jumps, beautiful battement in the air, confident partnering.  The four soloist also all were great.

This was my first time seeing "In a Landscape" and I thought it was excellent. Glad Wendi and Jonathan chose to revive it. What a shame Albert Evans passed at such a young age and didn't have more years to continue choreographing. It's been a long time since I saw it, but I remember him dancing Bugaku and that felt like an influence (in addition to Agon, as @matildanoted): all the slowly intertwining limbs and the lifts and the 90 degree bent arms. Also Duo Concertant, with the repeated motif of the two dancers side by side facing out at the audience and taking each others hands. Even though the influences are clear, it felt like Evans had made something uniquely his own. I found the opening and closing passage, in which the male lead slowly stalks offstage with an arm extended and the ballerina is prone on the ground with an arm in the air, being pulled motionlessly across the floor by the invisible stagehands, to be quite moving. I was impressed by Knight's confident management of all the very tricky lifts (lots of flipping the ballerina upside down, etc) and by Afakensenkov's ability to hold the stage in a minimalist work like this, given how relatively new to the corps she is. 

Hallelujah Junction: it seems almost rude to me how much work Peter Martins puts the dancers through for so little ultimate impact (the choreography looks exhausting--I was close enough that I could hear some of the dancers panting, and it's not a short ballet!) Everyone performed capably but ultimately I find this quite a boring piece. 

The Concert: I hadn't seen this for at least five years and it was fun to revisit it. It's just charming. Alexa Maxwell is first-rate in the mad ballerina role; is there anyone in the company who could outshine her in Robbins at this point? She would be a great Coppelia if they ever bring that ballet back. 

Noticed Alexei Ratamansky was in the audience last night, maybe checking out all the debuts? I could see him making great use of Maxwell's dramatic chops and her comic flair.

Edited by MarzipanShepherdess
one more thought
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On 2/28/2024 at 11:35 PM, pirouette said:

Hi all, I've made yet another chart (this time for the Winter 2024 Season) detailing: 

  • Times Danced: The number of times a dancer danced IN TOTAL (per the casting sheet as of 2/28/24).
  • Roles Danced: The number of roles a dancer danced in (for example, if Nadon danced in The Concert and Solitude, that would count as 2 roles)
  • Debuts: The number of debut roles a dancer had (for example, Maxwell in Opus 19/The Dreamer would count as 1 debut). I counted "NYCB Debuts" as a debut. 

As always, please keep in mind that it's not perfect and there are probably a few human errors in there somewhere. I just thought it would be interesting to see the stats, especially since there has been conversation recently about who might be on track for a promotion. 

Here's the link for anyone who's interested: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ubs-DzggnKCrovbCDw3pqIChxma4Ql3/view?usp=sharing

Also looks a big season for Jules Mabie, who danced almost as much as Alec Knight and David Gabriel though he didn't have as many roles. It has felt like EVE and Alexa Maxwell's season on the ballerina side, and that's definitely affirmed by these numbers! Striking that Andy Veyette had so many debuts so far into his career (five!)

It's interesting what just looking at the casting data illuminates and what it can't take into account. For example, Sara Adams and Jacqueline Bologna clearly danced a lot, with a good number of roles and debuts. But I wouldn't have thought of them as dancers who made big strides seasons in the way that India Bradley did, even though she danced less and had a similar number of roles/debuts, because Bradley got such a prominent debut in the first cast of the new Tiler Peck that got a lot of attention.  Similarly with Afansenkov, she doesn't really pop in the casting data but because one of her two featured roles was a lead role in a pas de deux ballet, it seems clear she's seen as having potential some of her corps colleagues who danced more in more roles aren't seen to currently have.

Thanks so much for collecting this data and tabulating it! @pirouette

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Last night was my third time seeing this program. Agree with the above assessment of the dancers. I think Emma should be promoted to principal. I do like Hallelujah Junction despite it being a bit frenetic. Alston Macgill continues to be my favorite and I think she should be promoted to soloist. She shows her stuff in all the good ways in Martins’ choreography. The Concert can lose some of its allure/humor on multiple viewings. So, it’s nice to have different dancers in the lead to keep it interesting. Agree with the above that Alexa proved herself with both her dancing and acting skills. I am enjoying the company so much right now. There seems to be a new buzzing energy in the performances that makes me want to see as many performances as possible.

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On 2/28/2024 at 11:35 PM, pirouette said:

Hi all, I've made yet another chart (this time for the Winter 2024 Season) detailing: 

  • Times Danced: The number of times a dancer danced IN TOTAL (per the casting sheet as of 2/28/24).
  • Roles Danced: The number of roles a dancer danced in (for example, if Nadon danced in The Concert and Solitude, that would count as 2 roles)
  • Debuts: The number of debut roles a dancer had (for example, Maxwell in Opus 19/The Dreamer would count as 1 debut). I counted "NYCB Debuts" as a debut. 

As always, please keep in mind that it's not perfect and there are probably a few human errors in there somewhere. I just thought it would be interesting to see the stats, especially since there has been conversation recently about who might be on track for a promotion. 

Here's the link for anyone who's interested: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ubs-DzggnKCrovbCDw3pqIChxma4Ql3/view?usp=sharing

Some of my own personal thoughts: 

  • It's disappointing to see that Emily Kikta only danced four times in the entire season (4T's and Stars & Stripes if I'm not mistaken). I wonder what's going on there. I know issues about height have been discussed upthread, but for reference, she danced 15 times in 7 roles in Fall 2023.  
  • As expected, Phelan danced the most, but it's amazing to see how much Maxwell and Von Enck danced this season!! 
  • Seeing the numbers among the corps — Alec Knight and David Gabriel have certainly had an impressive season!

Would love to hear everyone else's thoughts! :) 

Thanks so much for doing this.  It is quite an interesting overview. David Gabriel would be my prediction for the next promotion. 

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Thanks for that detailed and fascinating chart, @pirouette. It's depressing to see Emily Kikta so far down those lists!! Emma Von Enck is at or near the top of all three lists, and I think we all agree her promotion is a no-brainer. Alexa Maxwell is also near the top of all three categories, as well she should be, so while I don't know if they would promote two short-ish women at the same time, it looks like that is coming too. David Gabriel and Alec Knight to soloist also seem likely, maybe they would give Gabriel a little more time though. 

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31 minutes ago, vipa said:

Thanks so much for doing this.  It is quite an interesting overview. David Gabriel would be my prediction for the next promotion. 

I think Alec Knight will also be in the promotion mix.

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Tonight was the first performance of the Stars & Stripes-Tarantella-Tchaikovsky pas de deux-Carnival of the Animals program. A mixed bag. 

The highlight by far was the sizzling Tarantella with Emma Von Enck and Daniel Ulbricht. Both of these dancers blazed with personality and technical wizardry. Ulbricht knows how to amaze and delight the audience and Von Enck is a charmer. A total win. 

Tchaikovsky pas de deux, not so much. It was one of Roman Mejia's sloppier nights, strong on elevation and such, but very loose on form or elegant classicism. And Unity Phelan is all wrong for this role. She simply lacks the attack, speed, and musical precision for it.  

Moving on to Stars & Stripes, I love this ballet. Full of humor and fun, it also shows Balanchine's genius for moving groups around the stage, not to mention creating a large-scale piece with variety, interest, and overall coherence. However, this was not the sharpest performance I've ever seen. Erica Pereira should not be leading the first campaign, she looks tired and wan compared to the vigorous young ladies backing her up. (I kept thinking, put Olivia Bell or Alston Macgill up there in front!!) Ashley Hod (replacing Olivia MacKinnon in the second campaign) was much stronger, but didn't have either the wit or towering domination that I'm used to seeing from Emily Kikta in this role. I have a feeling MacKinnon would have had a lighter touch. The men's campaign is my favorite section, and Takahashi looked good, but some of the guys backing him up did not have the stamina required and were failing to make it around their double tours at the end. In the pas de deux, Megan Fairchild and Joseph Gordon delivered a more wan performance than I would have expected, for sure. I hope they can shape up this entire piece for the remaining performances!

I had never seen Carnival of the Animals and wasn't sure I would like it. My partner, who has very fond memories of the music from childhood, loved it. I found it engaging to see once, but that's about it. Not enough dancing for me. 

I look forward to the matinee. Nadon and Mejia in Stars & Stripes... that should be interesting!!

Edited by cobweb
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Just a few thoughts on last night’s performance:

1) Stars and Stripes — Takahashi was the only one to capture this ballet with the zest and elan needed — and unfortunately for Erica, Alston was right behind her, chomping at the bit — everyone knowing how much better Alston would be if she were cast as the lead.  And to a lesser degree, same for Ashley — who passed more on showmanship than technique.  Ava was dancing right behind her at the end, and I thought — perhaps Ava would be a better fit for this role (but I’m such an Ava fan — she should be cast in so much more).  But kudos to Ashley who subbed for Olivia — I don’t know how much time Ashley had to prepare.  And an “A” for effort to Megan and Joseph — the season has been long and we are near the very end… they have another chance tonight   

2) Tarantella — It looks like Daniel drank from the Fountain of Youth — I don’t think I’ve seen him dance with such ease, with such speed, with such muscularity than he did last night (I know, that is saying a lot!)
3) Tchai Pas — Perhaps Roman has not healed completely from his injury — his dancing here was, for him, subpar and a bit labored.  But the night belonged to Unity — she tamed the beast that is the NYCB audience who came expecting to see Tiler dance a signature role (with her current beau, no less). And she did this with all good things — pluck, determination, desire, talent!  Did I say she tamed the beast?  Actually, she won the beast over.  Bravo!

Edited by deanofdance
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12 hours ago, cobweb said:

Tonight was the first performance of the Stars & Stripes-Tarantella-Tchaikovsky pas de deux-Carnival of the Animals program. A mixed bag. 


Thank you for this review @cobweb, I can't make it to this program, unfortunately so am eager to hear about it. I am a bit surprised that Phelan has been cast in Tchai Pas. Perhaps I shouldn't be, because management seems to cast her in everything. I feel that roles done for Violette Verdy fair best with dancers who have notable musicality and imagination - perfume, as they say. To me Phelan's dancing has seemed kind of bland of late. 

Edited by vipa
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3 hours ago, deanofdance said:

Just a few thoughts on last night’s performance:

1) Stars and Stripes — Takahashi was the only one to capture this ballet with the zest and elan needed — and unfortunately for Erica, Alston was right behind her, chomping at the bit — everyone knowing how much better Alston would be if she were cast as the lead.  And to a lesser degree, same for Ashley — who passed more on showmanship than technique.  Ava was dancing right behind her at the end, and I thought — perhaps Ava would be a better fit for this role (but I’m such an Ava fan — she should be cast in so much more).  But kudos to Ashley who subbed for Olivia — I don’t know how much time Ashley had to prepare.  And an “A” for effort to Megan and Joseph — the season has been long and we are near the very end… they have another chance tonight   

2) Tarantella — It looks like Daniel drank from the Fountain of Youth — I don’t think I’ve seen him dance with such ease, with such speed, with such muscularity than he did last night (I know, that is saying a lot!)
3) Tchai Pas — Perhaps Roman has not healed completely from his injury — his dancing here was, for him, subpar and a bit labored.  But the night belonged to Unity — she tamed the beast that is the NYCB audience who came expecting Tiler dance a signature role (with her current beau, no less). And she did this with all good things — pluck, determination, desire, talent!  Also, she did this with less than ideal prep time and with an unfamiliar partner.  Did I say she tamed the beast?  Actually, she won the beast over.  Bravo!

Agree totally about KJ in Stars.  What I have loved - even just this season - is the joy of watching him putting some weight behind his placement.  It has paid off beneficially on all counts.  Would love to see more performances with him and Emma (well, Emma ALL round) because they looked SO spectacular in the first movement of Si3M.  That, when definitely other principal parts of it were sometimes well off I thought at certain performances.  So too, Alston McGill - she's literally grilling - or is that gunning - for more - and deservedly so.  I so adored her in that first corps couple duet in the Hallelujah travel log.  So too her partner, Victor.  This lad has the most richly expressive port de bras and is such a gloriously telling partner.  I would SO love for him to be given more chances.  He seems always to be in the moment - and he makes those moments uniquely count not only on his own behalf but those of his partners in artistic crime - whoe'er that might be.  They have every chance to fire when lit by his magical touch.  His performance in Odesa was almost another ballet unto itself (whilst never not serving Ratmansky's starkly lucid whole) so vividly did he color the stage.  This Company is SO rich in potential at the moment.  So pleased too for the late celebration of Danny - It's his proper desert and may the autumn  of this balletic summer continue well into an even more heady Fall.  ....  Ava (she of arms and legs reaching unto Albert's heaven) was indeed behind Ashley - who was rightly game - if not entirely musically inspired - but what caught my eye - as it so often does - is M.T. - I have a feeling the music would have been zinging with her at the controls - just look what she did with that stunning 2nd female variation in Ballo.  So, so many gifts to cherish.  


Edited by meunier fan
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A quick note on the matinee. Stars & Stripes was way better than it was last night. Sara Adams was a huge improvement over Erica Pereira (although I'd still love to see someone like Alston Macgill lead this campaign), and Emily Kikta brought her towering domination. It was fun to see her on pointe, standing a whole head taller than Daniel Ulbricht! And Ulbricht was amazing. Dancing at what looks like a new peak. Landings so clean it has to be seen to be believed. Mira Nadon and Roman Mejia were wonderful as Liberty Bell and El Capitan. Nadon is beautiful in that teal-colored bodice with the yellow tutu, gold trim and tassels, and little feather. She danced with spirit and confidence, and leaned into the goofy aspects of the role. Fun all around. 

Sebastian Villarini-Velez and Erica Pereira delivered an enjoyable, if not particularly outstanding, Tarantella. He went heavy on the personality and charm, and she had more energy than usual. Not great, but not bad. 

After reading the comments of the respected @deanofdance about Unity Phelan in last night's Tchaikovsky pas de deux, I went in trying to see if I could find more to value in her performance. In the adagio section she looks beautiful. In the coda, however, I find her lacking in attack. She seems to be just keeping up with the music, and not on top of it at all, so that rather than shape any phrasing, everything is flat as she plows along. I don't find this a suitable role for her talents. 

I left before Carnival of the Animals. 

Edited by cobweb
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I would love to hear reports from tonight's performance. Woodward and Huxley are debuting in Tchaikovsky pas de deux, which seems like an A+ pairing. Also, how are Joseph Gordon and Megan Fairchild in Stars & Stripes? Last night these two consistently stellar performers gave a low-energy, sub-par performance. I'm betting they bounce back tonight. 

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8 hours ago, meunier fan said:

what caught my eye - as it so often does - is M.T.

I love MT! I remember a few seasons ago in Raymonda Variations, she burst out of the wings in a HUGE pas de chat that had the audience agasp. I hope we see more of her!!

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9 hours ago, NinaFan said:

Can anyone tell me how long this program runs?  NYCB says 2:10, but sometimes they're off ....

2:10 is probably fairly accurate. I was at the matinee today and the lights dimmed at 2:03, and I was out of the building by 4:20. Getting out took awhile due to the crowds and the fact that I was seated in the Fourth Ring.

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Saw the show tonight, although I left before Carnival of the Animals. Stars and Stripes was good! Pereira has lost some of the pep in her step from a few years ago, but her dancing was clean and her signature cutesy demeanor works here. Agree with those who think Alston MacGill, dancing right behind her, would have brought better precision and energy though. Hod was her usual glamorous and long-legged self in the second movement, although I think the originally cast Olivia MacKinnon would have shown more personality, like she did in Western Symphony last fall. Takahashi is having a breakout season. I used to think his dancing was too muted but now he commands the stage like a future principal.  

I didn't see Fairchild and Gordon last night, so I can't say whether or not they improved, but it was a solid if not exactly wowzer performance. (Mejia is the company's current El Capitan standard bearer.) Gordon is more of a turner than a jumper but his jumps were buoyant and elegant. No jumps in the seconde tours, but he ended cleanly with multiple pirouettes. Liberty Bell is still a good role for Fairchild at this point in her career and plays well to her soubrette strengths, however, I don't think that will be the case for much longer and next time, it's time to see Von Enck or Woodward!

SPEAKING OF WHICH.... wow, wow, wow to both. Von Enck in Tarantella was such a burst of joy, tearing up the stage with Ulbricht, who is 40ish going on 20ish. He looked like he was going to leap right off the stage in his menage turns. Woodward and Huxley had a terrific debut in Tchai pas; it's crazy these two wonderful classical artists are just debuting this ballet now. Both were exciting, detailed, elegant, musical and technically sound with bold attack. My only complaint was that the tempo oddly slowed down during Woodward's fouettés (maybe it was planned this way), so the only thing missing were the ultra-fast turns I'm used to seeing Tiler Peck do. Still an amazing debut and well worth the ticket. 

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