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Everything posted by abatt

  1. I understand that sometimes the roles of Odile and Odette are split between two ballerinas, although it is much more common to have the same ballerina do both roles. If Odile is actually someone completely different from Odette, having two different dancers as Odette and Odile makes sense. I actually think it woudl be interesting to see two differnt ballerinas.
  2. Since most audiences at ABT talk at full voice durng ballet overtures when nobody is actually dancing on stage, I regard the ABT prologue in SL as a blessing because at least the audience is quiet and you can savor the music, even if you don't care for the McKenzie prologue choreography.
  3. I wouldn't send a newbie to Davidsbundlertanze. I love it, but many people find it tedious. I would send a newbie to a Black & White program (or a program that contained at least one B&W ballet) because I think that it is essential viewing to have an understanding of Balanchine's neoclassical ballets.
  4. I haven't seen these other American SLs. The Mariinsky's version is widely considered to be one of the best in the world. The Mariinsky will be performing SL in Washington DC in 2014 (Late Jan or early Feb). Obviously, casting is always an issue. If you live anywhere within a reasonable distance of D.C., I would recommend going to the Mariinsky SL.
  5. I would agree w. everyone that the Martins SL is a hideous abomination (although I hate his R&J even more than his SL). The only reason to see it is if Sara Mearns is cast. IMHO, most of the other NYCB ballerinas do not excel at story ballets, especially something like SL (though they have many other talents in non-story ballets). However, if they ever decided to cast Tiler Peck as the lead I would be there in a heartbeat. Doubtful that they will give her a shot at the role, though.
  6. Isn't Stearns appearing w. the Royal Ballet during that period, as part of that dancer exchange between ABT and RB. (We got McRae for two shows.) I think Boylston will be appearing w. the RDB as part of that exchange. Surprised that Hammoudi isn't part of the lineup Perhaps he's still injured, I will skip this engagement. By the way, Cornejo will be performing w. Ferri in a dance performance piece by Martha Clarke off-broadway during December. That/'s why he's not in the lineup.
  7. Here is a fascinating article on the claques at the Bolshoi from the NYTimes. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/arts/dance.designated-cheering-spectators-thrive-at-the-bolshoi-theater.html?ref=arts
  8. Thanks to everyone posting their reviews of these performances. It's been a pleasure reading them.
  9. Here's a very sweet story on Troy & Ashley's relationship: http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/from_misstep_to_duet_zR4lXiSwncddil2XqYD8sN The wedding will be in June 2014
  10. abatt

    Ivan Vasiliev

    The difference was pretty striking. Nureyev and Jeanmarie were enthralling. The acting of N/J, their facial expressions- played a big part of why I found them more compelling. In fairness, I think the professional camera work on the Nureyev clip might have had something to do with why I preferred it over the shaky, unprofessional recording of Vasiliev. Wasn't that Osipova in the yellow dress? I didn't find her seductive at all, especially in comparison to Jeanmarie. I think I've only seen this ballet live once, when Julio Bocca brought his own company to NY City Center during the late 1990s.
  11. Thanks. I will try another browser.
  12. Thanks Daniel Benton. I actually tried it both by logging in and by not logging in. The "choose seat by section" choice just stalls and didn't work for me in either case. The only option that works on my computer is "Choose Seats by Price", where the computer selects your seats.
  13. Has anyone else noticed that if you try and buy single tickets, the NYCB website will not show you the seating map with all available seats in each ring? You used to be able to click and select the specific seats you wanted.
  14. Murphy had never danced Giselle at ABT (only Myrta). I believe the NZ performances were her first attempts at the role. I'm questioning why they would film the performances of someone who was relatively new to the role. I would go see the film if it showed in my area, but just the small amount that is shown in the trailer caused me to think that her characterization needs further development.
  15. I 'm plenty nervous about whether Stearns can execute the extremely difficult choreography in T&V.
  16. I thought for sure they would give Lane a T&V since she's done the role before. Whiteside is picking up an impressive array of roles. I recall Fang being lovely in Sylphides, but evidently she is not cast in that ballet. Thanks for the casting info Dale.
  17. Cojocaru was never listed as a principal - only a guest artist. I suspect she would continue to guest w. ABT. If Osipova is no longer performing w. ABT, that will be a real loss of $$$$ for ABT. Osipova, I believe, was someone who definitely boosted ticket sales..Maybe she will be a guest artist, and come in for 1 or 2 shows. I get the feeling that we'll be seeing more of Kochetkova.
  18. Actually, if memory serves the Bolshoi did not bring SL to New York during their last visit. They brought Don Q. Bright Stream, Spartacus and the Pharaoh's Daughter.
  19. I thought it was an interesting documentary, with many thoughtful interviews. I might have reduced the amount of time spent on the trials and tribulations of Rasta Thomas in preparing his show, as that became boring relatively quickly. I especially enjoyed comments from Mark Morris, Judith Jamison, Merce Cunningham, and Freddie Franklin.
  20. Korbes is not American. I believe that's why the Times didn't list her in the article .
  21. Reminder: This program will be on PBS tomorrow evening in NY City. It repeats on Sunday afternoon, July 28.
  22. Didn't O/V both resign from the Mik? Thrilled at the prospect of seeing Sarafanov.
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