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Everything posted by dirac

  1. Former president Obama posted a nice picture from Morrison's Medal of Freedom ceremony. RIP.
  2. True, but Kent also writes that the board cut her off as soon as Balanchine was no longer compos mentis. Such an arrangement to benefit one dancer would be unlikely to work today. American dancers should have pensions, but there just ain't no way.
  3. Argh. Yes, please report back if you can see this. Is there a Nicholas Brothers documentary out there? If not, there is an urgent need.
  4. Thank you, Neryssa. I hadn't heard about this. I didn't know Robbins had even begun work on a memoir, although it's been some time since I've dipped into the several biographies and it may have been mentioned there.
  5. Agreed. And I wouldn't be surprised if the WaPo doesn't replace Kaufman. Congratulations to Kourlas and thanks to the Times for appointing a full-time critic for dance. Dance fans, maybe show your appreciation by writing to the paper and/or subscribing. The Times seems to be easing out the "chief" title for critics when and where it can.
  6. This. Vogue is a fashion magazine largely devoted to ads pitching four-figure frocks. I'm happy to see a ballet dancer on the cover rather than the usual starlet. I hear the assistant editors can’t say hello to Megs unless she says hello first. :)
  7. All of Baryshnikov's dance movies exploited his reputation as a womanizer, with diminishing returns. White Nights, of course, also cast him as a defector. (When he appeared in Sex and the City, it was basically as another variation on this popular image of himself, only he was made an artist instead of a dancer.) He did appear by way of photographs in the recent documentary on Studio 54, shown in the company of Ms. Minnelli. Baryshnikov's career as an American-style celebrity would also be well worth an examination.
  8. Me, too. I'm grateful for any attention to dance and it pleases me that Nureyev still commands so much interest - it's a real tribute to him as dancer and star.
  9. Yes, this came up as an issue for his ABT and Paris Opera documentaries, as well. The technique works well for subjects like High School and Hospital, but when the subject is the performing arts it becomes much more important to know who these people are and what they're performing,
  10. From what I've read Howard knew little or nothing of opera before he made the picture. This could be helpful - a pair of fresh eyes - or it could make it more difficult to discriminate.
  11. Very sorry to hear this. I read him for many years. There was a man unafraid to form an opinion.
  12. Professional performers lipsynching when they are purported to be performing live is IMO not a Good Thing, regardless of how many do it and/or get away with it. Others may disagree. Carreras' voice was never the same after his illness. Few people wanted to say so publicly in so many words for obvious reasons. A lot of privileged men have gotten away with murder under the protective rubric of "manchild," I guess Pavarotti was among them.
  13. Unwilling to work as hard, not knowing the words, lipsynching - yeah, I can understand why some of the grapes would be sour. That said, many singers would have fallen over themselves to have Breslin do for them what he did for Pavarotti, but it wasn't just a case of Breslin waving a magic wand - Pavarotti may have played to the crowd, but the warmth and charisma were real. I don’t think anyone has suggested they did (?) The original Three Tenors concert was for charity and naturally all three had understandable reasons for wanting to cash in on the subsequent furor. Carreras and Domingo were said to be upset because Pavarotti got paid a fat sum under the table, which if true would be a reasonable reason for peevishness. Needless to say, the payment arrangements for future Three Tenors projects were different. The desire to be adored by the masses can be unhealthy. I wonder if the Lovable Fat Guy image sort of took over, to his detriment in all kinds of ways. YouOverThere, did "Yes, Giorgio" get a mention? That's lovely, tha;nk you. Did anyone else see him live - early, late, whenever?
  14. In France Robson and Safechuck are getting sued by fans under France's defamation of the dead legislation. The spokesman for the Jackson estate speaks wistfully of how nice it would be if we had such laws in the States - imagine, yet another avenue for intimidating accusers!
  15. I recall an interview with Sutherland where she mentioned his height. Evidently she was accustomed to towering over her tenors and Pavarotti was a refreshing change. It's rather sad to compare the tall handsome young man of his earlier years with the blob of his later ones.
  16. Here's Miss Farrell: Thanks to lmspear for linking to this thread!
  17. There's also the issue of profiteering by the estate and the ongoing attacks on the credibility of his victims. I think Jackson's music should be accessible to anyone who wants to hear it, but a big jukebox musical is another matter entirely.
  18. They have, but the balance used to favor the high arts and the Kennedy Center Honors were one of the few places, if not the only place, on network television where they were spotlighted, and also the award was given to recognize individuals or musical groups, until the group honor for "Hamilton," which I thought was another concession to ratings and trendiness. It's hard because I like Sesame Street as much as anyone, but it's a slippery slope. All of this year's nominees can be justified individually - the Honors have never recognized an R&B group before, for example. It's the larger pattern that concerns me.
  19. There's some footage of Pavarotti singing with his father in the PBS documentary. Not sure that I would go as far as Pavarotti, based on that, but his father could certainly sing. I meant more along the lines of what kind of tenor he was, what made him different from other with some of the same capacities, his musicianship or lack thereof.
  20. Sesame Street is great but I have misgivings about the KC honoring TV shows, particularly ones not connected to the high performing arts.
  21. dirac


    Welcome to the board, epaulement! Delighted that you decided to delurk.
  22. Julia Farron has died at age 96. Related.
  23. Taylor's "Green Goddess" Rolls Royce is going on the block. The shade of green is just yummy.
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