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Everything posted by cubanmiamiboy

  1. I can't remember where, but i sure read-(was it here in BT?)-that Vasiliev had visited Panov after the last one's fall to offer support, in which Panov asked him if he wasn't afraid about being seen with him, to which Vasiliev answered that ..."hell yeah, i am..."
  2. Just came home from George Michael show. Wow, and i mean WOW.! Mr. Michael absolutely delivered the best concert I have seen in years! He was ON! The crowd was crazy for him, dancing and singing with him. He left it all on the stage as did we. King George had everyone on their feet from the first song and I only sat down on the ballads. Again, this was one of the best shows I’ve seen ” EVER”! The stage set up was very European looking. It was like one big club scene from the 80’s….what fun. George looks better than ever , is in GREAT shape and his voice is as heart-meltingly beautiful as ever. His energy and joy were contagious. The backup singers and band were amazing too. This show touched all who were in the audience…..it crossed all race, age, gender, sexual preference and economic lines…..it was all about the great music…and the MAN himself! My head’s still full of the stunning music and stage show. Definitely…one of the best shows I’ve seen in ages! Thanks George! Coming up...Janet Jackson, Tina Turner and the Queen herself...Ms. MADONNA!!
  3. Hey there!.. Not familiar myself with the Broward theater either Susan. About the seating, honestly, i rarely seat where originally assigned. Always wait after they officially close the doors, and quickly move to the orchestra area, where I've NEVER failed to find an empty seat. Habits from old Havana days... About the music, what's the need for a bad expensive orchestra when you can have a beautiful and cheap recorded Fedotov...? Nonsense. Aurora's Wedding's orchestration was a full blast abomination. (Ha, i got it in verse! )
  4. So I'm finally on my way to get the DVD. (Thanks Goro!). Oh, well, so with this my own Cuban collection grows considerably. My "Giselle" : Alonso/Vasiliev My "Swan Lake": Hayna Gutierrez/Miguel Angel Blanco My "Fille": Carlos Acosta/Nunez. and now...my "DQ": Viengsay Valdes/Frometa. not bad at all...
  5. Interesting enough was to find the "non private coaching" concept widely justified by Farrell in her book. Talk about differences.
  6. The two tops of my list are Don Quijote and War and Peace. Then, there is some Proust, Joyce...and yes, Tom Jones also.
  7. Ah, the sentimental impulse. I didn't read it myself till after visiting Ireland and the Martello Tower where the first chapter is set. Count me in...so we make three.
  8. Beautiful the way he describes Prodigal Son. I felt the same sense of possession that i always found in Mme. Alonso when talking about Giselle, Farrell describing DQ or Kirkland The leaves are fading. They are their babies...
  9. both. (e.g-Was Bujones just american...? No, he was Cubanamerican.)
  10. Great story. I almost had a similar experience with a cab driver. When i realized what was he was trying to do-(i was pretending not knowing my way)-i told him straight forward the streets i wanted him to take, which i knew very well. He kind of got annoyed, but i don't care.
  11. Very touching indeed...I wish Matthew the best outcome, and admire his honest yet vulnerable thoughts.
  12. Yeah, i remember the thing with the rehearsal in which Kirkland was driving him crazy with her frantically stopping, repeating and over detailing. He had enough of it and just walked off, leaving her in the middle of the rehearsal. They didn't see each other until performance day, where she was lovely and calm, so they danced beautifully.
  13. Bart, you are right about this. “Duende" is a term often used in Spain to describe flamenco singers or dancers who have/transmit that untranslatable quality. The world stayed after Lorca spread it in Havana around the first half of the century. It defines a mixture of strength, rapture, rawness...It can be used in any other context by extension, to describe someone or something that has much depth and impact. Generally it’s applied to the darkest most dramatic side of the artistic process. Marta Garcia, one of the stagers of the ballet, has a deep knowledge of Lorca and its works-(she used to dance beautifully Alonso's version of "Blood Wedding"). Garcia's DQ definitely has “duende”, but then it also has “ache”-(if Spain is our mother land ,then Africa would be the father…Valdes and Frometa, with their typical racial mixed heritage, have lots of ache). Look up the word, as homework…It’s also very interesting. And as we say... "Ache pa'ti!"
  14. I'm surprised to know about this performances too. While reading their books i often wondered would be for a dancer NOT to access a specific role because of Company Repertoire issues. I guess the answer is simple: take it or leave it-(right Gelsey...?) Well, now i see an alternative which i didn't think about before: guesting-( if such is permitted, right?)
  15. Bravo for los cubanitos ! (I knew they had to take some metal home.. , so Silver Junior for Osiel and Bronze Senior for Rodrigo) Not bad at all...
  16. I just whish i could have seen her "Theme..." ! (Did you see her Annettefan ?)
  17. I'm posting a link to a parallel thread on the availability of the Cuban dvd. But PLEASE, everyone, keep posting your thoughts about comparative Don Q's on this thread. http://ballettalk.invisionzone.com/index.p...c=27637&hl= I've not seen the Cuban version, but my feeling based on snippets of other performances is that Alonso's company has the passion and the feeling for the material -- possibly, for the IDEA of the material, or even the profound cultural belief in "Spanish temperament," as expressed by the following icon: It comes natural. We're all descendants from Spaniards-(and not that far, as Cuba was a Spanish colony up until my great grandparents times)-and hence, flamenco culture is very strong. There are lots of flamenco nightclubs and even a flamenco-based National Ballet Company, very strong and as helped by the government as NBC. Viengsay's last name is "Valdes", so she also comes from a Spanish family, as well as "Frometa", her partner. Also, Mme. Alonso's version wasn't done by her totally, but rather with equally two third parts of help from two of her legendary ballerinas from the 70's, Maria Elena Llorente-(the best Cuban Lissette of all times)-and Martha Garcia-(which always was the best to interpret those roles of Lorca's writings at CNB). Sarabita used to be great in the role of Basilio back then, and he even danced it with Valdes. That's why i can't wait to see him in Eddie's version.
  18. It was the National Ballet of Canada. Thanks, dirac. I'm still curious about Farrell on this...specially her Odile...(that's why i was wondering if someone had seen it). I'll dig a bit online about it...for some review or something...
  19. Is this a production of the Nutcracker...? (The guy from the Spanish Dance, and the girl as a Shepherdess...you know, from the Marzipan's Mirlitons music ?)
  20. oh, God...yes..."Prairie"...well, THAT was a disaster... Do you mean that sincerely...
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