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Everything posted by richard53dog

  1. I think the nomenclature is more spotty than that. ABT shows Florimund in their archives, also on the telecast of the complete ballet in the late 70s, Florimund is used. The Royal Ballet uses Florimund extensively, as far as I can remember, going back to the performances I saw in the 60s and 70s, the Prince was Florimund. Also their two DVDs show Florimund. Although I've not seen it yet, the Netherlands production uses Florimund on their DVD from a few years back. So I guess it depends where you are and who put together the production. (The POB seems to use Desiree, that may be because that was the name Nureyev knew from the Kirov production) But to add to the confusion, I think when the ballet was first staged in England Desiree was used. I'm pretty sure on this, but they didn't use this name very long. ABT used Prince Charming back in 1941(?) Richard
  2. Cris, so would this be closer to Sergeyev staging for De Valois in the 30s? Or am I going back too far or on the wrong track altogether? In any case I'd love to see it and wish you all the best of luck. Richard
  3. Ha, why am I not surprised. Diaghilev seemed certainly to understand the importance of publicity/promotion. Also of negotiation and self promotion. Even to this day, although some aspects seem distressing to a greater or lesser degree to a lot of us, getting behinds into seats remains very important. Richard
  4. No small consideration, if you ask me! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Another consideration is that there's no competition from NYCB on Monday nights. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I think the two audiences are to a large degree two different universes. But using the logic of less competetition, ABT could get away with skimpier casting then on Mondays rather than loading up the performances, don't you think? Richard
  5. Well, the the 4 NY/CA performances used to be on the schedule on her website and are all now gone so..... I would consider that hard info as she seems to take a lot of time with her site (or else has someone do it for her) Someone had pointed out to her that her ABT dates this Summer in NYC didn't watch what ABT had on their calendar and she admitted that she noted that and corrected it. I only say this because diferrent performers handle their sites in different degrees of care; she seems to use a lot Richard
  6. Bart, Well I finally saw this live last night as opposed to the telecast, which I disliked so much I shut off. I had trouble too trying to take the dancing out of context so as to block out all the other stuff (sets, costumes, choreography) but my success with that was only intermitent. This was mostly only when Sylve was dancing as she approached it in a somewhat abstract way. I thought her performance had tremendous authority to it, although as Oberon notes, it wasn't a trouble free evening for her. Within a minute of her entrance, a lift went back and she ended up on the floor. I would agree with Oberon though on the Ballroom pas de quatre, it had plenty of sizzle to it and a great sense of flow. I can't see myself going back to this very soon. Richard
  7. As I noted earlier, Abe Books has several of these books. On The Sleeping Ballerina they have 6 copies. They run $20 - $60 Richard
  8. Oh...............I was just wondering about that. I've been eyeing going to a Sleeping Beauty in March at Lehmann College in the Bronx. Actually I was just looking at the caledar of the college to see if it was the Russian National Ballet today. So the Tchaikovsky is the Perm State. I may try to make the MArch 6 date for the Beauty. To confuse me further (easy) I have a note on my calendar for the a Swan Lake real close to where I live in NJ. That one is going under the name Perm State. It's tempting for two reasons; I might find Makarova's version more to my liking that the two on show in NYC and it's a 10 minute drive. But thanks for the lowdown Bart. I wonder why they go under different names as they move around. Richard
  9. Silvy, Just a hint. I have no financial conection with either of these outfits but two dealers that have lots and lots of used books are alibris.com and abebooks.com. Abe has copies of some of those mentioned above. It also never hurts to check Amazon (just go through the portal above), they have a surprising amount of out of print books. Good luck! Richard
  10. With all the ice skating I've been watching , at a quick glance I thought it was a skater going into a Beilman! Richard
  11. Yes, for myself this isn't exactly my wish list of dancers I don't get to see much that I'd like to see. Last year I went gaga over Cojocaru and Vishneva I'm sure though that for others, this will serve as a drawing card. But I'm going to skip it, I don't feel like paying a premium to see that slate . Also I'm cautious what I buy in mid winter. I live in NJ and if we get a foot of snow, the $$$$$ I paid out goes down the drain. Unless I drive into Manahattan, all the other posibilities involve multiple links. And driving in a snowstorm isn't fun. Besides they could close the roads to non-essential traffic Same day purchases are safest and I think this may be long since sold out by the day of the performance Richard
  12. She also dances the young girl on in Spectre on the Kirov Celebrates Nijinsky DVD. From the notes, it lookes like that was taped in 2002 Richard
  13. Yes , that's my thought. It's a lovely expressive device that can be overused. And it also depends what rep it is used in. Richard
  14. And who knows how many times this will change over the next few months. Actually , I got a call to renew my subscription this week, the lady told me subscribtions were closing but I they are still offering them on the ABT website. It was sort of a weak moment so I just renewed. I figure; first, the exchange policy is so liberal and secondly: my perfomrances are Monday nights which are often the first night of the run and have the secondary roles really heavily loaded. It's sort of like a crap shoot I guess Richard
  15. Beck Hen, I don't feel quite so strongly but I do get your meaning. I sometimes miss the firmness of a very precise, defined line. Still in other situations I find ithe high extensions impressive. Richard
  16. Doug, Thanks so much. I know I for one am finding this thread really fascinating. Richard
  17. This is a "me too" but what an explanation!!!!!!!!! Thanks Ismene Richard
  18. Well this may give an idea. I didn't see the NYT ad but last year 4th ring was either $60 or $65. All the tickets did sell and it was really tough to get one that evening. Richard
  19. Cygnet, My thought too. I tend to shy a bit clear of absolutes (i.e. "the best") but man I fell for her in a big way last year with her Firebird DVD, the Stars of the 21rst Century and her ABT dates in NYC. In NYC Swan Lake, Giselle, Ballet Imperial (I missed Don Q). Wow. If she had gone to Detroit on the Kirov Tour I might have gone. Anyway, I'm now a big fan. Maybe next month in Kings of Dance???????????? Richard
  20. I very much agree with Kay here. First of all, I always try to infer that this is my OPINON, that it is subjective I'm not holding myself up as the ultimate authority . No one can be right or wrong except when discussing objective issues (Sublimova did 30 1/2 fouettes and many other more subtle issues.) And I agree if everyone falls into line like a cheery soldier it gets kinda boring and gee if I went through the trouble of buying a ticket and going to the theater, well I think I can say whether I liked Sublimova or not. Again, always in a civil context (I see this last as being different than trying to be positive all the time) Richard .
  21. Paul, I'm a great 6 ft under fan too. I went through terrible withdrawl when it ended. I don't remember this scene all that clearly though. Is this where Claire is sitting in an empty classroom with some photo work she has done? And she goes into the fantasy while daydreaming for the teacher to show up? And it ends with her realizing she is missing a leg or am I mixing your scene with another one? Richard
  22. tortured? How about torturing? I think that whole role was a mechanism to be negative enough to force a final resolution of the plot. Maybe the "nicest"way to describe the character is "self-absorbed". Richard
  23. Harry, let me say hello too. It's nice to hear from you. And your English is fine. It's great to hear from people that are from various corners of the world, it gives te board more of a global sense of what is going on as well as a more global perspective. Best, Richard
  24. rg, Thanks for the info. There are probably a lot of details that have just fallen through the cracks over the years and I guess there will always be gaps. But still, even though I'm not much of a fan of character dances, I find the Bronze Idol very mesmerizing to watch, whatever the source for the music. So thanks for your comments. .....and thanks , too to Solor for starting the thread. Even if there is no more information I have found this fascinating. Richard
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