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Everything posted by dirac

  1. I suspect they are unpersuadable, volcanohunter. Those platitudes you mentioned are actually pretty decent points if well and forcefully argued but they're not going to move people who regard the arts as the most expendable items in any given budget. (You can also point out that one's own tax dollars routinely go to projects or activities one views as unnecessary or worse, but in my experience that doesn't do much good, either.)
  2. It's quite clear from the article that CNS News is definitely unhappy. I posted this article in the LInks this morning and went back and forth about it, not because of the source as the tone. But links must be posted without fear or favor. I especially liked this: Standing up for the little guy, by gum.
  3. Traiger's descriptions sound dimensional enough to me, but then that 'particular strand of feminism' is by no means exhausted for this observer. I'm not familiar with Wood's work, myself. Thanks for this, Ray. Not being on the spot, it's hard for someone like me based on the west coast to gauge the accuracy of points like these in the article.
  4. Probably some of it doesn't, but in many cases it wouldn't be reasonable or desirable for the government to demand or expect consistent returns, financial or aesthetic, from the money it gives to artists, in the same way that scientists receive public funds for research and experiments that don't always pan out. There is a public benefit involved in maintaining a healthy arts community. In these troubled times it's also an effective form of stimulus, keeping people gainfully employed and producing.
  5. Me, too. I had thought about making the trip and decided against it and now I'll be kicking myself indefinitely. It's so great to read and hear about this kind of excitement and these performers. Thank heaven for our correspondents, and the ample news space afforded the British reviewers.
  6. It's been many years since I read 'Off Balance' but it made a strong impression and like Marga I too would like to hear about Ms. Goza and what became of the dedicated young dancers of the book. Thanks for posting, Michael.
  7. It is an inspiring story, Marga. Neal should have had a charmed life and career, talent recognized early, great looks and star quality. Her first misfortune, minor in retrospect, was coming along as the studio system was flailing and it was tougher for young stars to get the right kind of grooming and opportunities. (I'm sure The Fountainhead looked great on paper, but....) Then of course the tragedies with her children and later the strokes happened just as she was really coming into her own. Dahl...was a piece of work, no question. Remarkable man, but.
  8. By an odd coincidence, this appeared in the Telegraph just last week.
  9. Patricia Neal has died at age eighty-four. Neal's stage work is highlighted in this obit from Broadway.com.
  10. Gould condescends a bit. And there are many television series that wouldn't be remembered well by their pilots if that was all one had to go by to judge them, although it doesn't appear that Miller's format changed much. He did bring soloists on later, I think.
  11. I had the same thought after seeing Vasiliev in photographs - his size didn't look imposing enough for Spartacus. I'm glad to be wrong. Your review brings to mind Croce's line about the Bolshoi being the only company able to dance Spartacus and the only company that would wish to. Thanks for your reviews (and the others on this thread). Sounds like a thrilling experience.
  12. Zinn's FBI file is released. He was under surveillance for twenty-plus years. Interesting reading, if only as an account of tax dollars at work.
  13. 1972 would make sense. Croce opened a number of gigs for Allen around that time. Thanks for posting this, Mme. Hermine.
  14. Thanks for this, cubanmiamiboy. Tennyson's swan dies on an almost triumphant note: I had to look up coronach.
  15. Nothing wrong with that at all. Of course, not all who regard themselves as members of an elite are correct in their own estimation.
  16. Sounds like a great choice for your book club, chiapuris - lots of food for discussion there. Let us know what you (and your club) thought of it.
  17. Thank you for posting. Very sad news. His recent pieces in the NYRB have been most moving.
  18. The only time the Trocks worry me is when it becomes evident that they've started thinking of themselves as "real ballerinas."
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