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Everything posted by Helene

  1. I loved Markova's legs and feet, but found her upper body and especially her arms, aside from when they were in high fifth, rather lifeless. I much preferred Danilova both from the waist up and in the way her upper and lower body matched in style and energy.
  2. Helene

    Misty Copeland

    As noted in yesterday's Links, Misty Copeland will dance Odette/Odile with the Washington Ballet next April opposite Brooklyn Mack. http://balletalert.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/39403-misty-copeland-on-marketplace/
  3. Thank you for sharing your impressions AlexL, and welcome to Ballet Alert!
  4. http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/jackalope/2014/11/ballet_arizonas_dancers_choice_blends_classic_ballet_contemporary_choreography.php?page=2 7:30pm
  5. This is a list of ballets; Cunningham would be duking it out for the top on a list of modern dance works. Unfortunately, there aren't as many modern dance DVDs out there.
  6. From a new email: Dance Books is delighted to announce a new edition of Frank W. D. Ries's 'The dance theatre of Jean Cocteau'. First published in 1986 at the then exorbitant price of £60 (today's equivalent of nearly £150) the book's high price put it out of the reach of many potential readers, and we very much hope that our more reasonable priced edition will give this fascinating and very readable book the wider circulation it deserves. In an artistic career spanning five decades, and for which he was best known as poet, artist, dramatist, designer and film-maker, Jean Cocteau was also involved, directly and indirectly, with nearly twenty ballets. While he was not in the strictest sense a choreographer, his influence on such works as Parade, Le Jeune homme et la mort, Orphée, and La Dame à la licorne was all pervasive – from the “poésie” of the dramatic action, to lighting, to costume and set design. His creations, in collaboration with composers and choreographers, were fully integrated theatre pieces. Frank Ries has researched all of Cocteau’s ballets and, using interviews, Cocteau’s own writings, reviews and critiques – some of which have never before been translated – presents this survey and analysis of Cocteau’s involvement in the world of dance. He re-creates, from a new perspective, a portrait of a poet charged by Serge Diaghilev in pre-World War I Paris to “Astonish me!” and who made that command the inspiration of his career in dance. http://www.dancebooks.co.uk/the-dance-theatre-of-jean-cocteau-p-376.html?sesid=gihe75effe6afdru7bc3a13eu6
  7. I've merged Ilya's review into Amour's review on the Giselle in NYC thread: http://balletalert.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/39457-giselle-in-nyc-reviews/ Please feel free to open threads for each ballet program as you see them.
  8. Some on the harder-to-find/jump-on list are available on DVD: "Agon" and "Concerto Barocco" in the "Balanchine in Montreal" series "Agon" Pas de trois and Pas de deux in the "Balanchine Celebration" series "Apollo" on the Jacques d'Amboise DVD (also "Afternoon of a Faun") "Four Temperaments" on the "Dance in America" series "The Dream" with ABT "A Midsummer Night's Dream" with PNB (live from London) "Gaite Parisienne" film with Danilova and Franklin "The Green Table" with Joffrey Ballet "Monotones I & II" on the "Ashton Celebration" DVD "Le Sacre de Printemps" on the "Stravinsky and the Ballets Russes" DVD (Mariinsky Ballet)
  9. Helene

    Olga Smirnova

    Laura Capelle tweeted the news and replacements: https://twitter.com/bellafigural/status/532268964215529473 https://twitter.com/bellafigural/status/532269599472222208
  10. G-d forbid a group of anyone's fans go to the ballet and cheer.
  11. Does anyone know where a legitimate, small business would advertise to find dancers for commercial ads? I assume large companies would go through agencies, who make the arrangements, but are there any publications and/or specific job boards where the request would be posted?
  12. The Mikhaiovsky won two Golden Sofit ballet awards. Their tweet:
  13. The Mariinsky Theatre has tweeted results of the Golden Sofit Awards, prizes for artistic achievement in St. Petersburg: https://twitter.com/mariinskyen/status/532249776956641280 https://twitter.com/mariinskyen/status/532249758409457664 https://twitter.com/mariinskyen/status/532249728436948993 Congratulations to them :flowers:
  14. The Mariinsky visited City Center in April 2008: http://balletalert.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/26936-mariinsky-nycc/
  15. Megan Fairchild is delightful in Kimberly Falker's new podcast interview all about how Fairchild got the part, the rehearsal process, and performing the show: http://balancing-pointe.com/megan-fairchild-broadway-town/ or it can be downloaded from iTunes.
  16. For example, in 2011, Kevin O'Day, Robert Glumbek, and Luches Huddleston Jr. performed "Full Bloom" at the Chutzpah Festival in Vancouver; this work was about being an older dancer. O'Day and Glumbek collaborated on "The Four Seasons," that they toured in 2013. O'Day, AD of Ballet Mannheim, choreographed "We will..." for Glumbek and Ballet BC AD Emily Molnar. That doesn't cover the commissions and collaborations that Whelan, Guillem, and Baryshnikov -- mainly through White Oak, but as late as last year with Mark Morris -- have done, or the roles that are integrated into ballets like the Bournonville ballets or Kudelka's "Four Seasons," which featured Lorna Geddes and Hazaros Surmeyan in a great role, or Widow Simone and the Stepsisters in Ashton's "La Fille mal gardee" and "Cinderella." And, of course, Merce Cunningham, who created parts for himself into his '70's.
  17. bookworm, you don't have ten posts yet, and are still a New Member, which means you don't have PM privileges. If anyone wants to get in touch with bookworm, please send email to the Contact Us link at the top of the page, and we will forward the info to bookworm.
  18. i would rush to buy a ticket to see Gomes hand out appetizers on trays, he's that good.
  19. : https://www.facebook.com/daniilsimkin/photos/a.661219130581995.1073741829.658722760831632/762232197147354/?type=1&theater
  20. I really loved Symphonie Concertante. Even if I hadn't like the choreography, the music is divine. (Unlike Gounod Symphony.) It would seem like medicine to Tallchief: in the Six Ballerinas doc, she said that Balanchine was trying to teach her to dance by watching and emulating Leclercq's technique.
  21. ABT has at least two Balanchine ballets that NYCB never performs: "Bouree Fantasque," the ballet that made me go to NYCB in the first place, and "Symphonie Concertante." McKenzie isn't the first AD at ABT to sprinkle some Balanchine into the ABT mix: it's been a tradition there since before Children of Balanchine started their own companies and every company in the world is eating from the Trust's trough. It's not as if he's greatly expanded the Balanchine rep at ABT. In fact, aside from NYCB, none of the so-called "Balanchine" companies do more than three-four Balanchine ballets per season, and that includes the companies that perform his "Nutcracker." Peter Boal is programming the two-four Balanchine ballets a season and is acquiring the Balanchine "Nutcracker" for next season. We've had a Wheeldon evening and a Wheeldon world premiere, a new Peck, two from Ratmansky, etc. the usual, very welcome suspects. Most people don't live in NYC and see one or two companies each year. While critics could call the Wheeldon that PNB brought to the Joyce same-old re-heated Wheeldon that he's done for NYCB sixteen times already, Seattle audiences haven't seen the other sixteen works, nor have we seen Peck's work, or Scarlett's, and I'm happy to see anything by Ratmansky except "Anna Karenina" (again). Some of the reasons that companies perform the same Balanchine -- although few see more than a couple of companies do any ballet -- are: only three companies in the US have the roster to do the biggest ballets, like "Vienna Waltzes" and "Union Jack," and even "Who Cares?" and "Symphony in C" can be a stretch for a mid-sized company, the Trust restrictions on sets and costumes makes ballets like "Liebeslieder Walzer" cost-prohibitive, even if it's a small cast, the Trust controls which company can do justice to what ballets, and there tend to be "starter" ballets and a progression for acquisition. I prefer when ballet companies perform ballet, not modern or contemporary dance.
  22. There's one person who has been at almost every Q&A I've been at and asks the dancers directly which roles they want to do, so it would be hard for them to hedge that.
  23. Week two casting is up: http://www.pnb.org/S...Choice/#Casting There are a number of debuts in "Rassemblement": Leah Merchant and Elle Macy on Thursday, November 13, Laura Tisserand, Sarah Pasch, and Jessika Anspach (with Merchant) on Friday, November 14 Leta Biasucci makes her debuts in "A Million Kisses to My Skin" and "Debonair" on Friday, November 14 Lindsi Dec makes her debut in "Before/After" (with Jerome Tisserand) on Friday, November 14. Joshua Grant makes his debut in "Debonair" (with Lindsi Dec) on Friday, November 14. Director's Choice 5 Nov.xlsx (You don't have to be logged in to download.)
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