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Everything posted by maps

  1. Anyone seen the 1963 The Haunting based on The Haunting of Hill House? Netflix series? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0057129/ Some developed an aversion to homes with similar architecture after Amityville Horror. https://www.theloop.ca/the-amityville-horror-house-is-up-for-sale/ At auction-clawfoot tub, beamed ceilings, original millwork/floors, some exposed brick inside, white kitchen, view, 4 sides brick: https://derosaexchange.com/auburncastle
  2. Not engaging. The Washington Ballet did great adaptive use of sites. https://www.facebook.com/43875516691/videos/2611017455779623/?__so__=channel_tab&__rv__=all_videos_card Choreography is at: 38:00 pdd Onuki-Kriza - steps of National Cathedral - night shoot with lighting 49.13 Center Stage in Cathedral parking garage-choreography by a dancer who was in PR for the pandemic 30:55 Sombrerrisomo - reimagined for outdoors using landscape architecture by the choreographer while in Europe[believe Cathedral organizations grounds]
  3. Happily watched The Mariinsky class! It's on FB - while there check out Gabe Stone Shayer rehearsing DQ with Skylar Brandt and coached by Corella! Sunshine through the gloom. ABT's on at 3:45 and this is a great addition for WBD viewing: https://www.facebook.com/gabe.shayer/videos/10159274649659575/?__tn__=%2CdCH-R-R&eid=ARBlbseUGyQFUYLi8opkVz5VrGWH1gtGyUjpKoJiA__uTbBfMFQnwmzgNgxRXH6V-FZAN4WtoMhro_Iv&hc_ref=ARRoaCL_2d-JHazvq6hAld_yKr98fOFHtLebnpiFu2HZ8It-edBvTk-5tdK1fsmImtY&fref=nf Realistically what will I see live in 2021? Each month increases the chances so by late April and May might be ABT DQ and TWB SL? Miami is doing a 2020 live Nutcracker outdoors which is a good prototype for venues like Wolf Trap [has state of the art equipment ] : https://www.miamicityballet.org/nutcracker?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI44Wv2tjZ7AIVwtSzCh3dFwsEEAAYASAAEgJGGfD_BwE I loved the broadcast of the Arja FB especially since the Bouder FB was my first cancellation. Miami also had a fun pop up studio with tutus in the windows on Lincoln Road.
  4. Are there any longer videos of Abrera in White Swan at Kaatsban?
  5. And "The Need to Go" WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/coronavirus-reopen-bathrooms/2020/05/18/a6ed57fc-93ba-11ea-82b4-c8db161ff6e5_story.html Rural areas had some marvelous outdoor performances including Shevshenko-MacKay https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_v3SKnm1B/
  6. The Mariinsky has a matinee and evening gala on Sunday 7/19/20. I saw various dancers had posted rehearsal pictures on Instagram. https://www.mariinsky.ru/en/playbill/playbill/2020/7/19/2_1400/
  7. Was Abrera last onstage at the Kennedy Center in Giselle with James Whiteside? Great performance.
  8. Huxley. This is Catazaro https://www.kennedy-center.org/video/digital-stage/ballet/2018/new-york-city-ballet-live-from-rehearsal-tschaikovsky-pas-de-deux--the-kennedy-center/ . KC digital stage has Tarantella rehearsal, Farrell coached Divertmento No 15, etc. R&J [Abrera-Gomes] https://www.facebook.com/mtyibg/videos/2853074474810225/?t=5
  9. The Kennedy Center is selling tickets for June TWB Swan Lake and is continuing to sell Hamilton. TWB is a renter so if you're logged in it doesn't exist. This has been going on since Rutter's website update [Jan 2020?]. Articles had the KC at 90% refund while some others locally get 50-90% donate back. https://wtop.com/entertainment/2020/04/curtain-call-dc-area-theaters-hope-to-stage-comeback-after-coronavirus/ Update 4/28/20 - TWB Swan Lake is moved to May 6-16 2021 in the KC Eisenhower.
  10. Svetlana Zakharova Odette/Odile, Denis Rodkin Prince Siegfried and Rothbart/ Evil Genius is Artemy Belyakov.
  11. Update: The Kennedy Center is included in the potential Stimulus Package for 25 million and hopefully NEA funds will go to ABT. https://www.kennedy-center.org/our-story/message/ https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/25/politics/trump-kennedy-center-funding-stimulus/index.html https://support.abt.org/ABTCrisisReliefFund Rutter appears to be proud of her 50% pay cut down to an estimated $600,000 and CNN states about 800 people were laid off. https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/museums/arts-groups-have-never-been-very-flush-with-cash-now-theyre-facing-an-even-bigger-battle-for-survival/2020/03/22/5c308dd8-6a1b-11ea-abef-020f086a3fab_story.html?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter#comments-wrapper “We have to figure out how to make it to May 10, and if we have to [close] longer than May 10 what does that mean?” says Deborah F. Rutter, the Kennedy Center’s president. “We have to be responsible, make sure everybody is healthy... At the Kennedy Center, Rutter hasn’t had time to calculate the cost of an eight-week shutdown, but it could top $20 million and more if this summer’s 14-week run of “Hamilton” is affected. The arts center depends on its box office, which accounts for more than half of its $279 million annual budget...Rutter said she has taken a 50 percent pay cut (she earned $1.2 million in 2018, according to tax filings), and her senior-team salaries have been cut, too." 3/28/20 https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/museums/arts-groups-have-never-been-very-flush-with-cash-now-theyre-facing-an-even-bigger-battle-for-survival/2020/03/22/5c308dd8-6a1b-11ea-abef-020f086a3fab_story.html?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter#comments-wrapper Rutter is laying off NSO [effective 4/3/20 ]with no benefits [effective 5/31/20] and now not taking her salary. Union grievance filed. "Rutter told her staff earlier in the week that she was suspending her $1.2 million salary until the crisis ended, saying she needed to be the first to sacrifice and that more cuts were coming. Weekly payroll for the musicians is $400,00o, an arts center spokeswoman said." The Met/Lincoln Center used to not show ABT [renter] as existing events for purchase under dance. KC doesn't show TWB renter. NYCB benefits as a member of the CIG-Cultural Institutions Group.
  12. I'm sad about the Swan Lake postponement but grateful that Kent was able to rescheduled for June. Donating back to a favorite company is different than a donate back to a venue presenting a company. ABT is wise to suspend sales . ABT, the production company, allowed the refunds of tickets and fees on that Giselle cast change, not the KC. That show started at the same price as other weekdays but rose in dynamic pricing after casting was announced. We received notice of the SL postponement before the KC closure through 3/31.
  13. KC ABT Giselle is 1 open rehearsal and 7 performances with 7 leads. Unusual. Other KC casting in performance order with "debut week" in italics: ABT OR: Act 1 Boylston-Bell-Whitley, peasant Trenary-Maloney [extra partial McBride-Hoven]. Act 2-Brandt-Ahn-Hurlin-Ishchuk [partial Whitely+ Williams]. Peasant [2 at 2 + 3 singles]; Paris-Shayer, McBride-Hoven, Brandt-Gonzalez ?, Trenary-Maloney ?, Hurlin-Sebastian Brandt-Gonzalez, Paris-Shayer, Trenary-Maloney. Hilarion [1 at 3, 2 at 2] : Zhurbin, Ishchuk, Ishchuk, Whitely, Zhurbin, Whitely, Zhurbin. Myrtha [3 at 2 and 1]:the 1 is Shevshenko in the CopelandBrandt-Cornejo.
  14. Suzanne Farrell wrote Notes on the Ballet while affiliated with the Kennedy Center. Farrell's writings [on Balanchine works, Ballet Across America, etc] are not available on the new KC website. Is there any other source for Notes?
  15. Thank you both for the links. Have you tried the translator for Microsoft edge? From the icon in the address bar it's 1 click and does the entire page. I see similarities to Cuba for willis and Myrtha and the concept of the Albrecht diagonal - no entrechats or brises.
  16. Thanks and am now prepped for NO dancing Lilac. I looked up the full cast list on NBOC website and was looking forward to Tanya Howard. What was the run time? KC has TBA. Kent TWB did a SB last season with a dancing Lilac and Macaulay was in the audience. He 's doing a lecture at the studio on Balanchine + Ashton and Gomes is guesting in Allegro Brillante and Méditation for Thaïs. Best review etc of TWB SB was by Macaulay on his instagram at https://www.instagram.com/p/BujL_qpAMFb/ .
  17. Brise has both legs going out in a 1 2 sequence with the beat in the out position. Front has slight weight shift to out with a slight lean. Assemble 1 leg goes out and the other leg is still centered- no torso shift. Legs don't meet or beat in out.
  18. We'll be seeing NYCB Summerspace at the Kennedy Center since that and Peck's Principia are on the same program as the Balanchine-Robbins Firebird [music Stravinsky, sets/costumes Chagall]. I'd prefer to see it as originally staged by Cunningham on NYCB when Balanchine ran NYCB. Pointe and wind chimes in the wings. NYCB Summerspace https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/629a9eb0-fa9f-0133-a636-00505686a51c/book?parent=efd9d220-fa9e-0133-554d-00505686a51c#page/57/mode/2up Congrats on your successful NYCB random Nutcracker and the happy Miami with the beautiful family. We had great luck with a TWB random which has cardinals to Marzipan. Reading this thread has been quite bird oriented. I didn't see the grounded birds in the KC Biped and Beach Bird.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOUSvVFpG8w ‎"The Nutcracker" (N. Tsiskaridze - A. Vorontsova) 31.12.2009‎. Watch pre then post torch lift 1 arm carry. Post torch she's perfectly angled with her head at 7 and feet 1 o'clock respectively. Copeland and Hoven are so secure-look great. It's wonderful that the dancers post the process. Sadly I've never seen the Ratmansky… is it Clara/Marie throughout or a sugar plum?
  20. Please no spoilers on the final...All Activity link has your post above Josette commenting on Balanchine Jewels [1967]. I watched DS very sporadically in the late '60's when Barnabas and Angelique were in the present. B.A.'s inspired a binge watch. Way back when while wandering in the library I found Angelique books, a French series. DS casting had a physical resemblance to that character. Anyone watch or read the Discovery of Witches series?
  21. I enjoy Brandt's instagram. I don't subscribe but do surf every few weeks. She's doing the Sunday mystery cast matinee with Ahn at the Kennedy Center and Forster is our Albrecht with Murphy on Sat eve. I love the casting and it's a marathon. https://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/event/BUBSE
  22. I love MCB and last saw them in this: https://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/event/BTBSI#tickets 3 with corps and soloists. Everyone I chatted with would have preferred more mix on the mixed bill with a sub on 1 of the 3 that simply didn't have the quality of the other. Could have replaced with Midsummers PDD. Variety. Carousel guy Swatosh carried that work. Any updates on that Ratmansky SL for MCB?
  23. Hard Nut doesn't bring the magic of the music for me - see waltz of the flowers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX1Hm5kzc6s Perhaps the relatability to the general population's skill sets in dance is a factor in Morris' popularity for works not designed on dancers in ballet companies. I love Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes.
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