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Everything posted by Marga

  1. Nine days ago, at the Stars of the 21st Century Gala in Lincoln Center, Desmond Richardson's shoe fell apart and he took it off, almost as part of his piece, leaving it onstage as he continued to dance, one socked foot, one shoed. It was prominently visible throughout his performance. After his bows, he scooped up the malfunctioning shoe and pranced off stage with it. The audience was quite amused.
  2. Thank you, drb. That was such a beautiful piece to read. It made me tear up with its poignancy. I loved Hugo Fiorato as the conductor of the NYCB orchestra, and knew nothing about his wife. She sounds like a wonderful, wonderful woman. May she rest in Heavenly peace.
  3. Baryshnikov was just turning 16, his birthday being at the end of January, when he joined Pushkin's class in 1964.
  4. Thanks, Cygnet, for your post! I read that review, too, after seeing it linked on BT4D, and noticed every one of those errors: the rehearsal photos of Pavlenko (there were more pics, showing her rehearsal pointe shoes, as well), Ivanov's "pliés", and Somova's "promotion" to "prima ballerina". Eek! To be fair to the editors of the Ottawa Sun, the dancer in the photo was never identified as Somova. Indeed, she was not identified at all! That Somova was the O/O written about in the article was a separate deal. I'm glad you addressed this, Cygnet. It really bothered me, too! Here are the other pictures from the Ottawa Sun's photo gallery: Kirov Ballet rehearsal pics
  5. He probably meant entrechat quatre -- where you beat twice, each crossing of the feet counted as two (one for each foot!), hence the "quatre". And, I think you mean Andrian Fadeev (instead of "Andeev", which is not a name of a Kirov dancer, although it makes for a nifty contraction. ). Vishneva and Fadeev partner often, so maybe he was having an off night? Thanks for your review! I was planning on driving up from Trenton, where we live, but my usual procrastination resulted in tickets being sold out before I got into action. I'm glad that they filled all their houses, but sorry I could not get to see them right here in Canada and so close to home!
  6. Hi Pamela,I know the film was a project of Donna Feuer. She danced with Martha Graham and worked with Paul Sanasardo. That's why I expected more from her! Katja Björner has been a soloist with the Royal Swedish Ballet for many years.
  7. I have "The Dancer". I love the footage of the star of the movie, Katja Björner, but am frustrated by the way some of it was filmed. The filmmaker seems to be pursuing her own interest of trying artsy effects, so what we, the viewers, see is closeups of whirling hair instead of the dynamic turns à la seconde being performed, or extreme closeups of feet and legs in various stages of warmup before class, which, while occasionally interesting to see, can become too much too quickly. There were so many times I wanted to stay the videographer's camera so I could see more of Björner and the other dancers, but she wanted to move on to something less interesting to me. Being that the filmaker is also a choreographer, I would have expected more sensitivity to the balletomane's needs. Maybe she knew she had to appeal to a wider audience in order to sell the film? The film has a wonderful (if overly long) sequence of the making of pointe shoes. That whole section could stand alone as a documentary. It is intensive and beautiful and would answer anyone's questions about how pointe shoes are made. As a separate unit, I love it. There is also a great section where the Bolshoi's Valentina Savina coaches Björner. A gem of a film clip! Katja Björner is such a lovely, strong dancer. I'm surprised she has never made principal.
  8. Reaching into the 60s, I'd like to add Marnee Morris. Her feet were quicksilver and, back then, I'd never seen anyone move so fast with such clarity of technique in the feet. Her beats sparkled as did her countenance. She made it all look effortless.
  9. These days, all it takes is a perusal through dancers' "myspace" pages to know that many volunteer their sexual orientation quite willingly on standard forms they fill out for their "myspace" profiles. Many dancers, in companies all over the world, from apprentices to corps to soloists to some principals, maintain active, public "myspace" sites. Viewing one instantly leads to others. A professional dancer sometimes even advertises their "myspace" address on their website (or even on BT, where I found the first such space). If I can find out such info, can you imagine what background work TV researchers can do, even before they approach a dancer with their query?
  10. He danced that piece (identified only as "Solo" in the program) in the Stars of the 21st Century Gala 2005 in Toronto, as well.What did Daniil Simkin perform?
  11. Joey Gorak was already a member of the Orlando Ballet last year and a trainee the year before that. (btw, it's YAGP -- Youth America Grand Prix, and Aria Alekzander, not Alexander. )
  12. You're welcome. I would love to see the Borchenkos perform. I've seen many pictures of them on another ballet board and am fascinated by their beautiful line and unity of appearance (genetics at play). They must be really special to have won silver. I know they are extremely tall. An interview I found online reveals their total commitment to ballet, especially Ekaterina's. It reminded me of the singlemindedness and focus of many other dancers raised and trained in the Russian tradition. I hope these siblings get an opportunity to show themselves to North American audiences as guest artists. After their wins in Varna, interest in them must be piqued in ballet circles.
  13. Ekaterina Borchenko and her twin brother Petr Borchenko are principals with the National Academic Bolshoi Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus. They each won silver medals in the senior division of last month's Varna International Ballet Competition. Ekaterina Borchenko Petr Borchenko
  14. Since this thread just got bumped up, I wanted to thank you, Helene. I did go to see the movie a few weeks ago and enjoyed it very much, especially all the footage of New York City. Whenever I see "my" city on the big screen, I feel so at home! Ever since seeing the film -- and for me it's a one-time deal, meaning I wouldn't want to view it a second time, unless it showed up on TV -- I wanted to amend the quote you presented in your post (see above). I was puzzled by it when I read it since it didn't make sense to me -- it seemed to go in the opposite direction of the desired result. When I heard it spoken on screen, I understood. The character of Emily, as I daresay, representing most females in her thinking, actually said "I'm one stomach flu away from my ideal weight." Is there any woman among us who does not get that, I wonder? Our weight-obsessed sex sure knows how to turn an illness into a positive thing!
  15. 61 never looked so good! Let me add my bouquet:
  16. I think you mean the 2005-2006 season. (2006-2007 has yet to begin.)Gloria Govrin's resignation became effective June 3, 2006.
  17. Our sister site Ballet Talk for Dancers has a link or two you may be interested in.
  18. Yes, indeed! As per official results, MATHIAS DINGMAN (son of BT's mouse) has won the GOLD at Varna (junior division). His partner SASHA DE SOLA has won the BRONZE (junior division). What a huge success for these amazing young dancers! You do North America so proud!!! :party-smiley-017: Kirov Academy website
  19. Another Giselle story: When Laura Hormigon and Oscar Torrado performed it as guests with Canadian Ballet Theatre, the flowers that Albrecht picks to pluck in Act I did not give way from the rest that were "planted" in the cottage garden, and he was forced to think fast, thereby presenting Giselle (with a triumphant flourish) the whole bunch that came up with the two daisies he was tugging on, using up the "he loves me, he loves me not" music in so doing. The next evening, all went as it should and they were able to appropriately petal-test their love. During intermission, a middle-aged patron, who was seeing the ballet for the second time, explained to her friend how, the previous evening, Count Albrecht had given Giselle an entire bouquet instead of just one measly flower!
  20. Karen Kain -- Maple Walnut (the most popular ice cream flavour in Canada)
  21. Marga

    Suzanne Farrell

    Coincidentally, last night I was watching a tape I had just had made from a 16mm film from 1970 called "Ballet with Edward Villella". It was a teaching film, extraordinarily interesting, and was probably a TV production, given its length of 27 minutes. Villella wrote, narrated, and did the bulk of the dancing in it, including an Act II excerpt from Giselle, where he entered as Albrecht. The choreography was Balanchine's and Villella described how he was taught to perform the role.
  22. So am I! I've actually been quite worried about them. I've noticed that Molly has been freelancing here and there since her and Tiit's move from England, and wondered if SFB would offer her a contract anytime soon. I am very happy that has happened! My daughter met them when she was dancing with the Estonian National Ballet 2 years ago and they were guesting in Giselle and Sleeping Beauty (they used to be principals there). She told me that Molly Smolen was extraordinary in every way. She, too, had a certain chemistry with her husband onstage. I wish I could see them in San Francisco. I hope they will have a chance to be partners again.
  23. A perfectly written description, Helene! I just love it. After your breathless review I am even more eager to see this movie. Thank you for giving me this urgency! I just rewatched "The Bridges of Madison County" on TV last night, my favourite movie next to "Witness", and am so in the mood for more Streep. She and I share a birthday, she being born when I turned two!
  24. Indeed! They did later, as well as spelling Brooklyn Mack's first name correctly in the photo caption, if not in the article.
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