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Everything posted by dirac

  1. I don't think they're quite the same. In fact, I can imagine the latter statement coming from someone who actually watches ballet and even likes it, and it's certainly not prima facie evidence that the poster is a "hater."
  2. Q&A with Moira Walley-Beckett about the wrap-up of "Flesh and Bone."
  3. dirac

    Karen Kain

    A nice interview with Kain here. I liked her comments on Nureyev.
  4. I've always been curious to see it, mimsyb.There was a DVD release recently, but in PAL only. I especially like the way Shearer uses her hands and arms - no flapping around for this flapper.
  5. Thanks for the post and the link. I have to get to this. I would think Taylor would be a good documentary subject (and interview).
  6. Any movie you identify closely with the season is acceptable. Upthread I mentioned The Sound of Music, which we watched on ABC every year when I was a kid. ABC still shows it. I guess that would also make DeMille's "The Ten Commandments" qualify. And yes, CofP is right up there....."What do I have that thieves can steal?" I always wanted to use that line, but somehow the occasion never quite arose. "Paris is small for lovers like us." Also, are there favorite moments in your favorite holiday movies?
  7. Probably Kendall has little to no actual control - most authors not named J.K. Rowling don't have much, once they make a movie sale. I doubt there will be any controversy. Balanchine isn't Steve Jobs. It sounds as if it could be a nice little biopic, if highly romanticized, which would follow Kendall to some extent. As Quiggin notes, even many ballet fans don't know that much about this time in Balanchine's life and the period is relatively unexamined in mainstream movie terms. It will be interesting to see how the politics of the era are treated.
  8. Reviving this thread for the new holiday season. Any more suggestions? A photo gallery. "5 Holiday Movies When You've Had It with the Holidays"
  9. Thanks for posting this, pherank, I had not heard about this book. It does sound like a good read.
  10. Thank you, DanielBenton, for sharing that. Craft was also a devotee of early music, although I was a bit disappointed by his Gesualdo recordings.
  11. Thanks for posting this, volcanohunter. A letter to the editor by a former manager of the company:
  12. The current political environment and cultural tensions could be at work as well. When Midgette writes, "I think everyone should see it," I suspect that's not merely for aesthetic reasons.
  13. Yup. Sounds closer to fiction without the "non," but that such a project is even being contemplated is nice.
  14. Thank you for telling us about the performance, YouOverThere. I took a look at a few of the reviews and they don't disagree with you.Iwould be interested to hear from someone who's seen both productions. I can't say I was tempted to see the original, which premiered in my vicinity, although I probably should have done, just to take advantage of the opportunity. My concerns were yours - I didn't really feel the need to be preached at and it sounded as if I was going to be. I can certainly understand the focus on the racial aspects of the conflict, though. Probably the audience wouldn't sit still for a soaring aria about tariff disputes.
  15. It’s not just “Flesh and Bone.” I don’t know why, but I have the impression that a great deal of the sex in premium cable dramas is presented almost anti-erotically. Lots of violence involved, up to and including rape. A good argument, I regret to say, for the censorship rules still prevailing for other networks on the tube. At least in F&B the depressing sexual encounters have something to do with the theme of the show. However, the sex scene involving Claire’s roomie in the first episode seemed totally gratuitous to this viewer. Well, episode 3. The following contains a spoiler. Again, a day that commences with some positive potential for our heroine rapidly deteriorates into another instance of Claire and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Among the highlights, or lowlights: Paul gets into a hissy fit with Claire over his failure to pimp out his new ballerina successfully, thus causing his angel investor to decamp. During the course of his rant he becomes annoyed by the sound of chirping baby birds. The show telegraphs this punch – as soon as we cut to the birdies in the nest, you know that Paul is going to do something bad to them, and guess what. On the positive side: the choreographer that Paul imports to make a new piece is a woman. (You’d think the choreographer would insist on choosing her own leading dancer, but this one takes amiably enough to Paul’s assignment of Claire to the female lead(?))
  16. According to recent reports, Williams was suffering from dementia as well as Parkinson's. Horrible.
  17. Thank you for posting, pherank. RIP to a controversial figure. He occupied a position in relation to Stravinsky that may well be unique in the annals of music, or art. He was always a lively, if not always reliable, read.
  18. Just saw the second episode and it was still overwrought but a bit better. So far we've seen four different men in different ways asserting control over Claire's life and/or person, and the central drama will be Claire trying to reclaim this control for herself. The homeless guy still screams "Plot Device" but the collapse of Claire's evening with the guy bankrolling the new ballet wasn't bad; at first he's all politeness and I-took-the-liberty-of-ordering, and then he tires of her drunken prattle and the gloves come off. Also a nice back-and-forth with the AD and his associate.
  19. Hmmm. If it was Francis and Cerf, I would think it was "What's My Line?" but maybe Carlisle appeared on that one from time to time. Some very high quality guest stars and panelists on those shows BTW. In my experience sports fans, particularly those of a masculine persuasion, can become deeply, if briefly, engaged with virtually any televised sporting event, including those in which they have exhibited no prior interest - say, Canadian dart competitions. I like a few niche sports, myself, so the overabundance works for me - they have to fill all those hours with something. "Flesh and Bone" has several camp elements, but it doesn't look as if much will be made of them, alas.
  20. I kinda like some of those ridiculous channels. Lately I’ve been tuning in occasionally to BUZZR, which is showing old Goodson-Todman game shows. (Well, it beats watching Sarah Hay bring her pointe shoe down on her nail-free big toe.) Back to our topic......
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