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Everything posted by canbelto

  1. I have faith in Tanowitz considering some of the other work she's done. Just will be interesting as the piece is rather long and dense. As for Peck we'll see. It can't be worse than Principia.
  2. Tanowitz;s ballet is set to Bartok String Quartet #5. I'll be really interested to see how she turns this into dance as on the surface I don't hear much danceable music here:
  3. I reviewed opening night for bachtrack: https://bachtrack.com/review-ratmansky-bigonzetti-peck-new-york-city-ballet-april-2019
  4. I think the material in MJ's life CAN be adapted. However, a jukebox musical is not the time and the place to do it. But maybe a play, where extremely difficult subjects can be tackled (thinking of Angels in America and Roy Cohn), or a TV series (thinking of what Ryan Murphy was able to do with Joan Crawford in The Feud). But I agree that the jukebox musical should be canned altogether.
  5. Here is Western Symphony with the Scherzo:
  6. I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to return to ABT's Swan Lake. Just find it a pretty awful production. And Purple Rothbart is one of the reasons why. A totally jarring, cheap (IMO) interruption in Act 3.
  7. You dont need to do something illegal to be fired on the job.
  8. Catazaro has been dancing a lot of leading roles in Munich. Probably more than he was dancing in NYCB. So he might have decided to stay there.
  9. I went to the Merce Cunningham celebration at the Joyce last night which featured Ballet West and Washington Ballet. https://bachtrack.com/review-merce-cunningham-centennial-joyce-theater-new-york-april-2019
  10. Suzanne coaching Maria Kowroski:
  11. I also saw a very different kind of revival, the Oklahoma! revival: https://humbledandoverwhelmed.blogspot.com/2019/04/oklahoma-violence-as-american-as-chili.html I'm taking my mom to see Kiss Me Kate, don't think she'd like the Oklahoma! revival ...
  12. I reviewed it for bachtrack: https://bachtrack.com/review-martha-graham-dance-company-joyce-theater-new-york-march-2019
  13. Well he doesn't die a hero's death because Wotan takes away his sword so I guess he doesn't go to Valhalla? And neither does Hunding?
  14. Go see the HD on March 30! Christine Goerke is a wonderful Brunnhilde and the rest of the cast is uniformly strong as well. https://humbledandoverwhelmed.blogspot.com/2019/03/die-walkure-casts-its-magical-fire-spell.html
  15. More massive changes: Shakirova is off the tour, Nadezhda Batoeva replaces her. Skhlyarov is off the tour as well. http://www.kennedy-center.org/calendar/event/BTBSG?fbclid=IwAR0TAfEG1jOHCh5Qq2JOreXJn_z17ZoVxpbnb91xx9VSYN9DqvXTVmTSRZs Casting has been extensively reshuffled for all shows.
  16. I saw this last weekend and absolutely loved it. https://humbledandoverwhelmed.blogspot.com/2019/03/theater-diaries-kiss-me-kate-and-prom.html
  17. A lot of the ABT dancers judging from their instagrams seem to take private classes or coaching sessions from people outside the company. Skylar Brandt seems to get most of her coaching from Irina Dvorovenko.
  18. Was anyone at last night's Giselle? I know Ian Hussey is retiring at the end of this season.
  19. Jeffrey Cirio, Alexa Maxwell and Ashley Bouder have both posted on Instagram:
  20. Wow so sad. So young. 90210 was a show I loved when I was young. https://www.tmz.com/2019/03/04/luke-perry-dead-dies-stroke-beverly-hills-90210-riverdale/
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