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Everything posted by canbelto

  1. Chase Johnsey has an instagram. https://www.instagram.com/chasejohnsey/ His gender identity offstage and onstage are clearly (to me) delineated. I don't see where he's being inconsistent.
  2. So you feel as if Billy Porter is not a serious actor?
  3. I saw Chase Johnsey with the Trocks. He was by far the highlight, the prima ballerina if you will.
  4. The Trocks aren't satire. Every time I've seen them I've been impressed at how much they love the ballets they are dancing. I'd call them tributes rather than satires.
  5. Gender identity is fluid. Mr. Johnsey can identify as a ballerina onstage and cis in real life.
  6. I think it's safe to say NYCB's spring season is probably canceled.
  7. The Joyce Theater has canceled all performances in March. So Lyon Opera Ballet and some other touring companies will not be coming to NYC.
  8. Yes but after the AGMA investigation came out I think companies from Europe also distanced themselves from Domingo. He's already been fired from Madrid.
  9. Agrippina was an enjoyable new production. The Flying Dutchman was/is a total dud: https://humbledandoverwhelmed.blogspot.com/2020/03/mets-new-dutchman-drowns.html
  10. Well they didn't anticipate that Domingo would cancel himself due to his own behavior.
  11. Unfortunately I think Lane added fuel to that fire.
  12. Ah, how short the memories are. In 1927 a young choreographer named George Balanchine had an exciting project but was saddled with casting ultimatums: he had to cast Serge Lifar as Apollo because Lifar was Diaghilev's lover and then also cast Alice Nikitina because she had a wealthy lover who donated a lot of money to Ballet Russes. Money and personal relationships used as a tool to getting roles is nothing new. I think Brandt and Trenary are both tremendously talented, so it's not as if one dancer's roles are not merited.
  13. Lourdes Lopez "liked" Kathryn's body positivity post on IG. So I think this isn't a doxxing of management.
  14. I know one was Nathalia Arja who was promoted to principal:
  15. I went this afternoon and overall I loved it. It was cool to ssee the HD cameras filming right in front of me (I sat in the orchestra). https://humbledandoverwhelmed.blogspot.com/2020/02/agrippina-in-which-i-brave-baroque.html
  16. What I mean is: the lawsuit is the lawsuit. Alexa is entitled to not feel violated or victimized. Amar is entitled to pursue avenues of employment. And Alexandra is entotled to feel victimized and traumatized. These things do not cancel each other out.
  17. There is no difference between fact and feeling. Whether someone is victimized depends entirely on whether she FEELS victimized.
  18. As I said, if a victim feels violated, she feels violated. No one is entitled to tell victims how they can or can't feel.
  19. She feels it is violence. Many sex abuse survivors feel that photo sharing is violence. Many victims of child molestation are haunted by digital photos that they find of themselves years later. What we think doesn't matter. If victims feel that it's violence, it's violence.
  20. Why does that matter? This is like the Harvey Weinstein “you talked to him” defense, this is why rape prosecutions don’t want women on the jury, because of judgmental stuff like this.
  21. Eta: I don’t agree with the contents of the petition nor do I think Ms. Waterbury’s SM is helping her legal case. However I do think that if a public figure does something stupid and ill advised ppl will say mean things. That’s part of life. Amar has a splashy gig on Bway. I’m sure he’d rather be where he is now than unemployed with no one saying mean things. None of this is defamation. Simply being mean on social media towards someone is not illegal. You have a choice to make your account private, go off the grid, block people.
  22. Violation is not just physical. Many child molesters pass around photos of underage girls. Are they not violating those girls? I'm disgusted by shaming of women for being angry and having feelings. ETA: the Harvey Weinstein case just proves how "violating" women isn't back-of-the-alley rape, but can be just as violent and traumatic.
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