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Everything posted by canbelto

  1. Coppelia, Harlequinade and Nutcracker are all extremely lavish, warm, family friendly full lengths.
  2. I actually like Martins' Sleeping Beauty. I also think his La Sylphide is pretty standard. Swan Lake and R+J need to go.
  3. I saw her in Allegro Brillante and she was still doing those triple pirouettes like nothing. She was however slower and more careful, and not the speed demon she used to be.
  4. Article about Hurlin and Bell: https://www.pointemagazine.com/catherine-hurlin-aran-bell-abt-2641653187.html?rebelltitem=7#rebelltitem7
  5. The elephant in the room is money. Not everyone can afford the expensive coaching sessions Brandt gets on a regular basis. It's great that Brandt can and it appears to be paying off for her but many dancers don't have the means for the kind of coaching and advertising she can invest in herself.
  6. I think Brandt is talented and all that but one thing about Giselle is that the role needs strong jumpers, and from what I've seen Brandt doesn't have much of a jump at all.
  7. This is one of those years where the acting categories are all very predictable: Joaquin Phoenix for Joker, Renee Zellwegger for Judy, Laura Dern for Marriage Story, Brad Pitt for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I was hoping for more traction for Soairse Ronan who I thought was tremendous in Little Women and also I thought Leo gave the stronger performance in Once Upon a Time. Oh well.
  8. This is a pretty typical promotional piece for a ballerina done ahead of a big debut. It gives you a slight peak into company politics but mostly tells ppl to buy tickets. Theres nothing really remarkable about this article.
  9. I agree that Alexandra's social media comments about Alexa are falling dangerously close to that old saying "abuse is a cycle." She seems to be directing so much of her anger at Alexa who so far hasn't said anything demeaning back to Alexandra. However I do think the cultural expectations for girls to play nice even when they're angry is at force here. Think about all the hoopla about Nancy Pelosi rather angrily tearing up Trump's SOTU address yet Trump's daily twitter rants don't even merit a mention on CNN anymore.
  10. I think it's this societal notion that women are not allowed to express anger. We are shrill, mentally ill, hysterical. But extreme anger as a response to trauma is very common. That anger can become destructive and abusive. But it's one of the most common responses to trauma.
  11. Ugh. I hate this. Waterbury is not a perfect victim. She's mad and acting out and not being thoughtful about the things she says. But that is all part of the healing process.
  12. The petition to have Amar fired has reached over 25,000 signatures.
  13. Medical journals say the frontal lobe develops into the 20s. So it makes sense that Maxwell presents as more mature on social media. Traumatic events can also inhibit frontal lobe development.
  14. I think a lot of people her age view a social media win as bigger than a win in court. Waterbury is going to Columbia, and she appears to be an attractive young lady who has a promising modeling career ahead of her. Monetary damages from a lawsuit might not seem as big as a social media doxxing. If Ramasar can be let go from West Side Story or his contract not renewed with NYCB (the latter I think is more likely than the former) that might seem like the shiny bronze ring to her.
  15. IDK, I feel like in the age of social media these sorts of "takedowns" have become more common among way older people. I agree that Maxwell is behaving more maturely. Her responses on IG to a lot of abusive comments have been very measured. Waterbury seems to have a different personality, and thus responds differently. I'm just saying that this sort of social media doxxing/takedown/dissing is unfortunately very common among high schoolers, and I've seen it more often with adults too. Just as an example, a royal fashion blog I followed recently had to severely limit comments after the blog owner got a heap of abusive comments from fans of both Meghan and Kate. The people involved were mostly middle-aged women. But the comments became so vitriolic that the blog owner had to take a break.
  16. My dad is a lawyer and he said his professors always said this -- that rape juries skew male because prosecutors find females are often very judgmental of the female victim during testimony.
  17. I know many lawyers and I've read some academic journals on how women tend to be tougher on the rape victim than men. Don't know if this is still true but it was in the past. Anyway I am getting the feeling that Alexandra is directing her rage at Alexa Maxwell because this sort of mass social media harassment is unfortunately more commonly directed towards females.
  18. This whole back and forth between the Alexandra and Alexa reminds me of how many lawyers say they dont want women on the juries of rape trials bc of a tendency of women to tear each other down rather than look at the actual criminal. But I agree that Alexa has remained very kind and civilized to the name callers on her IG.
  19. These social media takedowns are incredibly common. Teachers have viewed parents posting "this b__tch is gonna get it" videos and reported them when we say failed a student. It's just the new reality.
  20. Well people are leaving a lot of abusive comments on Alexa Maxwell's IG That's not cool. I do think Ms. Waterbury should tell her followers to stop leaving abusive messages on Maxwell's IG. This social media harassment and bullying is so prevalent nowadays in the age of these online "takedowns." ETA: one of the curious parts of the nude sexting scandal is that the men involved in this really acted like 13 year old "omg! boobies!" pubescent boys. Whereas in the dance/theater world with the quick changes nudity backstage is just an everyday reality. I was once given a backstage tour of a long-running Broadway show and was shown the place where the "quick changes" take place. It was this tiny crowded place behind the set onstage and clothes were thrown everywhere. So I don't know what exactly they were thinking was so titillating about naked bodies, considering their jobs allow them to see people in various stages of undress everyday.
  21. Also: as the amended complaint makes clear, Chase Finlay had/has an ongoing substance abuse issue. It's my experience that anger towards loved ones who are addicts tends to dissipate over time. It's not them talking, it's the disease. Waterbury in her IG stories seems to pity Finlay which is understandable if his substance abuse issues are as bad as they seemed in the complaint.
  22. Waterbury has been accusing Maxwell and Ashley Hod of making fake Twitter names and harassing her via Twitter. Which is, in my experience, another depressing part of the way girls fight nowadays. I want to say that I think the abuse heaped upon Maxwell IG is over the top, and it's very ugly. People are calling her "selfish cow" and other nasty stuff. And Waterbury seems to be encouraging it. And I admit, it's not pretty. But I've seen enough girl fights to know that this is all familiar to me. The fake twitter accounts, the social media "takedowns," the nasty comments. It's not pretty. Girls I've taught have dropped out of school because of social media fights/bullying/harassment. But it's the new reality of how girls fight.
  23. That's misogynistic. Women are always held to higher standards of behavior than men. You could say people expect 38 year old guys not to act like 13 year olds who discovered "girls' boobies" for the first time while looking at their Playboy mag stashes.
  24. This. So much this. I've worked with many kids who were the victims of horrifying abuse and one of the most difficult things about it is how many of them act out in self destructive ways and continue a pattern. BUT THIS DOESN'T EXCUSE THE ABUSE THEY ENDURED. People want Ms. Waterbury to be the perfect victim. But they don't exist, and society's search for perfect victims only leads to victim-blaming and horrifying rape apology. For the last time. Victims are often very messed up people, but that doesn't mean they weren't abused.
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