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Everything posted by canbelto

  1. I really enjoyed Program 1 of Fall for Dance. Very eclectic. I really enjoyed the pas de deux between Sara Mearns and David Hallberg.
  2. I've heard the French pronounce it and it's actually more like "pas de dyoo." "Pas de duh" just sounds so ... uninspired.
  3. Hmm they look a bit like Rameau's Les Indes Galantes.
  4. The Chaconne in the Dance in America was not complete. It was an abbreviated version.
  5. Very vintage: An excerpt from Figure on the Carpet. This is a Balanchine ballet that I can barely believe is Balanchine as it differs so markedly from the minimalist, austere aesthetic I associate with him:
  6. Sort of off topic but What the Constitution Means to Me is now available for streaming on Amazon Prime.
  7. There's a complete Western Symphony on YT:
  8. I've been feeling under the weather all day and watched the DAAG clip again. It's such a balm for the soul.
  9. Here is the POB doing the Scherzo. ETA: here are Marianela Nunez and Federico Bonelli: Really amazing how different companies with different styles can do this ballet so well. P.S. I hate it when dancers pronounce "pas de deux" as "pas de duh."
  10. Serenade also has a much darker ending than you'd initially expect when the curtain goes up.
  11. Duo Concertant is one of those Balanchine "surprise" endings. You think it will be this upbeat, cute duet and it mostly is until the melancholy ending. Baiser de la Fee also has an ending like that. As does Emeralds actually.
  12. The Dances at a Gathering excerpt was exquisite. Always love the "rainbow in the sky" moment.
  13. You can't sue someone for defamation if the accusations are true. She didn't say anything about them that wasn't true. Maybe their conduct didn't meet the bar for being sued in civil court but what she said about them was still true.
  14. He was in the group chat. So he was part of it. His fault. And just because Alexa Maxwell forgave doesn't mean Alexandra Waterbury has to forgive. Another soapbox: how come these ideas of mercy and forgiveness are only applied to women being asked to forgive men? If Alexandra Waterbury wants to do everything in her power to destroy Chase Finlay that's her right. She's earned it for the gross violation of privacy and suffering.
  15. "Believe all women" because over time, accusations of sexual assault and rape committed by men have proven OVERWHELMINGLY to be true. Larry Nassar - the first complaints about him were made in the 1990's. It took over 20 years to put this guy in jail. Harvey Weinstein - see above Due process only applies to white men in society. It does not apply to POC who are often jailed for trivial, non-violent crimes while violent white murders and rapists are given the benefit of the doubt. It does not apply to women who are shamed, disbelieved, dismissed, and harassed for speaking the truth. Due process is overrated. The only way rape and sexual assault will stop is if we BURN THE WHOLE PLACE DOWN. Make men suffer collectively for the way women have been victimized over the years. And in case you guys haven't guessed, yes this is personal. Private photos of mine were distributed without my permission on myspace years ago. Complaints to the company did not work and I was too embarrassed to do anything else. It is sickening the amount of sympathy these men get while Alexandra Waterbury is branded with the scarlet A.
  16. When all the accusations of Larry Nassar came to light almost all of USAG was dismissed. Nothing of the sort happened at SAB or NYCB. So why are we holding a pity party for them?
  17. The fact that Chase Finlay got to disappear to wherever with no consequences is the definition of white privilege. He should be in jail. But nothing's going to happen to him. He's just going to be another white male predator society protects.
  18. She didn't consent to being filmed or having her film distributed. The rape apology on this board is sickening. And @On Pointe, Amar Ramasar is white. He's Indian and that's considered Caucasian.
  19. I would add that all this sympathy for the defendants is exhibit A of white privilege. Somehow white males are always the victims.
  20. Aww poor poor babies. They had to pay lawyer fees. How awful! Meanwhile Waterbury had to deal with the fact that her most private moments were out there being disseminated by men she trusted. The misogyny is staggering as is the assumption that lawyer fees + bad press is the same trauma as being sexually violated and abused.
  21. The other men exercised extreme poor judgment when they participated in the group chat. No one forced them to do that. Nevertheless, Zach Catazaro got reinstated but opted to continue his career in Europe. Amar Ramasar got reinstated and was starring in a major Broadway revival. Jared Longhitano made the news again by calling homeless people "scum." So they got bad press. Too bad, so sad. Meanwhile NYCB and SAB are doing fine -- or as well as ballet institutions can do in this pandemic. I've donated a bunch of money to both institutions because I want their dancers to continue to thrive. Before the pandemic hit I was at almost all their winter season performances and they were full. I fail to see how they were damaged in any way. They probably had to pay some hefty lawyer fees. Oh well. Meanwhile the only person's name who continues to get dragged through the mud is the victim herself -- Alexandra Waterbury. That's just messed up.
  22. Her life was ruined when she was sexually abused by her boyfriend. She had a right to fight for justice. Until society starts to accept that it's our JOB to protect victims of sexual assault and sexual abuse nothing will change. She has no victims. The men she included in the lawsuit all have great careers. People are so sympathetic to them even though they acted foolishly and without respect for women. NYCB and SAB are august institutions with lots of money and prestige. They got sued -- big whoop. It's not the first or last lawsuit they'll have. Meanwhile all over the world women are shamed, blamed, and in many societies KILLED for daring to speak out about sexual abuse. Sorry if don't have any sympathy for foolish, coddled men and rich institutions and I reserve my sympathies to all the females that have been abused and silenced.
  23. Why does society always worry about the damage to the evil, sick MEN? And not the traumatized female victims? NYCB and SAB are institutions with deep pockets and prestige. They'll live. But the damage to victimized women when society blames and shames them is unfathomable.
  24. A lawsuit isn't blackmail. A lawsuit is a lawsuit. And as I've said before, it's society's responsibility to support all victims of sexual assault.
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