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2023-2024 Season

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They have not updated the Sanz casting online for this week, so I doubt they would have had time to consider what to do about Sanz's roles for week 3.    I just hope he isn't injured again.

Happy to see Alston Macgill listed for week 3.  She had so much promise but was derailed for a long time by injury.   



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20 minutes ago, FauxPas said:

Tiler hasn't been taking those risks for a long time since her back and neck injuries.  Tiler used to also go off center in turns and pirouettes like she was going to throw herself out of the steps but would pull herself back in at the last moment.  No more.  She also used to sort of do a pause at the apex of a difficult step in time with the music - creating a risky kind of freeze frame moment.  No more.  She is still amazing.

BTW:  on the online casting sheet for Week 3, I see Sanz listed in "Hallelujah Junction" and "Copland Dance Episodes".  Also, Ashley Bouder is still MIA and I thought we might get her in "Liebeslieder Waltzes".  Maybe a second cast?

Bouder posted on Instagram yesterday: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2c7o96LFmH/


I read the following as implying she's out all season but I suppose it doesn't necessarily.

"Merde everyone tonight and for the season."

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Roman in Autumn was definitely the highlight for me as well. What an incredible artist he is. Last winter season I remember seeing KJ Takahashi in Copeland Dance Episodes and finding him impressive technically but not so developed with his stage presence: no more. He was a super-fun, charming faun. 

I was particularly impressed by Veyette and Angle’s strong partnering in ‘In The Night’ with all those lifts. Unity came across to me as more rushed than passionate at times: I think this is a role for her to grow into more. Sara Mearns seemed a bit tentative with some of her turns but the gravitas and charisma she brought to the role made her magnetic on stage. So glad she’s back. 

Stellar Fancy Free. I do agree it’s over-programmed but this cast has really nailed the roles. I thought MT MacKinnon was notably more confident and playful as the purse girl than she was in this role last year. Brava to her. 

Naomi Corti gave a sweet speech about how seeing Emily Kikta debut in Rubies while Naomi was a new SAB student had cemented her determination to join the company and been a lasting inspiration to her. Thought it was lovely of her to pay homage to another dancer like that. 

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It's a tough call on Fancy Free.  It is definitely over programmed, but should NYCB not do it, or do it less simply because ABT also performs the ballet.

The bigger problem for me is that I have not seen a cast at NYCB in recent years that measures up to what ABT did with Fancy Free  - Carreno, Corella, Steifel.  Oh those were the days.....

The last truly remarkable cast I recall at NYCB was Woetzel, LaFosse and Gold.  That was long ago.



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2 minutes ago, abatt said:


The bigger problem for me is that I have not seen a cast at NYCB in recent years that measures up to what ABT did with Fancy Free  - Carreno, Corella, Steifel.  Oh those were the days.....



Gomes and Cornejo were also magnificent in FF.

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1 hour ago, MarzipanShepherdess said:

Naomi Corti gave a sweet speech about how seeing Emily Kikta debut in Rubies while Naomi was a new SAB student had cemented her determination to join the company and been a lasting inspiration to her. Thought it was lovely of her to pay homage to another dancer like that. 

I have also thought that Corti would be a great choice for Tall Girl. Hopefully that's coming!

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9 hours ago, FireDancer said:

Was she off the music or was the music itself slow? If the latter, then it's not her fault... I think someone previously said the rehearsal director was asking for the tempo to be increased, in which case, that would indicate it was not Fairchild's choice.

To me the music itself was slow, and one point the rehearsal director pushed the pianist to go faster. There is no way to know who set/asked for a particular tempo, but many things could be at play. Perhaps it's the first run-through, or there was a need to work on a particular coordination, or ports de bras.Whatever the reason it wasn't performance tempo and at some point the pianist was asked to go faster. I don't think that means anyone was at fault.

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9 hours ago, cobweb said:

 If I had been there and then they added in the Levin Award I would have hit the roof!! Clueless indeed. I am there for the dance -- not speeches from the AD, not music lectures, not awards. And when it's a weeknight, that goes double! 

This made me laugh, and I so agree. I live walking distance from Lincoln Center and I still feel that way. I believe NYCB is thinking about performance times. I received, as did many of you I'm sure, a NYCB survey asking what days/times I most wanted to attend. performances, and what days I'd go to matinees. I wonder if they are thinking of changing things up. A number of performance venues seem to be moving start times earlier that 8pm.

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On 1/24/2024 at 10:07 AM, FireDancer said:

Was she off the music or was the music itself slow? If the latter, then it's not her fault... I think someone previously said the rehearsal director was asking for the tempo to be increased, in which case, that would indicate it was not Fairchild's choice.

I am convinced Fairchild was the one asking the pianist to speed up as she danced. 

Edited by BalanchineFan
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8 hours ago, FauxPas said:

I agree - not necessarily.  BTW: I was wondering about Preston Chamblee.  His recent Instagram post has a valedictory tone to it:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C2QCJwaAD7B/?img_index=1

Chamblee was on Miriam Miller’s IG rehearsing Barber Concerto with her. He looks good. They look great together. Almost made me want to see Martin’s’ choreography again. Almost. 

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Just in from tonight's performance. This is the All-Robbins program. Overall a so-so program with mixed performances.

Fancy Free is a great piece and great storytelling. I wonder, do they take this on tour? Do they still tour with the smaller company, NYCB Moves? This seems like a perfect piece to take with a smaller company, for short runs in smaller theatres, and I kept picturing my family members in smaller cities who would love this. For me, I have seen it enough and this was a decent but lackluster performance. Daniel Ulbricht subbed for Roman Mejia and he was great. I like Lauren Collett (red purse girl) and would like to see more of her. But overall, for me this was a case of I've seen this piece enough for now. 

In the Night. I don't recall seeing this previously, but maybe I've just forgotten. Does anyone know when it was last done? (Side note, it would be great if NYCB Program Notes, like those at the Metropolitan Opera, would include information about recent productions, performances, and casts.) Joseph Gordon and Indiana Woodward were out of this world. He especially has an intense beauty that is all his own but also reminds me of, and makes me miss, the late (balletically speaking) Harrison Ball. The other couples were Emilie Gerrity and Tyler Angle (subbing for Aaron Sanz, I miss him) and Tiler Peck and Gilbert Bolden. Bolden looked so great in the Fall season and continues to do so now. I'm in love with him. As for this piece in general, it reminded me of Dances at a Gathering, but with a more complicated (too complicated) conceit and costumes. I could definitely see this again and enjoy it, but casting is key. 

Finally, The Four Seasons. This is a very fun piece, not profound but very very fun. First up, Winter. Andres Zuniga has a great smile and energy, and David Gabriel has great elegance. Erica Pereira managed okay. Moving on to Spring, Ava Sautter swept on looking very grand and beautiful. More please. Olivia MacKinnon was a delight. I have often wondered, and I know others here have wondered, why she was moved up to soloist. Here she showed a winning expansiveness and delightful quality of movement. This is the best I've ever seen her, and made me want to see more of her. Jovani Furlan was incredible. Summer -- Anna Snellgrove also looked stunning as she swept on and waved everyone around. Note to self -- never again miss an Ashley Laracey performance. She looks GREAT. Fall -- the debut of Cainan Weber was amazing. He nailed everything. Stamina, elevation, and incredible form, showing every little detail while hanging in the air. A win!! Andrew Veyette, on the other hand, looked tired. Unity Phelan's personal beauty can carry her through anything, and technically she was good, but I didn't think she brought anything extra here. 

I could definitely see some of this program again, but not all of it. Looking ahead to the next few weeks, it's a little bleak. Holding out for the 4T's/Liebes program!!


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Olivia MacKinnon was indeed very impressive last night.  I agree that  this was the  best I have seen from her.  Yes, Veyette pushed through  his Fall role, but just barely.  Did you notice that Veyette's head band kept sliding down his forehead and at one point was about to cover his eyes.  Phelan was fine - she did the Plisetskaya kick.  However, spinning is her kryptonite, and she bailed out early of the section where she has to do many spins.  She filled the bit of extra time by standing and looking pretty.

Watching In the Night again last night, I have to say that Tiler Peck and Bolden gave a master class on how to dance the third couple.  They were great, mining every detail of the choreography  with brilliance.  It looked like an entirely  different and more impressive ballet in their hands.  They knew how to convey all of the dramatic details here. On opening night, Phelan and Veyette were a total bore in the same roles. 

Here's hoping that Mejia is not injured, and just needed an evening off after his blockbuster performance on Tuesday in Fall. 





Edited by abatt
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I generally agree with the comments above. I was disappointed that Mejia was out (hope he's ok -- he has a big season ahead!), but no complaints about seeing Ulbricht, other than the fact that I had already seen him do this role twice in the past year... yes, time for NYCB to give Fancy Free a rest! 

I loved, loved, loved the romantic delicacy that Woodward and Gordon brought to in In the Night (I wish they were paired together more often), also Peck and Bolden in the third section. 

The highlight for me was the pleasant surprise of Olivia MacKinnon. Have never seen her dance better -- she made the tricky stuff look easy and was charming and musical, with none of the tension in her face and body that have brought down some of her previous performances. I finally "get" the soloist promotion. Furlan also looked phenomenal, as well as the four corps men. 

As for the other sections, Erica Pereira (winter) was competent but has lost some of the technical crispness and cutesy sparkle of her peak years. I thought her two partners looked great though, particularly David Gabriel, who seems like an up and comer. Unity is a very different Autumn from Tiler Peck. On one hand, I enjoyed the classical elegance she brought to the role and her long lines and flexibility -- yes, the Plisetskaya kick was there. But the performance lacked a certain fire, with notably slow chainé turns. Still, I enjoyed her interpretation. Cainan Weber was phenomenal and should be in the next round of soloist promotions. He's had a great couple of years but this performance felt like a turning point. They should cast both him and Takahashi as Puck this spring. And yes, Veyette is still a powerful turner but I think it's time to retire these virtuoso roles. He looked worn out. 

Edited by matilda
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28 minutes ago, BalanchineFan said:

Third week casting is up. Tiler Peck is alternating with Megan Fairchild in Ballo. Lots of debuts in the soloist roles.

Also, there's only one cast for Liebslieder. I wonder if they'll stay with that for all four performances.



If Sanz can't go I wonder who will dance second cast Hallelujah Junction at the Saturday Matinee? Gordon is debuting both HJ and Ballo, so can't possibly do both in the same performance?? 

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5 minutes ago, bellawood said:

If Sanz can't go I wonder who will dance second cast Hallelujah Junction at the Saturday Matinee? Gordon is debuting both HJ and Ballo, so can't possibly do both in the same performance?? 

Roman Mejia danced the role for his SAB workshop. He might be too busy, though.

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Just saw a 30-second ad for Tiler's new ballet for the first time. It was set in a school auditorium/gym with shots in a restroom. Looked like Zac Posen was in it as well. Wonder when the ads started? I'm very interested to hear what the turnout is like for the New Combinations program.

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7 hours ago, abatt said:

I would love to see Mejia dance HJ.  

He was amazing. 17 years old, or something like that. Just eager for all the turns and jumps, spinning like a top, beats galore, lots of confidence, charisma and youthful exuberance. I remember vividly how he smiled a bit when he started a long diagonal of beats and turns. Relishing it.

MT MacKinnon danced the lead and India Bradley was one of the featured soloists. They were great, too. It was the best Hallelujah Junction I had seen. The most thrilling. Sharp, energetic. Much better than NYCB at that time. Those students were fired up. Nilas Martins set it on the SAB students.

I hope Mejia is ok.

Edited by BalanchineFan
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Does the casting sheet say that Chamblee and LaFreniere are dancing Sanguinic in 4T? I think it does. What an exciting cast!

1st Theme: Olivia Boisson, Samuel Melnikov

2nd Theme: Olivia MacKinnon, Kennard Henson

3rd Theme: Sara Evans, Davide Riccardo

Melancholic: Anthony Huxley

Sanguinic: Chamblee, LaFreniere

Phlegmatic: Adrian Danchig-Waring

Choleric: Emily Kikta

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