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Everything posted by canbelto

  1. It’s really hard to tell what happens once a dancer makes principal. Remember Michele Wiles? Here Seo? And to a lesser extent Devon Teuscher? Both great soloists who just weren’t/aren’t interesting in principal roles, otoh Christine Shevchenko is someone who has grown by leaps and bounds since making principal.
  2. Maria got injured at the end of spring season. Tiler Peck was out all of spring season with an injury.
  3. You might not have but Veronika has ... I saw her several times this season at ABT and she looked like she was having a grand old time.
  4. My thoughts of the Lane/Cornejo/Shevchenko Sleeping Beauty, as well as Ratmansky's Sleeping Beauty in general: https://humbledandoverwhelmed.blogspot.com/2019/07/ratmanskys-sleeping-beauty-closes-out.html
  5. I'm reviewing the performance for bachtrack but just wanted to say that Cassandra Trenary's Aurora was absolutely beautiful and well worth catching on Saturday night for those who don't have tickets.
  6. Was anyone at the Boylston/Bell performance?
  7. Yes they do. I like the restoration. It was certainly an improvement over the abomination that was the Kirkland production. That was horrific. I'll never forget the fairies being introduced by that dumb shower curtain. That was a disgusting production that never should have made it to the ABT stage.
  8. I recommend Edwin Denby's Dance Writings for the most on-the-scene first-responder reactions to some very iconic ballet and dance moments. Arlene Croce's books also have that flavor although Croce's writings are more esoteric. If you are interested in Balanchine, Nancy Reynolds' Repertory in Review is a must. Dancer autobiographies: generally a pretty uneven bunch, but Tamara Karsavina's Theatre Street, Alexandra Danilova's Choura, Allegra Kent's Once a Dancer and Jacque d'Amboise's I Was a Dancer can be enjoyed simply as sharp keen looks at dance. David Vaughn's study of Ashton ballets is very enjoyable. Lincoln Kirstein's Dance is a very dense, opinionated dance history.
  9. There was a performance I attended where Dvorovenko did the white act and Julie Kent did Odile.
  10. I was at that performance. I remember she struggled with Odile too, so I wonder why she didn't just do Odette and had Dvorovenko do Odile.
  11. @FauxPas who is at the performance just texted me: Misty for the white acts, Sarah for black swan.
  12. But I often see Irina at dance shows around the city. I've seen her numerous times at NYCB, at the Joyce, etc. She seems to be a genuine dance enthusiast.
  13. She was at Bolle's farewell. Actually I was sitting by her, Daniil Simkin, Veronika Part, and Max. All of them chattered in Russian. Wish I could speak Russian to understand what they were saying!
  14. I attended Bolle's farewell and Sarah and Herman on Tuesday. I thought overall Sarah and Herman were a much stronger pairing that Seo/Bolle: https://humbledandoverwhelmed.blogspot.com/2019/06/abt-says-farewell-to-roberto-bolle.html
  15. I don't consider people who are molested vile. I consider people who defend child molestation as vile. p.s. I had to terminate a pregnancy. No I'm not ashamed of it. He would have wanted me executed. He's a horrible person.
  16. https://www.thelocal.it/20180112/franco-zeffirelli-accused-sexual-assault He was also accused of sexual assault. He also defended his own molestation by a priest in this interview: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2006/nov/25/italy.classicalmusic He was a horrible vile person. The end.
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/15/arts/music/franco-zeffirelli-dead.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/franco-zeffirelli-master-of-grandeur-in-theater-film-and-opera-dies-at-96/2019/06/15/675efb0c-dcf4-11e6-ad42-f3375f271c9c_story.html?utm_term=.9cdaa261cb08 https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-24855930 https://variety.com/2019/film/news/franco-zeffirelli-dies-dead-director-theater-opera-film-1203244589/ In all of his obits. His views on abortion, the Catholic church, and homosexuality are well known. He was a senator and endorsed the most right-wing positions.
  18. Not going to grieve for a man who was so bigoted and a mouthpiece for the corruptions of the Catholic church. Sorrynotsorry.
  19. I'm sorry Part said she gave the sponsorship to a new principal. Part's sponsor was Theresa Khawly -- Khawly now sponsors Shevchenko. As for the sponsorship information, it;s on the ABT website: https://www.abt.org/support/individual-giving/major-gifts/ Sponsors are recognized in Playbill and on ABT’s website. Eight levels of sponsorship are available, and each dancer may be sponsored by up to three sponsors: Professional Dancer Sponsorships Principal Sponsor – $35,000 annually Soloist Sponsor – $25,000 annually Corps de Ballet Sponsor – $15,000 annually Pre-Professional Dancer Sponsorships ABT Apprentice Sponsor – $12,500 annuallyABT Studio Company Dancer – $10,000 annuallyABT JKO Upper 2 Level Student – $8,000 annuallyABT JKO Upper 1 Level Student – $6,500 annuallyProject Plié Bridge Class Student – $5,000 annually
  20. She said they gave the contract to a "new principal." Since Sarah Lane, Christine Shevchenko, and Devon Teuscher were all promited that year it's pretty easy to figure out where that sponsor contract went to. Well I think if a dancer catches a sponsor's eye and there's deep enough pockets that dancer can be promoted.
  21. But ABT's principal dancers' salaries are subsidized by private sponsors whose names appear under their billing in the playbills. It's a very different budgeting system than NYCB.
  22. I feel like Trenary and Brandt are dancing principal workloads, so it's only fair to give them principal status. I would say the same for Thomas Forster.
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