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Everything posted by liebs

  1. This sense of casual humor is what I remember most about Farrell's performance in this piece. And it is what I missed in Mearn's performance last week. She pushed too hard and there was no sense of irony.
  2. The inital NY Times review of Glass Pieces did reference Lucinda Childs work.
  3. Fantastic cast including Michael Cervaris , Marisa Cervaris's brother. Some may remember her from the NYCB corps. Michael Rosen playing Mallganes studied at SAB and then danced in West Side Story on Broadway,
  4. I thought it was an extraordinary winter season. I find it hard to quarrel with an artistic director and company who put forth: Taylor Stanley and Bouder in Western Sterling Hyltin and Ramsar in Sym in 3 movements Kowroski in Bizet and Vienna Waltzes Anthony Huxley in Vienna Waltzes, Mozartiana and as bluebird Mearns and J. Angle is Swan Lake, although she was not in top form, I thought but Angle was an ardent prince and a magnificent partner Peck and Ramsar in Allegro Brillante Bouder in T&V and Serenade Reichlen's debut in Piano Concerto # 2 may have been the high point of the season, looking forward to seeing her do it again I was happy to see Baiser, although Peck and Fairchild seemed too sunny to me for this fundementally dark ballet and Year of the Rabbit was terrific. There was also some strong dancing from corps members and I continue to be intrigued by Megan LeCrone. Is it spring yet?
  5. NYCB almost never cancels a performance - we'll see
  6. I've seen Kikta a number of times in corps roles in the first couple of weeks.
  7. I was at NYCB tonight and Woodward and Boisson were listed as corp members in the program.
  8. It is by Paul Kolnick and I own a copy - it is onr of my prize possesions. You can probably buy a print from him. Try calling his NYC studio.
  9. Best - being alive to see dance Worst - not seeing more of it
  10. Lovette was charming in her debut as Marzipan last night. Started strong but ran out of steam at the end. Gargouillades were not great. But it is nice that she is getting a shot at Plum.
  11. not sure why you are reacting negatively about soemthing you haven't seen. Although perhaps not classical ballet, I've found a number of Bourne's productions interesting and good theater. I'm reserving judgement till I've seen it.
  12. Salman Rushdie's Joseph Anton and Hilary Mantel's Bringing up the Bodies.
  13. No but Eleanor D'Antuno of ABT used to do the quarter turns in her fouettes.
  14. Swope was an amazing photographer. I had the pleasure of working with her a number of times as well as with members of her studio staff. Most memorably, one of her staff photgraphers shot my family (sisters, husbands, children) as a gift for my parent's anniversary. I still cherish those phots.
  15. I think the response to this is - who cares
  16. Takes me back. On the same trip to London where I saw Nerina's Giselle, we saw a program with those two ballets on it. There was probably a third piece - I think Rake's Progress. Years later, the Joffrey did Pinapple Poll but does any one dance Lady and the Fool?
  17. I saw Nerina's Giselle at the Royal when I was a young girl - a wonderful dancer.
  18. Inspite of the fall, she gave a beautiful performance. Great amplitude, soulfulness and musicality. Askegard was a terrific partner and they had great rapport. As a whole, Jewels was a little uneven but had many strong performances. I thought Reichlen was witty and sexy in Rubies and A. Stafford was lovely in the "arms" solo.
  19. The burden of the unfilled weeks will fall on the City Center of Music and Drama (not City Center Theatre)who is the landlord for NYCB and NYCO. The building is owned by the city of NY and leased to City Center of Music and Drama.
  20. Second and third are both good as Helene said. I would order online it is very simple and then you are all set. Or at least go online and see what tickets are available. The website indicates what rings are sold out, so you have some sense in advance of what availabilty is.
  21. Good to hear Peck got those turns into arabesque worked out. She - shockingly - missed all 3 on Thursday. I agree about the freshness of the performance of this cast and this is just the beginning. All the dancers can clearly grow into their roles. For me, the most beautiful moment of the ballet on Thursday was Hyltin's developee at the beginning of the ppd. Glorious.
  22. I saw his program last year and this was an improvement but... He doesn't have much or maybe anything to say that hasn't been said by others and said better. He does have the gift of making dancers look good and I thought Korbes looked good but she gave more to him than he to her. He's young and the problem with choreography is that you have to have your learning experiences in public. So hopefully he will continue to develop and gain a more original point of view.
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