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its the mom

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Everything posted by its the mom

  1. I remember reading that he was injured back in February: https://www.balletcoforum.com/topic/19591-staatsballett-berlin-la-sylphide-casting/
  2. She is pretty amazing in that she danced Cinderella in London on Saturday evening, La Bayadere Shades scene in Olso on Monday, and is now back in London dancing Cinderella this evening.
  3. He was replaced due to injury last year when they were scheduled to dance it. I am just surprised that he did not dance it before at ABT. Just timing, probably. https://www.roh.org.uk/news/cast-change-manon-on-5-and-13-april-2018
  4. Wow, debut? That's hard to believe.
  5. Misa will be missed. There are other departures as well. Kathleen Combes is retiring and taking over the Executive Directorship of Festival Ballet in Rhode Island. Dalay Parrondo, a long-time soloist is retiring. Corina Gill is retiring. Rachele Buriassi is leaving. (These were all announced on their instagrams or on Boston's instagram.)
  6. Thank you. Seems to be a lot of red tape, rules to follow, and a huge misunderstanding.
  7. A tribute in Pointe Magazine written by Julie Diana Hench. Julie's husband, Zach Hench, and sister-in-law, Tara Hench Berdo, both trained at CPYB. Zach and Tara's mom, Leslie Hench, was one of Marcia's first students, and taught for many years at CPYB. https://www.pointemagazine.com/marcia-dale-weary-2630827719.html?rebelltitem=4#rebelltitem4
  8. If you follow Rosalie O'Connor on Facebook, she has posted a whole series of pictures capturing Marcia. Beautiful.
  9. Numerous students have posted today on Facebook and Instagram. My feed has been flooded with them all day long. Many are dancers. Ashley Bouder, Jeffrey Cirio, Lia Cirio, Ian Hussey, Carli Samuelson, Julia Rowe, just to name a few. Many were former dancers like Deborah Wingert, Tina LeBlanc and Tracy Julias. And then there were teachers from all over the world sharing the news. There were parents expressing their gratefulness. And, finally, there were students who never went on to be professional dancers. The recurring theme of all their posts was that she pushed them, she inspired them, she gave them work ethic, and she gave them a love for the art form and for other art forms. She demanded excellence and she got it. And whether they danced professionally or they didn't, what she instilled in them carried forward into their lives. I don't know if there will be another like her. I was blessed to witness it.
  10. Very happy to see Ponomarenko staging "Giselle." She will bring excellence to that ballet. And Elo's "Carmen" is one of his best, in my opinion. I am glad to see it make a comeback.
  11. According to their Facebook page, through an announcement by Nicholas Ade, Marcia Dale Weary has passed away. It is a sad day for many, as she was responsible for so many having a career in the ballet world: It is with enormous love and sadness that I share that our Founding Artistic Director, Marcia Dale Weary has passed. She built a legacy through the best in classical ballet training. Her legacy will continue through all of us at CPYB who share the same values and love for what she stood for. Marcia will be missed as she is loved by so many. We thank you Marcia for the beauty you brought to this world. Memorial services and tributes for Marcia with further information will be forthcoming. Thank you, Nicholas Ade Chief Executive Officer Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet
  12. Have enjoyed this ballet now several times both in Liverpool and Chicago. I have to say my favorite cast is Rojo, Streeter, and Cirio. I also love the understated, yet powerful performances of Takahashi. I still find the second act of the ballet to be somewhat weak choreographically, but it is certainly not a ballet to be missed. I am hoping ENB will do more of Khan’s work. I thought “Dust” was other-worldly, and wished they had brought it to Chicago also.
  13. I read a while back that English National Ballet also partnered with a cruise line. A sign of the times? https://thetravelingballerina.com/english-national-ballet-will-dance-the-atlantic-on-cunard-cruise-line/ https://www.cruisecritic.com/news/3528/
  14. Yikes, that's a lot of torch lifting in one week.
  15. Unfortunately, Cirio will not be dancing in this at the Guggenheim. He is dancing with Sarah Lane in the Dance St. Louis Evening of Ballet Stars that same evening. https://www.dancestlouis.org/balletstars
  16. I am with you. I really liked AfterRite and was happy to see the company take on a McGregor work. My problem is much like everyone else's in that between casting and the works chosen, I do not have the desire to go see any of the shows. I would like to see Hoven in Symphonie Concertante and one of his performances is paired with AfterRite, but on a night I can't be there. There are not any other works I really have the desire to see.
  17. Not in any way defending Finlay or any of the other guys. However: Revenge porn is more common than we think: https://fightthenewdrug.org/need-to-know-facts-about-revenge-porn/ And sexting: http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-sexting-sexual-satisfaction-20150807-story.html Why would we think this has not been happening in the ballet world prior to this time, that it is somehow new to this world? They just got caught.
  18. Ok, I see. I misunderstood. Thanks for the clarification. And, yes, I agree. A violation of trust and community standards is certainly at play here.
  19. I guess I feel differently, knowing some of the young girls at SAB. As a parent, I would not want my daughter near any of them at this point.
  20. It is a bit different. The women of the company have to be partnered by those men. Would you be comfortable with that if it were your daughter?
  21. Resigned because he’s guilty; resigned before he could be investigated .... All our assumptions. Perhaps the company gave him a choice ... resign or we let you go. We do not know, and we may never know.
  22. "We reached out to a variety of authorities in the field to hear their reactions to her statement:" A range of quotes follows from various figures in the ballet world including one from Jenifer Ringer--here is the link: https://www.dancemagazine.com/alexandra-waterbury-2602545003.html?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1 Perhaps this should be the beginning of a different topic? Wasn't sure...but the content of one or two of the quotes made me think maybe just put it here. Skybetter was on target: "Waterbury's story and sentiment abundantly rhyme with the pattern of ballet history. Feminist critic Deirdre Kelly, scholar Brenda Dixon Gottschild and historian Jennifer Homans (among others) have abundantly demonstrated how ballet sits at the historical intersection of structures of race, gender, power, sex and violence. Arguably, one outcome of this history is that institutions like NYCB have become adroit at the management of legal protections and tactical public relations required to contain discourse on abuse." And this from Harss: "We all know that the behavior alleged in this case is wrong, but what we need to know is whether it's systemic and widespread so that real steps can be taken to make it less likely to happen again."
  23. Finlay and Lovette have not been a couple for quite awhile. She has been dating Barton Cowperthwaite for at least two years now. (according to instagram)
  24. How unimaginative. But it will certainly sell tickets, especially with the release of "The Nutcracker and the Four Realms" shortly thereafter. They will capitalize on it, I am sure.
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