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Everything posted by ABT Fan

  1. I just noticed that they're doing twelve (12!) performances of Whipped Cream. I didn't pay attention before and thought they were doing the standard one-week run. That's unprecedented, especially for a world premiere.
  2. So many surprises! And some disappointments. Lane as Giselle (Murphy too!) - never thought I'd see the day. That's a must see show! And, Abrera w/ Gomes in Giselle, AND for his 20th anniversary show. How sweet that'll be. Wonderful to see so many other debuts: Teuscher in SL, Shevchenko in DQ and as Myrtha, Abrera in Onegin. I think a few of the TBA's are being held for Bolle, not Hallberg as someone else suggested. Hallberg wasn't included in the list of principals in the press release so it seems certain he's not coming back. Time to remove him from their roster. And, I'm sure Hammoudi will get at least one of the TBA's for SL, as he's done that role before. I would love to see Forster make his debut in SL opposite Teuscher. I'm very surprised Brandt didn't get a DQ as well. I think she'd make a fantastic Kitri. Three women are getting 2 shows each, so one of them could have gone to her. I was also expecting to see another major debut for Trenary. But, they are spreading the wealth around (finally) so there are only so many opportunities. Gorak does seem to have stalled a bit with casting. Maybe he'll get one of the TBA's. I agree with the Nutcracker comments. That and the Aurora pas could have been replaced with something else not taken out of context.
  3. Tom - If this was still the 17 or 18th century, I imagine no one would have a problem with men wearing tights, at least on their lower legs, as that was the fashion of the day. Anytime you have one gender (especially women) that predominantly wears one type of garment that the other for the most part does not (at least not out in society), it's most likely going to be viewed as not acceptable for the other to wear it, and yet if they do they'll be considered "feminine" as in your example. A hundred plus years ago, the same would have been said if a man chose to wear a corset, even if he wanted a little help in the middle area. This picture below is from the mini-series John Adams (I hope I'm allowed to post this): http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0472027/mediaviewer/rm765826560 Regarding your comment/question about showing a man's lower body outline, I see it as identical to the conundrum of full-frontal female nudity vs. full-frontal male nudity. We as a society have become so accustomed to the sexualization of women, that seeing women fully nude on TV and in movies is more and more common and "normal". But, rarely do we see men in the same way (at least I do not with what I watch ;). Games of Thrones is a good example. But, I also agree with you that there is a discomfort, generally speaking, with viewing men that way. So, I think there is more than one issue here.
  4. I'm surprised there was no announcement on Semionova. That does free up some possible opportunities for others though and I can't help speculating. If they do SL and Giselle, they normally do 8 performances of each. And there are currently 6 women who perform O/O and 5 who perform Giselle, leaving potentially 2 and 3 debuts, respectively, for each (assuming no one gets a second show). Current O/O's: Boylston, Copeland, Kochetkova, Murphy, Part, Seo Potential O/O debuts: Abrera (the only principal left), Lane (doubtful, but I can dream), Trenary, Teuscher, Shevchenko (she'd be gorgeous), Hurlin (major wild card, but doubtful this year) Current Giselle's: Abrera, Boylston, Kocketkova, Seo, Vishneva (though I think Vishneva is only doing Onegin for her last season, according to the press release, so if that holds true, there are only 4) Potential Giselle debuts: Copeland (likely), Murphy and Part (I'm only listing them as potentials since they're principals, but I think it's highly unlikely; they're pigeonholed as Myrtha at this point, yet wonderful in that role), Trenary (likely), Lane (doubtful, but I'd love to see it), Shevchenko (unlikely IMO, but I see her debuting as Myrtha though) I do think it's very unlikely to have 3 debuts in a major ballet, even 2 is pushing it, but they've surprised me before with casting. Of course, all of my speculating could be blown out of the water as soon as they announce their list of guest artists. But, maybe that'll be a short list like this past year.
  5. Absolutely. I talked about Marcelo Gomes before as one example, and I like to follow his Instagram where he sometimes posts videos of himself working out in a gym. Anyone who thinks male ballet dancers lose their masculinity should attempt to do half as much as he does in this video, with the same level of strength, control and good form: And, plenty of people (who are considered to be in good shape and who are 10 years younger) would wind up in tears after doing (or trying to do) this many reps: Of course, maintaining masculinity should not be judged (in my opinion) by brute strength alone. But, Gomes could do this exercise in a pink tutu and tights and would still be masculine to me. I think some people just don't realize how much strength male dancers need to continually hoist ballerinas around, and make it look effortless.
  6. It left me feeling sad. Her experience (and complete dedication at the expense of anything or anyone else) is more typical of the "good old days" than it is now. When I was a dance student (especially) and later out trying to make it, if you pursued any other interests or hobbies you were thought of as not serious or dedicated to your art, and definitely not professional dancer material. You were supposed to eat, breathe, sleep, dream ballet. I'm sure there are still many dancers who subscribe to this, and I'm not criticizing their ways. I've been there. As you say vipa, dancers today are generally a lot more well-rounded with many outside interests and pursuits (and even other part-time careers). And, that seems to be more accepted and, gratefully, encouraged. Having more balance in your life can only make you a better artist, and probably a much happier person.
  7. Please report back on his performance!
  8. They're doing Giselle in Oman in March, so to me that's a pretty good indicator that they'll be performing it later at the Met. http://www.abt.org/calendar.aspx?startdate=4/1/2017 Same with Swan Lake at the Kennedy Center in January. http://www.abt.org/calendar.aspx?startdate=1/1/2017
  9. Congratulations!! Thank you for sharing such marvelous news!
  10. So, Simkin and Cirio as Prodigal Son and Part (hooray) and Seo (?) as the Siren. Abrera with Stearns and Boylston with Gomes for Daphnis. Also some good opportunities for some more corps dancers.
  11. Cornejo and Ferri will be doing R&J with the Universal Ballet in South Korea October 23-26: http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/english/news/lifestyle/15443-debut-korean-stage-%E2%80%9853-years-old-ballerina%E2%80%99-performs-korea-first-time
  12. Thanks goodness Calvin Royal is still listed! I didn't think he was leaving, but since he still didn't get promoted I thought you never know.... So nice to Blaine Hoven finally listed with the soloists. Though, I wish they'd have a new picture taken of him. His current one looks so outdated. Apparently, David Hallberg is expected to return (hopefully).
  13. I couldn't watch more than 30 seconds of each. What's with the awful music? (Though that's the least of their problems...)
  14. Just saw this online myself. I'm pretty shocked: - Trenary getting opening night. I didn't see her debut, and I'm a big fan of hers, but I'm still very surprised that she got opening night. I thought that would have gone to Boylston or maybe Seo. - Abrera and Lane only getting one performance, while Trenary gets two. But, at the same time, why am I so surprised re: Abrera/Lane?! McKenzie keeps giving them just enough crumbs for them to hang on.....but, not what they deserve (in my opinion obviously) and certainly not enough for them to further develop in order to progress (but, again, McKenzie isn't interested in seeing either of them develop....) I doubt Trenary's promotion is assured by this casting. This is the only full-length ballet that she's had the lead in so far. I'm certain more are to follow, no doubt in the Spring (she'd make a wonderful Juliet and Giselle). But, I wouldn't say her promotion is in the bag based on the Paris casting alone.
  15. Lily Wisdom is leaving the corps to start school at Columbia in the fall. And, there's a bittersweet photo/caption for Baca wishing him well as he embarks for PA Ballet. Also, note a few of the comments for Baca - a few folks were offended by Kaatsban's "merde" prompting explanations from them and another corps dancer. Obviously they didn't know what it meant but it still made me laugh. Never seen that before. https://www.instagram.com/p/BH786aAghRE/?taken-by=abtofficial&hl=en
  16. I think you meant to quote FauxPas as I was not referencing her White Swan pas....?
  17. Luciana Paris was promoted to soloist last year after 14 years in the corps, so it's possible. But, my feeling is that management doesn't see her on that track. She's been dancing soloist/demi-soloist parts for years (and one of the principal roles in Les Sylphides), so I think if they were going to promote her (or were planning on it) they would have done it by now or at least given her juicier roles to see if she was up for it. Edited to add: FauxPas, I guess we were typing at the same time!
  18. Nominees were announced yesterday. Justin Peck's work "Heatscape" received a nom, as did dancers Gillian Murphy of ABT and Parisa Khobdeh of Paul Taylor. The awards will be presented on October 18 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/07/14/arts/dance/bessie-awards-announce-this-years-nominees.html
  19. I saw Kristi Boone years ago as the Siren and she was really very good. As I wrote earlier, I can see Boylston and Copeland getting cast (despite their height). Copeland would be great in the role.
  20. Very exciting! For Prodigal, I imagine it'll be Cornejo, Simkin, Cirio and maybe Scott, with Abrera, Boylston, Copeland and Murphy as the Siren (though I think Shevchenko would be a better fit than Boylston).
  21. 2017 will be Marcelo Gomes' 20th anniversary with the company. I wonder what he'll dance for that celebration, and with whom? Onegin (if it comes back) with Vishneva? Whatever it is, that's one ticket I won't procrastinate on buying.
  22. I agree - that's not Fonteyn. Unfortunately, I don't know who it is though.
  23. Here's a truly wonderful clip of when Hoven found out he was promoted. His colleagues' reactions practically made me tear up: https://www.instagram.com/p/BHXWYCchs9M/?taken-by=mbhoven
  24. According to the Times, he's 30: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/02/arts/dance/american-ballet-theater-jeffrey-cirio-promotion.html?rref=collection/sectioncollection/dance&action=click&contentCollection=dance&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
  25. Wow. FF I agree completely. Never thought Cirio would be promoted after barely a year and without dancing more lead roles. He's done several secondary roles and I believe he's very talented, but I don't agree with this timing. I'd also want to see him dance an Albrecht or Siegfried first. And what about Gorak??? Hoven on the other hand...I'm very happy for him and he's completely deserving of this after slogging away in the corps for 12 years (and dancing brilliantly the last few years)! But, not Royal too? Perhaps they could only promote one to soloist, but Royal has been churning out soloist/principal roles for years. I hope he doesn't leave but he's been in the corps for 5 years so I wouldn't blame him if that happens.
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