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Everything posted by NinaFan

  1. I hope you get to see Shevchenko's O/O this year as she is positively breathtaking. And I thought Whiteside partnered her well and did himself proud. I didn't see Teuscher's Swan Lake last year. I saw her debut of the role two years ago, and like you, I thought she showed great promise. Having said that, I felt she needed a stronger partner. I’m absolutely thrilled that she’s going to dance SL with Bell this year, especially since they were so beautiful in R&J last season.
  2. Thank you Helene. I just watched the Scherzo in the link above (thank you canbelto!) and I can see what you're talking about. It is definitely technically demanding. I wonder if today's dancer's are up to the challenge. I'd love to see it in performance.
  3. I know, why hasn't ABT performed it for so long? The audience always seems to enjoy it. It's unlikely I will make it to DC in October, but it is very tempting. At least I made it to two Mariinsky Corsaires a couple of weeks ago.
  4. I never even realized that one of the movements was removed, but perhaps I've never seen it. Do you know if that performance in 1989 was a one off, or were they including the Scherzo at that time? The first time I saw Western Symphony could have been about that time, but it may have been the early 90's. I started attending NYCB in 1988.
  5. What a shame that you can't find anything that you like. I already have a stupid amount of performances and I'm trying to resist buying additional tickets until we get closer to performances (because of casting changes). So far, only one of my ballets is Ratmansky (Sleeping Beauty), but I'll probably add Harlequinade and/or Whipped Cream as the mood strikes me. Yes, I've seen them a bunch of times but this is the next to last eight week season for ABT, and I plan to get my fill. And of course part of the ABT season is wedged in with my NYCB performances, but I love ballet overload in the spring! Hope you can find something that you'll enjoy!
  6. Mearns not commenting on social media is not indicative of a position one way or the other.
  7. Wow, she had me almost in tears. Congrats to a beautiful dancer.
  8. Shame on him for wasting such wonderful talent, especially since she had such a lovely debut...hiccups and all. She certainly deserves a second chance. I especially loved her Odette. The longer he keeps her out of the role, the less likely she is to return to it.
  9. While ABT's production is not a particularly good, there have been some very exciting O/O debuts in the last couple of years. Most notably Shevchenko and Teuscher. Both are great, but Shevchenko leaves me totally drained from screaming so much.
  10. For what it's worth, Wikipedia has Ramasar as being born 1981/1982. Elsewhere I have seen an exact birth date of 12/9/81. Either way he is no older than 37 right now. Interesting that in an ABT thread everyone wants to see Gomes dance again (me included). Gomes was born 9/26/79 and will be 40 this year. So why is Ramasar aging out, while someone two years his senior not? By the way, I am huge fan of both dancers, and it was a joy to see Gomes dance with Sarasota Ballet. It left me wanting for more. As an aside, De Luz was in his 40's when he retired.
  11. There is always NYCB which is doing Midsummer Night's Dream this spring and next spring. I've always loved their version.
  12. NY gives you the added advantage of seeing an additional ballet either before or after this new Ratmansky piece. But we'll have to wait until October/November for the detailed MET schedule.
  13. Yay! The last time I checked the website was yesterday, and he still wasn't listed! Welcome to Ballet Alert NYCgirl!
  14. I love Khachaturian! Looking forward to it's run in NY next year.
  15. Megan Fairchild has made it clear on social media (see link below) how painful it was to dance with her ex-husband. The point I am trying to make is that there are dancers who have difficulties/issues dancing with certain partners. With the exception of two “anonymous” women cited in the NYTimes, I am hoping that Ramasar is welcomed back with open arms. I honestly don’t believe that anyone is actually in fear of him. If so, I hope his “counseling” alleviates anyone’s concerns. https://www.instagram.com/p/BPtYeRQBUqp/?hl=en&taken-by=mfairchild17
  16. I think Catazaro did what is right for him. And for selfish reasons, I'm glad Ramasar chose to return to NYCB.
  17. I hope you're wrong. If so, the union accomplished nothing.
  18. I disagree. I can't imagine that they would have even considered reinstating him.
  19. WOW! I am so excited to hear that Ramasar will be returning to NYCB!
  20. I saw the Friday night and Saturday matinee performances. I’ll try not to repeat too much of what everyone else has been saying. While I enjoyed both performances , Friday night was the absolute highlight for me. It was my first time seeing Khoreva and she blew me away as Medora. Zverev was wonderful as Conrad, and as most have noted on here, Batoeva made for a gorgeous Gulnare. Needless to say, Kim's Ali was breathtaking. Not only does he get incredible height and hang time, but he has such beautiful and soft landings. They made a replacement announcement at the start of the performance, so I’m not sure who I saw as Lankedem. Saturday matinee was just as energetic with Chebykina as a lovely Medora, Parish made for a fine Conrad, as did Askerov’s Ali and Stepin’s Lankedem. And kudos to the rest of the cast and corps on both days. What a fun visit to DC!
  21. Congrats to Morgan! I loved her when she was with NYCB. MCB is lucky to have her!
  22. I just got into the casting the usual way (via KC main page), so any issues they were having are hopefully resolved.
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