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Everything posted by California

  1. Colorado Ballet's Nutcracker will be broadcast on Rocky Mountain PBS starting on Thanksgiving Day. They normally stream their performances for free to the schools, so I presume they have a good supply of recordings. What I can't figure out from the announcements is which cast we'll be seeing! But I'm very glad they found a way to get back onto the radar screen. https://www.coloradoballet.org/performances/the-nutcracker
  2. I think that's a very legitimate concern, but I hope many young dancers are using the time to pursue college degrees that qualify them for teaching or administrative work in the arts. Those are great career options when they retire, as they all do eventually at young ages. If they can also keep up dance training/classwork, they could return to performance for a few years, but face a brighter post-retirement future. Still, I think all the performing arts are in for major restructuring (as are some other industries, like restaurants and travel).
  3. Colorado Ballet did Possokhov's Firebird in 2017 and, from a little Googling, it appears it's quite popular with smaller/regional companies. I wasn't crazy about it, especially the hideous costuming. https://www.coloradoballet.org/company-repetoire/firebird In 2014, Colorado did the Tetley Firebird (which ABT had acquired for Baryshnikov in the 70s) and I much preferred that. I have no idea why they changed. I always wonder if the cost of royalties and costume/set rentals ends up being decisive in these decisions.
  4. Thanks for the heads-up on the Onegin rehearsal. I've been so busy I haven't had time to look at any of World Ballet Day material this year and I'm glad they're still on YouTube. I'm a huge Onegin fan having gone to the entire ABT run last year. I also have the Stuttgart CD and was able to save it digitally when they showed this last spring online. The interesting thing to me about rehearsals is seeing how they master the incredibly difficult partnering in this ballet. Cranko's partnering is so imaginative and thrilling - a real treasure. Here's the link to the entire Bolshoi contribution. The Onegin segment comes in at 2:16.
  5. Not sure where to post this. As SFB regulars know, Val Caniparoli, their resident choreographer, also does guest work for other companies. Colorado Ballet just posted a clip of the piece he made for them in 2013, In Pieces, with music by Paul Rudner. I've seen this now many times and it grows on you. Thought you might be interested:
  6. National Ballet of Canada just cancelled the rest of their 2020-2021 season: 2020/21 Season Cancelled Swan Lake Postponed to 2021/22 Although this news is not unexpected, it is with a heavy heart I announce that the remainder of the 2020/21 season has been cancelled. This difficult decision has been made due to the continued uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic and in recognition that a return to large gatherings in the near future is unlikely. The health and safety of our artists and audiences continues to be our foremost priority. I am particularly disappointed that once again we must postpone the world premiere of my new production of Swan Lake, which will now be presented in the 2021/22 season, full details of which will be announced in the spring of 2021. We will return to the stage when it is safe to do so stronger than ever and until then, we will continue to share the artistry of our dancers virtually and, when possible, in socially distanced live performances. The 2020/21 virtual season launched in September with Expansive Dances, a stunning triptych of dance films created by our Choreographic Associates Robert Binet, Guillaume Côté and Alysa Pires and acclaimed director Ben Shirinian. Expansive Dances Coming next is Spotlight Series, a digital reimagining of new and existing works, featuring world premieres of Trase Pa by Kevin A. Ormsby and Soul by Jera Wolfe, who both make their choreographic debuts with the company. Additional programming will be announced shortly. Spotlight Series The socially distanced performances of Mr. Binet’s The Dreamers Ever Leave You at Harbourfront Centre and open rehearsals of Mr. Ormsby’s Trase Pa at the Art Gallery of Ontario were postponed due to Toronto returning to modified Stage 2 restrictions. These events will be rescheduled when restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so. Together for Ballet During this especially challenging time with the loss of performance revenues, the National Ballet needs support more than ever. Through the Together for Ballet campaign, donations will keep our artists active and healthy by maintaining their training; assist us in commissioning and performing new works in this changed environment; and help us share our work digitally with the community. Donate > This pandemic is the most serious crisis the performing arts has faced in my lifetime and I am deeply touched by the tremendous support shown to this company. All of us at the National Ballet are grateful for the continued commitment of our audience and donors. Thank you! Sincerely, Karen Kain, C.C. Artistic Director
  7. I go to NYCB to see the great Balanchine rep (and a few pieces by Robbins). If I wanted to see super-experimental writhing around, I would go elsewhere. The only new choreographer of note at NYCB is Justin Peck. I think the best forum for new, untested choreographers is Vail/summer festivals and perhaps a few lesser companies that are mixing in the new with the classical. I guess that makes me old-fashioned and stodgy, but so be it.
  8. Pennsylvania Ballet just announced a free stream of Director's Choice November 12-25, but you must register for access: https://paballet.org/stay-connected-with-pennsylvania-ballet/directors-choice/
  9. I would LOVE to see them do Ratmansky's Symphony #9 (my favorite from the Trilogy), but that's a fairly large ensemble. Swan Lake? That's a lot of people on stage, which makes me wonder if that is a tape of a performance from years back (along with their R&J and Jewels). We did see their R&J with Kochetkova (was that on the Lincoln Center digital offerings?) The subscription for the whole season is pricey ($289) but with some real advantages -- like unlimited viewing of each program over 7 days, instead of just 24 hours. Hopefully, they'll post more specificity for all the programs.
  10. It was $90 for the three-program series. Individual ones are $35. If they're smart, they'll do an encore for the Ashton program, which is by far the most unique offering.
  11. I'm confused. The entire spring season will be on-line? Will these be recordings from previous seasons? New performances on stage to an empty theater?
  12. My link is still working. Perhaps they stopped selling access before today.
  13. I bought the three-performance digital subscription and just watched the first program, all Ashton. What a treat! I had planned on seeing them at the Joyce last August, but that was cancelled, of course. I'm glad to see that several companies are figuring out how to bring in some revenue and keep their dancers employed with these digital programs. The way things are evolving, this might be all we see in spring 2021 as well.
  14. Although the only date in the liner notes is 1977, Baryshnikov didn't join NYCB until fall 1978, so his performances must have been recorded after that. There is some precious footage and text of Balanchine coaching Baryshnikov in all three.
  15. The DVD appears to be out of print, but used copies are available. It was originally issued on VHS. According to the liner notes, it was recorded in Nashville in 1977 and was broadcast the next year, as I remember, in the Dance in America series. It includes the complete Prodigal, Steadfast Tin Soldier, and Tchaikovsky PdD with Baryshnikov. The complete Ballo della Regina and excerpts from Chaconne are also included. https://www.amazon.com/Choreography-Balanchine-Chaconne-Steadfast-Tchaikovsky/dp/B000228SX2/ref=pd_sbs_74_1/130-6725273-5109219?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000228SX2&pd_rd_r=50bf7b55-5707-456d-992d-31f9e1653695&pd_rd_w=ZQdOZ&pd_rd_wg=27lev&pf_rd_p=b65ee94e-1282-43fc-a8b1-8bf931f6dfab&pf_rd_r=DXZDCC0X95P1F35FK22M&psc=1&refRID=DXZDCC0X95P1F35FK22M
  16. Heartbreaking. Here's the NY Times story: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/23/arts/dance/new-york-city-ballet-cancels-winter-and-spring-seasons.html
  17. Opera Colorado has just announced cancellation of the spring 2021 season. They perform in the same opera house as the Colorado Ballet, so I'm waiting for that shoe to drop. View in Browser Important Announcement from Opera Colorado In light of restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Opera Colorado has postponed all 2020-21 mainstage productions. While this was a difficult decision, we are delighted to have a plan in place which allows Opera Colorado to produce all of our postponed productions during our 2021-22 and 2022-23 Seasons.The 2021-22 Season will open on November 6, 2021 with Tosca—rescheduled after its cancellation in May 2020—followed by The Shining in February 2022, and Carmen in May 2022. Our 40th anniversary celebration in fall 2022 will feature a concert performance of Cavalleria Rusticana. While we will miss welcoming audiences to the Ellie, we wholeheartedly embrace this opportunity to showcase our innovative spirit. Thank you for your continued support of our mission and we look forward to embarking on this new journey with you. LEARN MORE
  18. Colorado Ballet is offering a free stream to educational organizations of its 2019 Nutcracker. They normally offer a free stream of all their productions on the day before opening from the dress rehearsal for school children, and I'm glad to see this. These are usually available to schools located anywhere, not just Colorado. https://www.coloradoballet.org/education/live-stream
  19. Thank you so much for posting this! I'm so pleased to see a small company (19 by my count) allowed to perform this. The artistic director is Edwaard Liang, who has done quite a bit of choreography for other companies. Their web site ways they hope to do some live performances in the spring in their black box theater. I really hope small companies like this are able to hang on through COVID. They not only bring wonderful performances of live ballet to audiences who are never able to travel to NYC. They also provide paid employment for talented dancers, as these obviously are.
  20. I'm part of a small minority, apparently, that loves Kammermusik. It is so unusual for Balanchine -- 8 men and 2 women, for starters. Late in his career (1978). I first saw it at LA Ballet to recorded music many years ago. Colleen Neary gave a brief talk beforehand. She was in the original cast, with Karin von Aroldingen. He choreographed the women's parts in unison. When they had it nailed, he said: okay, now Colleen will start one beat after Karin with the same thing. The men have their own distinctive choreography. Fascinating piece.
  21. Colorado Ballet is going to try its first venture in selling access to an on-line program next month. It's not clear to me how much of the three ballets (which were performed in spring 2019 as part of the regular season) will be shown in this documentary. Normally, this company streams live performances into the schools, so they must have a tape archive and I've been puzzled that nothing has been released, free or for a charge. The dancers and orchestra are unionized and I have no idea what role they play in this absence of broadcasts. The live streams are typically the Thursday before opening day when the opera house is full of school children, so there might be issues with audience noise. Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema OdsteisdcmSaatogmbdpeor dn8stom atm r1r0e:f40sdg AlnM · "Tour de Force" celebrates the spirit of unity, inclusion, and diversity in Denver’s dance scene as three companies, Colorado Ballet, Cleo Parker Robinson Dance, and Wonderbound, unite to create contemporary works. This behind the scenes story takes us into the world of ballet where three choreographers, Cleo Parker Robinson, Garrett Ammon, and Amy Seiwert, create new and compelling works of art that come to life on stage. This unique feature length documentary was produced by the Dance Archive at DU, and is brought to you by Sans Souci in collaboration with Chautauqua@Home, available virtually from Nov 6 to Dec 6. Tickets are only $12, and available here: https://www.chautauqua.com/portfolio/tour-de-force/ . Colorado Ballet Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Wonderbound Stabio Productions Colorado Chautauqua
  22. English National Ballet had announced a Nutcracker at the London Coliseum in December. Alas, they just cancelled that, although it sounds like they are planning something with small snippets. At least from the news, it sounds like the UK is backsliding, as is Germany and France. https://www.ballet.org.uk/production/nutcracker/
  23. I don't want to jinx this, but the complete ballet is now on YouTube in the US: Act I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ips1kxGiWoc Act II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOmj0bcJtJ0&t=2336s This is the performance we saw on live stream in January at AMC theaters. I would have paid to see it before this.
  24. As I suspect many of you did, I just received a black face mask in the mail from San Francisco Ballet with their distinctive typeface and another fund-raising plea. What a great idea! We're all getting numb to the endless emails from everybody and her cousin pleading for donations. This is a new twist and I'd love to see other companies follow their lead. The need for facemasks isn't going away anytime soon!
  25. New York City Center just announced Fall for Dance virtual performances and ticket sales. As an out-of-towner who has never attended Fall for Dance, this is one of the few bright sides of the pandemic. View in browser FALL FOR DANCE FESTIVAL Premieres Oct 21 & 26 at 7:30pm On demand through Nov 1 $15 digital access per program On Sale Now Fall for Dance is back! For seventeen years, the Festival has been part of the renewed rhythm of the performing arts each fall—welcoming dance lovers, both existing and new, to experience an array of dance artists and a variety of genres. It is in keeping with this tradition that we are turning the lights back on at New York City Center and presenting the 2020 Fall for Dance Festival, for the first time ever, filmed live on our stage and presented digitally for you—including a remarkable four world premiere City Center commissions from Kyle Abraham, Dormeshia & Camille A. Brown, Jamar Roberts, and Christopher Wheeldon. We are steadfast in our commitment to support artists during this crucial time and, with rigorous health and safety protocols in place, we are thrilled to have more than 20 artists back in our building where they belong. Hosted by Alicia Graf Mack and David Hallberg, this year’s Festival features artists exclusively from our great city like Tiler Peck, Calvin Royal III, and Ballet Hispánico—many of whom had their New York seasons taken away by the pandemic—in a celebration of the resilience of dance and dance artists, and the power of coming together in solidarity through the arts. While we may not be able to welcome audiences into the theater yet, we’re delighted that we are able to capture the energy of live performance on our stage and bring these artists directly to you—across the city, country, and around the world. Warmly, Arlene Shuler President & CEO Stanford Makishi Vice President, Programming PROGRAM 1 Premieres Oct 21 at 7:30pm Ballet Hispánico, Excerpts from 18+1, New York Premiere Choreography by Gustavo Ramírez Sansano Performed by Ballet Hispánico Company Dancers: Shelby Colona, Dandara Veiga, & Lenai Wilkerson Jamar Roberts of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, City Center Commission Choreography by Jamar Roberts Martha Graham Dance Company, Lamentation Choreography by Martha Graham Featuring Natasha M. Diamond-Walker Sara Mearns & David Hallberg, City Center Commission Choreography by Christopher Wheeldon BUY NOW PROGRAM 2 Premieres Oct 26 at 7:30pm Ashley Bouder, Tiler Peck, & Brittany Pollack, Excerpts from Who Cares? Choreography by George Balanchine © The George Balanchine Trust Calvin Royal III of American Ballet Theatre, City Center Commission Choreography by Kyle Abraham Lar Lubovitch Dance Company, Duet from Concerto Six Twenty-Two Choreography by Lar Lubovitch With guest artists Joseph Gordon & Adrian Danchig-Waring Dormeshia & Camille A. Brown, City Center Commission Choreography by Dormeshia & Camille A. Brown Accompanied by Noah Garabedian, Winard Harper, & Gabriel Roxbury BUY NOW The 2020 Fall for Dance Festival is produced by New York City Center and Nel Shelby Productions in association with Jerome Robbins Dance Division, The New York Public Library. Lead Sponsor
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