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Everything posted by abatt

  1. I suspect that in addition to the stated reasons, his split with Tiler Peck probably also played a role in this development.
  2. Catazaro seems to be "next in line" for promotion among the men, and Fairchild's departure moves up the timetable. He gave some lackluster performances last season. I hope he can make a great success out of his debut as Siegfried.
  3. Ferri had trouble with the choreography of Nikiya back when she was younger and stronger. That's why it never became a signature role for her. She certainly could not do it now. I agree with the above post that it's time for the Ferri Comeback Tour to end, at least at the Met. It's great that she is having new works created on her to suit her current level of ability, but she should stop resurrecting her old roles of yesteryear. If McKenzie is only inviting one guest artist a season, I can think of a long list of ladies I'd prefer to see over Ferri.
  4. I'm sad about this development, but I cannot really say I'm surprised.
  5. I think Part's brother lives in London.
  6. The NY Times Arts preview section states that the ABT 2018 spring season at the Met will include seven full length ballets plus one mixed rep program. The mixed rep program will include a new ballet by Wayne McGregor. The season is as follows: Giselle Don Q Bayadere Swan Lake R&J Whipped Cream Harlequinade Ratmansky Firebird/New McGregor https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/08/arts/dance/dance-listings-for-the-fall-season-and-beyond.html
  7. He will continue to dance with ABT during their Spring seasons at the Met https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/08/arts/dance/daniil-simkin-joins-staatsballett-berlin.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Farts&action=click&contentCollection=arts&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront&_r=0
  8. If I could only see one SL, it would be Mearns. Of the four ladies at NYCB who have previously appeared in the role, she has the deepest understanding of the role. I agree completely with cobweb about Bouder in SL. She can spin like a top, but there was no fluidity in her movement. I also agree w. nysusan about Reichlin, with the added comment that Reichlin did not pay much attention to her arm positions. But who knows - maybe practice makes perfect and these ladies will surprise me during the upcoming run.
  9. The casting is quite a departure for NYCB. Martins has only been casting medium to tall ballerinas as O/O in SL up until this point. Casting "short girls" in the role like Megan and Tiler is a new path at NYCB. Where is Robbie Fairchild in this casting news? He is in New York. (He will be appearing at the Chita Rivera Dance Awards ceremony in Manhattan on Sept 11.) He has done Siegfried before, and he has become an audience favorite. And yet he is not cast. I had a feeling Jared Angle would give up the role of Siegfried. The technical demands of the solos are too much for him at this stage of the game.
  10. That's Sara Mearns in the ad, isn't it?
  11. Tiler Peck's Instagram indicates that her SL dates are Sept 27 and Oct 1.
  12. I agree w. Kathleen that NYCB's tendency to cast only black dancers as Rothbart (a character role, not a dancing role) is offensive. I hope that the trend does not continue when it is revived this fall.
  13. Of course this is only a practice video. However, you can see that she is traveling to her right a great deal. Better to do neat singles or doubles that are under control than to travel into the wings during an on stage performance. She's young, so she will probably be able to improve with practice and coaching.
  14. We don't know how old Ask LaCour is because he didn't have his entire career at NYCB. However, I think LaCour may be older or at least the same age as Jared Angle. I think DeLuz, who danced with several other companies prior to NYCB, is around 40 or 41.
  15. Cirio was listed as one of the principal dancers who would appear for the Fall season in the June press release. Perhaps he is injured?
  16. Someone posted a few weeks ago that Tiler Peck was rehearsing SL under Ratmansky's coaching. Perhaps she will also debut in SL. Fingers crossed. Given that they are doing two consecutive weeks of SL, I guess they felt the need to train some new people in the lead roles. I wouldn't be surprised to see Lauren Lovette also debut in the lead. Assuming Bouder is cast again this season in SL, I'm guessing that this may be her final run of the role. She is the oldest of the O/O's performing the role at NYCB. Catazarro missed his debut chance during the last run due to injury, so I'm sure he will be one of the new Siegfrieds.
  17. Thanks for the info canbelto. I hope this means that Tiler Peck will also debut as Odette/Odile.
  18. That's exactly the type of writing the NY Post is known for. You haven't made it as a social misfit until you've made it to Page Six of the Post. Talicia made it to the cover story.
  19. True, it was probably an off the cuff remark that was not planned. However, given his stature and his leadership positions at important institutions, he should have had the presence of mind to choose his words carefully. With leadership comes great responsibility.
  20. Yes, that was a big mistake. Martins should never have said "she's fine". He should have said no comment or words to that effect. The "she's fine" comment simply suggests that he is out of touch with reality.
  21. Theoretically, this should have been a private, family matter. However, since both Peter and Darci are very public figures here in NYC and elsewhere, the story made headlines everywhere. Does anyone think this episode may have a negative impact on NYCB or SAB. Kids from far and wide come to SAB, frequently without their family members. If you read some articles given by former SAB students (such as Sophie Flack at the time her contract was not renewed by SAB) , they sometimes refer to their SAB teachers and instructors, including Peter Martins, as surrogate parental type figures. Fairly or unfairly, this incident may cause some parents to take a hard look at whether to send their kids alone to NYC to attend SAB. Martins and Kistler are so intimately tied to SAB, that a personal incident such as this could have repercussions on the institution. The argument goes something like if they can't manage what happens to their own kid under their own roof, how can I expect them to act responsibly in leading my own kid. Even if we assume that no parent of an SAB student expects any kind of caregiving role from either Kistler and Martins, having them embroiled in this public relations fiasco cannot be good for SAB or NYCB. Martins is the face of the institutions.
  22. Since I doubt Talicia lacks for money, why was she robbing these small businesses? Cry for help? Just plain stupid? Parents keep track of every dollar spent to prevent drug purchases? Bizarre.
  23. Sadly, she is not the first Martins child to have a run in with the law over drugs http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/ballet-dancer-pleads-guilty-cocaine-charges-article-1.237922
  24. Wow. Luis Ribagorda is back in the corps. That's a shocker. How many years ago did he quit. Also, it appears that Craig Salstein's photo is removed from the website. I guess he retired?
  25. Some might say that ballet tickets are also overpriced and a waste of money. IN fact, I know a number of people who would happily spend a lot of money on a bottle of perfume, but would never spend a dime to go to the ballet. To each his own.
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