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Everything posted by abatt

  1. This article appeared in today's NY Times. It focuses on whether prominent international artists have a duty to speak out against injustices in their countries. The primary focus is Dudamel and Gergiev, although other prominent figures are also mentioned. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/06/arts/music/gustavo-dudamel-and-valery-gergiev-face-national-issues.html?ref=arts# With respect to ballet, does David Hallberg's historic status as the first American invited to be a principal dancer at the Bolshoi come with any broader responsibilities than simply dancing?
  2. The way the quote reads it makes it seem like Tomasson created these three ballets from scratch. Haven't seen his "versions" of R&J, Don Q and Giselle, but I assume they are substantially similar to the standard versions.
  3. You can get seat boosters for kids in the basement of the Met. It's free, I think, but you're required to leave your ID.
  4. This sounds like what NYCB did a few years ago. They drastically increased the prices in many seating areas, so the only option for those unwilling to pay the new prices were to either move to a different (worse) seating area or stop going all together. I think they lost a lot of subscribers who were not willing to put up with the new pricing system.
  5. Boylston is doing the lead in almost every important role in the rep. Swan lake, Don Q, Giselle, Gamzatti, T&V. Her star is on the rise at ABT. She has many flaws at this point, but she can improve with experience and work. Boylston reminds me of Gillian Murphy when Gillian was a soloist. ce. I think the assignment of certain roles to Hee Seo is much more controversial and problematic, because she does not have strong technique. I try to be very selective in choosing when to see Seo. I'll go so her in a dance drama like R&J or Onegin, but I avoid her in Petipa and other similarly challenging classical assignments..
  6. The hook up with City Center is a great idea. Frankly, I think her Restless Creature program belongs in a bigger venue than the Joyce Theater, based on how quickly the program sold when it was scheduled at the Joyce. She has a huge fan base here in NYC.
  7. I remember her first performances at ABT as being with Vladamir Malhakov, who was an early and ardent supporter of Vishneva.
  8. I thought Chamber Symphony was the ballet in the trilogy that was the most difficult to pull off. The other two are more in the nature of pure dance, but Chamber Symphony relies more on dramatic skills.
  9. I don't think McKenzie has Copeland in mind for a promotion. Boylston, yes, I agree. She will make it to principal either in 2014 or 2015. Maybe Sascha's departure will make it possible for a promotion of some of the very deserving men in the corps up to soloist.
  10. NY Times says she took a hard fall during rehearsal, but no bone fractures. She has a "significant degree of soft tissue trauma" according to the NY Times. She's expected back for the April 5 appearance.
  11. I read in today's paper that Osipova was replaced last night due to injury. Who was her replacement? I'm sure the audience was less than pleased by the last minute cast change
  12. Kochetkova and Luiz are in the roles originated by Osipova and Vasiliev.
  13. Messmer is listed for the same role in Symphony 9 tha tshe had at ABT. She was never in Chamber Symphony at ABT. The trilogy was only perfomed 4 times at ABT during the Spring 2013 season. ABT then gave a few performances of Piano Concerto 1 in the Fall of 2013 at the Koch Theater as part of mixed rep programs (without the rest of the trilogy). I wonder if ABT will ever bring back the trilogy, or any portion of it.
  14. Didn't realize that former NYCB corps member, Sophie Flack, is married to Josh Charles from "The Good Wife". I happened upon this quote from the NY Times this evening in connection with an interview with Josh Charles: SPOILERS BELOW RE GOOD WIFE PLOT Reiterating what he told David Letterman on “The Late Show” on Monday, Mr. Charles said he made the decision to leave when his contract expired a year ago. “I just felt a little fried,” he said, adding that he had proposed to his wife, Sophie Flack, at about the same time and was thinking about starting a family.
  15. AT a NYCB gala a few years ago Peter Martins invited etoiles Dupont and Heymann to dance the pdd from Rubies. It was the worst performance of that ballet I had ever seen, and looked nothing like the style of the NYCB dancers. I don't think neoclassical ballet is a strength of POB dancers.
  16. I think the reality at NYCB about eating disorders is different from the lip service they pay to it. I recall reading that they have workshops and provide instructions from nutritionists. On paper they want to promote a healthy approach. However, I think the reality is that NYCB is a very "thin" company, more so than a lot of other ballet companies of similar caliber. This is especially true regarding female dancers.
  17. Haven't read the book, but that reminds of the documentary of NYCB on tour in Russia in which Martins behaves in a really nasty manner toward A. Ansanelli during a rehearsal of Serenade. If memory serves, Ansanelli was just getting over an injury and just wanted to mark her steps at rehearsal. Martins was very rude and short tempered, all preserved on film.
  18. The Met was a ghost town by 3 PM. No line whatsoever at that time.
  19. Maybe the renovation has something to do with the planned tour in Sept / Oct 2015 to North America (as per Ardani site)
  20. I think most Americans have never heard of the Mikhailovsky. The first time I ever heard of the company was when Osipova and Vasiliev quit the Bolshoi to go the Mik. Without dancers who most balletomane New Yorkers will recognize (Osipova, Vasilev, Sarafanov), I don't think ticket sales would be strong. I think that was why they scrapped the tour to NY a few years ago once the Mik found out that ABT intended to enforce the non compete clause regarding Osipova and Vasiliev. Sad to think that an entire tour could revolve around 2 or 3 individuals. .
  21. I'm surprised that the Company has not yet announced the program for the Spring Gala, other than the new Peck ballet. I read that the program was going to relate to the fact that it is the Company's 50th anniversary at Lincoln Center, but the specifics have not been revealed.
  22. Messmer had the same role in Symphony no. 9 at ABT.
  23. Totally off topic from ballet, but I recently read a wonderful artilce about a production of A Doll's House in which they decded to use actual infants instead of a doll in the production. I've linked the article. I saw the production of A Doll's House a few weeks ago (great acting, especially by the actress playing Nora) and the baby was incredibly well behaved and adorable. Maybe they should start using real infants in the prologue of SB? http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/16/theater/using-an-infant-in-a-dolls-house.html?hpw&rref=arts&action=click&module=Search&region=searchResults%230&version=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fquery.nytimes.com%2Fsearch%2Fsitesearch%2F%3Faction%3Dclick%26region%3DMasthead%26pgtype%3DHomepage%26module%3DSearchSubmit%26contentCollection%3DHomepage%26t%3Dqry787%23%2FLiam%2BHouse%2Fsince1851%2Fallresults%2F1%2Fallauthors%2Fnewest%2F
  24. I went after work too last night to buy tixs at the box office. They do have all the kinks worked out regarding the multi discount program and as Susan noted, no line. I have a funny feeling the casting for Don Q in particular will be changing quite a bit. Serious doubts as to whether Osipova and Vasiliev will ever appear together as partners again. Moreover, even if they did, who would want to see two people performing a comic ballet together who don't want to be there?
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