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Everything posted by abatt

  1. This was broadcast on PBS a few months ago.
  2. Interesting that ABT gave the green light for Hallberg to appear w. the Bolshoi in NY in only days after the closing of the ABT season in spite of the non compete agreeement. No such courtesy was extended to the Mikhailovsky when it asked for Osipova and Vasiliev to be freed fromt the non-compete clause about 2 years ago whent the Mik was scheduled to appear at the Koch. Is there any logic to these varying outcomes? Was the deciding factor that the Mik engagement was simultaneous w. the ABT season, whereas the Bolshoi engagement will start immediately following the conclusion of the ABT season.
  3. The Emerging Pictures website indicates that Jewels will be shown on Sunday Jan 19 in Manhattan.
  4. I've seen the Bolshoi Flames on DVD and enjoyed it very much. I keep hoping that ABT will present it, but so far no such luck.
  5. Has Alexandrova returned to the stage since her terrible injury during the summer London tour?
  6. I usually dislike Union Jack (too much boring marching), but I cannot resist the opportunity to see Mearns take over the MacDonald of Sleat role. I used to love Wendy Whelan in that role. So sad she is not cast in that or in one of her recent "signature" roles, After the Rain pdd.
  7. abatt


    In the walking duet of Emeralds, one interpretatoin of the stacatto movement of the ballerina is that her limbs are like the hands of a clock, marking the passage of time and the memories of the past.
  8. I hope they bring Obratsova to the Kennedy Center for Giselle. She does that role, right?
  9. Just read the entire link. Many of the offerings this summer for the Festival sound interesting too. Cate Blanchett and Isabelle Huppert onthe same stage - I'm there. The article highlights that Hallberg will appear w. the Bolshoi. Since there is no mention of either Vasiliev or Osipova, can we assume that they will not be invited as guests for the NY engagement?
  10. Yeah. Thanks California. Wish the rep choices were otherwise, but I'll take what I can get.
  11. I think the NYCB Coppelia is superior to ABT's in terms of the quality of the choreography. Last time I think there were 3 casts, and they were all very good (M. Fairchild, Tiler Peck and Sterling Hyltin as Swanilda, Veyette, DeLuz and ??? for Franz) If you've never seen Jewels, you must put it high on your priority list. In fact, even if you have seen it, see it again. Concerto Barocco is a must see ballet.
  12. I have the impression that AM's comment about Ringer's weight indirectly contributed to increased "celebrity" for Ringer, which in turn probably helped her to secure her book deal. So AM's nasty remarks may have actually helped Ringer.
  13. Ringer's partner was Jared Angle, and AM's comment about him was even more insulting than the comment regarding Ringer. Hovever, the uproar the ensued related to Ringer, not Angle. In part, that was because Ringer decided to take to the media and give interviews about it to just about anyone who wanted to book her for a segment.
  14. abatt


    Swanilda- I'm not sure what the stop motion duet is that you are referring to. Are you talking about the walking duet in Emeralds?
  15. I'm not sure I agree with you about his ideals concerning men vs. women. He frequently notes that Sterling Hyltin has an ideal figure. Most recently, he noted the perfection of Ashley Laracey's ballerina proportions.
  16. Maybe it will be on the PBS website for viewing?
  17. Macaulay has noted in numerous reviews that Sara Mearns does not have an ideal figure for dance - broad, high shoulders. However, he regards her as the greatest ballerina in the US.
  18. Thanks susanger. You can find the programs for each of the dates on the NYCB website (pdf under Calendar). The program for Feb 7 is La Stravaganza —— A Place for Us —— Todo Buenos Aires The program for Feb 23 is Coppelia. CORRECTION. Just watched the video link. The date is Feb 13, not Feb 23. Program for Feb 13 is Opus 19/The Dreamer —— Barber Violin Concerto —— Stravinsky Violin Concerto
  19. No, it doesn't happen often. Jan 23 is a date when all tickets will be $29 in their effort to entice new audiences. (You could not buy Jan 23 as a single ticket performance, but it was available as part of a subscription.) I guess they thought that Jewels was too refined and lovely for the new audiences they are trying to attract, so they felt the need to dumb down/"modernize" the program. Personally, Kammermusik is one of my least favorite Balanchine works, and don't even get me started on Martins' Infernal Machine.
  20. I just happen to look at the Calendar for the Winter Season on line. I was so looking forward to seeing Jewels on Jan 23, and bought a subscription that included that date because I wanted to see Jewels. To my considerable disappointment, the program has been changed for the worse. It is now Kammermusik No. 2 After the Rain Pas de Deux Concerto Barocco The Infernal Machine Rubies
  21. You can't fairly compare public servant unions (firefighters, police) to those paid in the private sector. The former are funded by taxes.
  22. Acosta has been made a Commander of the British Empire by the Queen. Very impressive. Is he the first Cuban to receive this honor? http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/12//simon.rattle-among-the-artists-on-queen-elizabeths-honors-list/?ref=arts
  23. Yes, thanks to everyone who operates this site. And Happy New Year.
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