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Everything posted by cubanmiamiboy

  1. Moderator note: this has been split off from another thread. Please post your thoughts about the video clips here. BTW, some sequences of clips are running at the moment on Youtube from MCB, "Symphony in C" and "Ballet Imperial" among others...
  2. ...perhaps in the "Jacques D'Amboise: Portrait of a Great American Dancer" DVD...?
  3. Great to hear that Taritas is doing fine just initiated as a Principal. I hope for the best future to this graceful young dancer, and I applaud him for putting-(or keeping)- the Cuban Style one more time on the American balletic map. BRAVO!
  4. The answer to those questions is simpler. The ballet phenomena in Havana-(can't speak of other areas due to lack of knowledge)-is based in an older cultural knowledge that goes back to the late 40's and the creation of the Company. Performances, even before Castro, were of easy access, and full houses were reported since its early beginnings. Later on government support, low prices and frequent TV telecasts added to the interest. On the other side, Mme's Company has its competition among the Havana cultural life. The National Symphony Orchestra has its own theater and loyal crowd-(full house too)-along with several other contemporary dance companies, Opera, Cinema and Theater plays-(there are annual Festivals of almost EVERYTHING). It's just that ballet is the reigning queen of them all...remember that old saying, "Cuba is all about the 3 B's, BASEBALL, BOXING AND BALLET". Also, young street boys, a la Carlos Acosta, are very eager to get into the ballet world, which is also considered to carry an aura of sex appeal among youngsters, from both sexes, from and to every sexual orientation.
  5. From my own experience, it is a plus in Havana to be part-(and hence be "seen")-of the young balletomanes circle, which is increasingly bigger, and has its own levels and hierarchy. It's very usual to run into friends later on at clubs after a ballet performance, where it's a MOST to start talking about ballet, take sides of one of the current star ballerinas, and heavily criticize her "rival". Again, this is all formed by the younger population.
  6. Among my own program's picks, I would love to see Annette Delgado-(which i've only seen on video, and already love her delicate dancing and subtle projection)-in "The Leaves are Fading" and "Les Sylphides", and Viengsay Valdes' debut as Aurora in Mme's much anticipated revival of "Sleeping Beauty"-(those balances in the Rose Adagio will make history ...I can predict it already). Sadaise Arencibia in "Grand PDD Classique" is also tempting, given the beautiful lines and technical command of this tall ballerina, and of course, our Carlitos Acosta in "Spartacus", already one of his signature roles.... I'm also pretty intrigued by Mme's staging of Drigo's "The magic flute" , which is listed as "choreographed by Alicia Alonso, inspired by Lev Ivanov's homonymous work". Here the dancers will be Linnet Gonzalez and Elier Bourzac. Also curious about the still to be announced cast for "Theme and Variations" and "Giselle". Let's see...(if only I could be there... )
  7. And then there's a detail that i would like to share...Right at the time of the final bows-(clip # 11)-, when Mme. suddenly turns her back to the audience and offers her flowers along with a deep bow to her company, some of the ballerinas start to come forward to offer her their own bouquets-(Mme Mendez-RIP-the first, and then Miss. Martha Garcia). What happens then is obvious for those who knew how bad Mme.'s blindness was at the time. She doesn't realize of nothing of this-(she doesn't see it)-, and in an attempt to step forward has to be quickly rescued by a dancer so she doesn't trip on the flowers, and then she's whispered in the ear of what's happening...I was there..and it was moving to see this happening. Brava, Alicia!
  8. Here's a clip from Bocca's farewell performance in Havana. His Odile is Principal Dancer Annette Delgado. Enjoy!
  9. Yes, she managed to get through it, her partner was Joel Carreño. but they did not look at ease, not for lack of technique, but the stage is in very bad shape, very uneven, the costumes were horrendous and I noticed it needed more rehearsals. Working with someone from the Balanchine Foundation would have been a plus. Trying to interpret what Alonso says without the proper showing of the steps or watching a video is not enough in my humble opinion. I remember the "Theme and Variations" performed by Galina Alvarez in the early 90's-(i wonder what happened to this great dancer), but i haven't seen any other staging anywhere else, not even here in US, so i really have no point of reference...(there's nothing on Youtube, to my best knowledge). Meanwhile, here's a clip of Delgado in "T&V" with Joel Carreno...Those who are more familiar with this piece having seen it all this years will maybe able to explain a little about the differences and mishaps of the Cuban version. I'm looking forward to read some opinions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j-53xnTCyw...feature=related Moderator's note: The clip linked above has been removed by the user, according to YouTube.
  10. BTW, if this is appropriate, if i may, here's a clip of her D&A...
  11. BTW, i was just watching for thousand times these clips-(oh, i pray they don't take them out anytime soon ), and right at clip # 8, during Giselle's entrance from the grave, i couldn't help by smile at this comment made by one of the posters, which after watching many clips and entrances from many ballerinas, it was totally obvious to me... "By going on pointe in the "Initiation" the CUBAN ballerina gives this difficult variation an added dimension into the wili sisterhood". Again, Mme's is the one to be blamed for...
  12. By the way, there's an official website dedicated to the festival, and here's the Program: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=e...cial%26hs%3DtBg 21st. International Ballet Festival of Havana October 28 to November 6, 2008 OCTOBER [Tuesday 28] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... GRAND THEATER OF HAVANA ( 8.30 pm 8.30 pm ) Gala Opening National Anthem Parade Opening remarks Premiere of the documentary "60 th Anniversary of the Ballet Nacional de Cuba" -"At Sunset". Ch: Alicia Alonso. M: José Dolores Cerón. Ballet Nacional de Cuba -"Theme and Variations" Ch: George Balanchine. M: Piotr Ilich Chaikovski . (cast to be announced) National Symphonic Orchestra: Conductor: Giovanni Duarte. THEATER Las Tunas (Las Tunas) (9:00 pm) -Romancero gypsy". Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía. Dir: Cristina Hoyos (Spain / Canada) [Wednesday 29] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... GREAT THEATER OF HAVANA 8.30 pm "Sleeping Beauty": Ch: Marius Petipa. M: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Viengsay Valdes, Romel Frómeta, soloists and corps de ballet). National Symphonic Orchestra. Conductor: Elena Herrera THEATER MELLA (5.00 pm) -"Flamenco Republic" . Int: María Pagés Company (Spain / Canada) SAUTO Theater, (MATANZAS) -"Jaleos flamenco" Ch: Matilde Rubio and Carlos Rodriguez [iI movement]. M: Carlos Piñana). Int: Ballet Español de Murcia [beatriz Arce, Ana Machuca, Inés Hellín, Verónica López, Andrés Fernández, Antonio González, David Pinar and Jonatan Mondéjar] (Spain / Canada) THEATER Las Tunas (9:00 pm) -"Romancero gypsy". Int: Ballet Flamenco of Andalusia. Dir: Cristina Hoyos (Spain / Canada) ……………………………… Thursday, 30 . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... GRAND THEATER OF HAVANA (8.30 pm) "Sleeping Beauty" (Ch:Marius Petipa. M: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Anette Delgado, Joel Carreno, soloists and corps de ballet). National Symphony Orchestra. Conductor: Elena Herrera THEATER MELLA (5.00 pm) "Flamenco Republic". Company Maria Pages (Spain / Canada) AMERICA THEATER (8.30 pm) Mixed Program -Valeria Alvarez (Choreography workshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico) and Jorge Vega (Ballet Nacional de Cuba) Arturo Vazquez (Choreography workshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico) -"Nutcracker, pas de deux" (Staged by Alicia Alonso after A. Fedorova after Lev Ivanov. M: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Sadaise Arencibia and Elier Bourzac). -"Passion" Ch: Hector Sanzana. M: Giacomo Puccini. Ballet Teresa Carreno [Alejandra Martinez, and Walter Castle / Rosselyn Ramirez and Javier Solana] (Venezuela) -"Bewitched Love" (Ch: Hector Sanzana. M: Manuel de Falla. Ballet Teresa Carreno (Venezuela) THEATER Las Tunas (9:00 pm) -"Romancero gypsy". Ballet Flamenco of Andalusia. Dir: Cristina Hoyos (España/ Spain ) Friday 31 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. THEATER AMERICA (8.30 pm) Mixed Program Diana Cuni and Lund and Tomas (Royal Danish Ballet, Denmark) -"Carmen, pas de deux" (Ch: Alberto Alonso. M: Georges Bizet. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Viengsay Valdes and Romel Frómeta) -"Passion" ( Ch: Hector Sanzana. M: Giacomo Puccini). Ballet Teresa Carreno [Alejandra Martinez, and Walter Castle / Rosselyn Ramirez and Javier Solana] (Venezuela) "El amor brujo" (Ch: Hector Sanzana. M: Manuel de Falla). Ballet Teresa Carreno (Venezuela) CATHEDRAL SQUARE, Old Havana (9:00 pm) -"Shakespeare and his Masks". Ch: Alicia Alonso. M: Charles Gounod. Orchestral adaptations : Juan Piñera. Libretto: José Ramón Neyra on the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Anette Delgado, Javier Torres, soloists and corps de ballet ) SAUTO THEATER (MATANZAS) (8:30 pm) -"Flamenco Republic" .Maria Pages Company (Spain / Canada) THEATER CARDENAS (MATANZAS)(9:00 pm) -"Jaleo flamenco" . Ch: Matilde Rubio and Carlos Rodriguez [iI movement].. Ballet Español de Murcia [beatriz Arce, Ana Machuca, Inés Hellín, Veronica Lopez, Andres Fernandez, Antonio Gonzalez, David and Jonathan Pinar Mondéjar] (Spain / Canada) [NOVEMBER] [saturday 1] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... [GRAND THEATER OF HAVANA] (8.30 pm) [Gala - Delivery of the VI Ibero-American Choreography Competition Award of CIC'2008] -"To the Confines of the Earth" [ Award CIC´2008 ] Ch : Tania Vergara. M: Luar Na Lubre). Ballet Nacional de Cuba -Edina Plicanic and Ronald Savkovic (Croacia) -"Ché" . (Ch : Michel Descombey. M: Marc-Antoine Charpentier). Ballet Nacional de Cuba -"Tchaikovsky pas de deux". (Ch: George Balanchine. M: Piotr Ilich Tchaikovski. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Viengsay Valdés / Rómel Frómeta) -"Pictures of an Exhibition.( Ch: Alicia Alonso. M: Modest Mussorgski, orchestrated by Maurice Ravel. Works by painters (in order of appearance in the ballet) Alfredo Sosabravo, Roberto Fabelo, Angel Ramirez, Zaida del Rio, Golgotha, William Hernandez, Arturo Montoto, Alicia Leal, Nelson Dominguez, Ileana Mulet and Cosme Proenza. Coordinator of the artistic production / Artistic Production Coordinator: Ricardo Reymena. V / W: Roberto Fabelo, Zaida del Rio, Golgotha, Alicia Leal, Nelson Dominguez, Ileana Mulet and Ricardo Reymena [scenic design of production] / [scenic Production design]. L: Ruddy Artiles) . Ballet Nacional de Cuba. Symphonic Orchestra of the Grand Theater of Havana Havana . . Conductor: Giovanni Duarte THEATER MELLA] ( 5.00 pm ) -"Napoli" [ Act III ] ( Ch : August Bournonville . M: NW Gade, E. Helsted, HS Paulli and HC Lumbre. Diana Cuni / Lund Tomas (Royal Danish Ballet, Denmark) -"Leda and the swan". (Ch : Iván Tenorio. M: Claude Debussy) Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Yanela Pinera /Javier Torres) Karina Olmedo / Juan Pablo Ledo (Stable Ballet Theater Colon, Argentina) -" Bewitching love" ( Ch : Ramón Oller. M: Manuel de Falla [1925 version]. Based on an idea by Paco Azorín.[ Design and wardrobe ] Ballet Theater of the Generalitat de Valencia [Diego Arconada, Far Alonso, Bruno Denis, Fabrizio Coppo, Jerome Forteza, Yvette Garcia, Tamara Gosme Rosa, Lara Hernandorena, Diana Huertas, Gustavo Muñiz, Lorena Ortiz, Samuel Retortillo, Cathy Royo, Fatima Sanlés, Bilyana Shopova, Pilar Sospedra, Elisabeth Weaver, Tortelli Diego and Miriam Vilas.(Spain). [ THEATER AMERICA (5:00 pm) [Mixed program] -Valeria Alvarez (Choreography workshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico) and Jorge Vega and (Ballet Nacional de Cuba) Arturo Vazquez (Choreography workshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico) -"Don Quijote, pas de deux" (Staged by Alicia Alonso based on the original by Marius Petipa and the version of Anatole Obukov). M: Ludwig Minkus. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Anette Delgado / Joel Carreno) -"Jaleos flamenco" (Ch: Matilde Rubio and Carlos Rodriguez [iI movement]. M: Carlos Piñana). Spanish Ballet of Murcia [beatriz Arce, Ana Machuca, Inés Hellín, Veronica Lopez, Andres Fernandez, Antonio Gonzalez, David and Jonathan Pinar Mondéjar] (Spain / Canada) SAUTO THEATER -Ballet Folklórico de Mérida (Spain) [sunday 2] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... GRAND THEATER OF HAVANA (8.30 pm) [Gala for the 65 th Anniversary of Alicia Alonso's premiere in Giselle] -"Giselle" (Staged by Alicia Alonso after the original by Jean Coralli and Jules Perrot. Libretto : Théophile Gautier, Vernoy de Saint-Georges and Jean Coralli, inspired by a Germanic popular legend as told by Heinrich Heine. Ballet Nacional de Cuba . .(Cast to be announced) Symphonic Orchestra of the Grand Theater of Havana Havana . Conductor: Giovanni Duarte [THEATER MELLA] (5.00pm) -"A concert in black and white" (Ch: José Parés. M: Franz Joseph Hayden. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Sadaise Arencibia and corps de ballet)/Miguel Ángel Berna ( Spain ) -"The Leaves are Fading" (Ch: Anthony Tudor. M: Antonin Dvorák.). Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Anette Delgado/Javier Torres) -" Bewitching love" (Ch : Ramón Oller. Musical direction : Joan Cerveró. M: Manuel de Falla [ 1925 version]. Ballet Theater of the Generalitat de Valencia [Diego Arconada, Far Alonso, Bruno Denis, Fabrizio Coppo, Jerome Forteza, Yvette Garcia, Tamara Rosa Gosme, Lara Hernandorena, Diana Huertas, Gustavo Muñiz, Lorena Ortiz, Samuel Retortillo, Cathy Royo, Fatima Sanlés, Bilyana Shopova, Pilar Sospedra, Elisabeth Weaver, Tortelli Diego and Miriam Vilas] ( Spain). THEATER AMERICA] (5:00 pm) [Mixed program] -Edina Plicanic / Ronald Savkovic (Opera Ballet , Berlin) -Karina Olmedo / Juan Pablo Ledo (Ballet Estable del Teatro Colón, Argentina) -Ballet Folklórico de Mérida (México) [Monday 3] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... [THEATER AMERICA] (8:30 pm) -"Mudejar". Miguel Angel Berna Company (Spain / Canada) [CATHEDRAL SQUARE] (9:00 pm) -"Swan Lake ". (Staged by Alicia Alonso after the original by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov. M: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Viengsay Valdes, Romel Frómeta, soloists and corps de ballet) THEATER CARDENAS , MATANZAS. -"Passion" (Ch: Hector Sanzana. M: Giacomo Puccini. Ballet Teresa Carreno [Alejandra Martinez, and Walter Castle / Rosselyn Ramirez and Javier Solana] (Venezuela) –"Spartacus" ( Ch: Yuri Grigorovich. M: Aram Jachaturian) Ballet Teresa Carreno [Cristina Amaral and Walter Castillo] (Venezuela) –"Bewitched Love" (Ch: Hector Sanzana. M: Manuel de Falla. Ballet Teresa Carreno (Venezuela) –"Textures" ( Ch: Hector Sanzana. M: Alberto Ginastera. Ballet Teresa Carreno (Venezuela) -Ballet Folklorico de Merida (Mexico) [Tuesday 4 ] ... ... ... ... GRAND THEATER OF HAVANA ( 8.30 pm ) -"Goyesque Serenade" (Ch : Alicia Alonso. M: Joaquín Rodrigo) Ballet Nacional de Cuba .(Marlen Fuerte, Yadil Suarez and corps de ballet) - "Bach x 11" ( Ch: José Parés. M:[Mass in B minor by Johann Sebastian Bach.] Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Viengsay Valdes, Dayron Vera and corps de ballet). - Karina Olmedo and Juan Pablo Ledo (Stable Ballet Theater Colon) - "Bhakti" (Ch: Maurice Béjart. M: Folklore Hindu. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Sadaise Arencibia / Javier Torres) -"A rose, a rose ..." (Ch: Ramon Oller. M: Poems of Rosalia de Castro with music by Amancio Prada and Carlos Nunez. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Anette Delgado, Joel Carreno and corps de ballet) [THEATER MELLA] (5.00pm) - "Romancero gypsy". Ballet Flamenco of Andalusia. Dir: Cristina Hoyos (Spain ) [THEATER AMERICA] (8.30 pm) -MIXED BILL -Edina Plicanic /Ronald Savkovic (Opera Ballet , Berlin) -Arturo Vazquez (Choreography workshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico) -"Coppélia, pas de deux" ( Staged by Alicia Alonso based on the original by Arthur Saint-Leon and Marius Petipa version. M: Léo Delibes .Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Yanela Pinera / Alejandro Virelles) -Ballet-Sun.hee Kim (Korea) [Wednesday 5] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... GRAND THEATER OF HAVANA HAVANA ( 8.30 ) [GALA for the 400 years of Cuban Literature] -"Les Sylphides"(Staging by Alicia Alonso according to the original version by Mikhail Fokine. M: Fryderyk Chopin. D: Salvador Fernandez on the originals by Alexander Benois. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Anette Delgado, Alejandro Virelles, soloists and corps de ballet) -"Dying Swan" (Ch: Mikhail Fokine. M: Camille Saint-Saëns) Nina Kapsova (Russia) -"Lucía Jerez" (Ch: Alicia Alonso on the novel of the same name of José Martí. M: Enrique Gonzalez Mantici). Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Viengsay Valdes, Yadil Suarez and corps de ballet) -"Le bourgeois" (Ch : Ben van Couvenberg. M: Jacques Brel) Carlos Acosta (Ballet Nacional de Cuba/Royal Ballet) -"The magic flute" (Ch: Alicia Alonso, inspired by Lev Ivanov's homonymous work. M: Riccardo Drigo. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Linnet Gonzalez, Elier Bourzac, Victor Gili soloists and corps de ballet) Symphonic Orchestra of the Grand Theater of Havana . Conductor: Giovanni Duarte [THEATER MELLA] (5.00pm) -"Romancero gypsy". Ballet Flamenco of Andalusia. Dir: Cristina Hoyos (Spain / Canada) [THEATER AMERICA] ( 8.30 pm 8.30 pm ) [Mixed program] -Valeria Alvarez (Choreography workshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico) and Jorge Vega and (Ballet Nacional de Cuba) -"Grand pas de deux Classique" (Staged by Alicia Alonso based on the original by Victor Gsovski. M: Daniel Francois Auber. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Sadaise Arencibia / Javier Torres) -Ballet-Sun.hee Kim (Korea) [Thursday 6] ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... [THEATER MELLA] (5.00pm) -"In the Shadows of a Waltz" (Ch: Alicia Alonso. M: Joseph Strauss.). Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Sadaise Arencibia, Javier Torres and corps de ballet) -Arturo Vazquez (Choreography workshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico) -"Time Out of memory" (Ch: Brian Mc Donald. M: Paul Creston. ) Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Regina Hernandez, Yadil Suarez and corps de ballet) -"The Nutcracker, pas de deux" (Staged by Alicia Alonso, after Alexandra Fedorova based on the original by Lev Ivanov. M: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.) Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Yanela Pinera / Alejandro Virelles) -"Don Quijote" (Staged by Alicia Alonso, on the original by Marius Petipa and the version of Anatole Obukov. M: Ludwig Minkus. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Viengsay Valdes, Romel Frómeta and corps de ballet) GRAND THEATER OF HAVANA] (8.30 pm) [Closing Gala ] (Program to be confirmed) -"Accents" (Ch: Eduardo Blanco. M: Havana Calipso by the group Luna Negra) Ballet Nacional de Cuba -Cristina Hoyos /Mariano Bernal ( Spain ) -"Esmeralda" Staged by Alicia Alonso after Marius Petipa. M: Cesare Pugni. Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Anette Delgado / Joel Carreno) -Valeria Alvarez (Choreography workshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico) and Jorge Vega and (Ballet Nacional de Cuba) -"Curious" (Ch: Ivan Perez Aviles. V / W: Frank Alvarez) Ballet Nacional de Cuba -"Solo" .Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Javier Torres) -"Spartacus" (Ch: Yuri Grigorovitch. M: Aram Jachaturian) Nina Kapsova (Russia) and Carlos Acosta (Ballet Nacional de Cuba/Royal Ballet) -Ballet Kim-Sun.hee (Corea/ Korea ) -Ballet-Sun.hee Kim (Korea / Korea) -"The Carnival in Venice"( Ch: Marius Petipa. M: Cesare Pugni) Ballet Nacional de Cuba (Viengsay Valdes, Romel Frómeta, Sadaise Arencibia and Elier Bourzac) Symphonic Orchestra of the Grand Theater of Havana. Conductor: Giovanni Duarte].
  13. I remember when Alessandra Ferri danced it with Carlos Acosta in Havana in 2000. They were the talk of the balletomanes for a while...
  14. Ballet companies in the US are incorporated as not-for-profit ventures, and historically speaking, they run at a deficit. Ticket sales and government support alone are not enough to sustain them. Does BNdeC receive support from private individuals and foundations? Do foundations even exist in societies driven by the notion that the government can meet all of society's needs? No, no private foundations. Actually no private NOTHING. Centralization has been the word there since 1959, and that includes the Educational System, which the National School of Ballet is part of.
  15. Thanks, Annettefan...actually for the most of my past experiences of the Festivals, the most expected things are the full length runs, which usually take place at the National Theater, right at the same time that the foreign Companies are running their works at the Grand Theater. I always opted for the full length ballets, which also always bring guest stars to dance in. That's how i saw Alessandra Ferri in Giselle, and also Cojocaru. I think Annette will do a beautiful Aurora, being so delicate and girlie, although Viengsay Valdes i'm sure will make history with her endless balances at the Rose Adagio. We'll see...
  16. Never seen a live Benno myself... Edited to add: Although for some reason, the few clips that I've seen of another original Pas de Trois morphed to a PDD-(Odile/Sigfried/V.Rothbart)-looks appealing and interesting to me...
  17. What about making an effort to make "Giselle" appealing to just everyone...? (That's not a difficult task, i would say...) Definitely. I would go for Miami/Giselle, Miami/Beauty, Miami/Bayadere...and so on. For some reason, i would envision a positive outcome with the youngest generation. Balanchine is definitely a hot ticket, but there should be more variety.
  18. Tricks are not ballet. True. But both psychological interpretation/artistic maturity AND command and mastery over tricks-(32 fouettees included)-have been exposed many times out there as a strong reality, so when one comes across a ballerina-(or a dancer for that matters)-who struggles with one of the two aspects, she gets hard to swallow...
  19. If it wasn't for the massive amount of busses coming from Assisted Living Facilities loaded with their respective-(and respected)-massive amount of elderly population waving their group discount tickets, some Companies here in Miami, like Florida Grand Opera, would be playing for empty houses. I expect the mere mentioning of this fact doesn't offend anyone...hopefully...
  20. Only nominal. It doesn't make any profits. If i was lucky enough to get me hoocked up with a ticket via some friends inside the Company. The other option would be making horrible lines that would go on all night long before the "box office" would open in the morning...(and no...i never did that) There are NEVER tickets left the day of the performance at the door Totally nominal...sometimes free for students.
  21. Well, bart...i would like to make an exception here to refer, again, to my pre-exile ballet-related experience, instead of my current one, which i think would be more or less a common denominator to all of US-based BT's. Ballet in Havana. Empty houses...? NEVER-(far from that, ALWAYS extremely hard to get a hold on a ticket, so i shamelessly confess to have achieved the 80% of my years of attendance by sneaking in, along with my friends... )...Box Office..? a totally nonexistent, unimportant and completely unknown/uninteresting term over there. End of the story..as simple as that.
  22. From Wikipedia: "The Cuban National Ballet School (Escuela Nacional Cubana de Ballet) in Havana, with 4,350 students is the biggest ballet school in the world and..." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_National_Ballet_School
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