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Everything posted by vipa

  1. I have no opinion on Guerin becoming an ABT coach, but agree that the company seems short on coaching. I look at NYCB and see so many dancers with history with the company on the coaching staff. Is it a monetary problem with ABT?
  2. Just want to comment that Bell has been a busy partner. Sarah Lane posted several instagram videos in SL rehearsals being coached by Irina & Max. Lane was going to Russia to perform (is there now) and Bell was partnering her in preparations.
  3. The thing is, IMO, the NYCB is not trying to do Petipa. ABT is trying to do Petipa in Ratmansky's Sleeping Beauty, other companies are trying to do Petipa to one extent or another in various productions. NYCB is doing Peter Martin's Swan Lake in which he chooses to leave some "traditional" choreography in place, but makes no claim to be doing Petipa's Swan Lake. Some people hate the production, approach, and NYCB values being applied to SL, others have varying opinions. I have mixed feeling about the production, but measuring it against the Russian school and a Russian idea of Petipa doesn't work for me, since that is not a goal of the work.
  4. On the matter of having a baby. It was more rare in Wendy Whelan's day than today but dancers did it. Karin von Aroldingen, Helene Alexopoulos, Patricia McBride, Lourdes Lopez all gave birth and continued to dance in NYCB afterwards. There were probably others. It bothered me a bit that Whelan implied that the company owed her something because she made the personal choice to not be a mother.
  5. Admit I'm a bit disappointed in Boylston getting it. She's strong, and has an incredible body but I don't associate her with subtle humor or sly wit.
  6. I agree about his choreography, but as far as being an AD. After a shaky start (under the most challenges of circumstances) Martins built/maintained a first rate company. I didn't start out a fan but am now. Watching the Whelan doc diminished my respect for her not for him, but that's a discussion for another place.
  7. This might be a partial explanation - I believe the opinions are shaded by context. In SFB she's been one of the reigning ballerinas doing many roles and delivering beautiful and secure performances. She dances a lot and the rep suits her. In ABT she's been a "guest star." I saw her several times and thought she was beautiful and secure, but not so fantastic that I thought she warranted being hired as a guest principal dancer. I would have rather ABT company members be given the roles taken by her. I never saw her do anything remotely close to a terrible performance. My luke warm reaction is a combination of her not living up my "guest star" image, and always wondering who in the company could have been given those roles. If I lived in SF and saw her regularly in SFB I think I would view her differently.
  8. I was at the Bouder/Veyette matinee today. Ulbricht was in for Ball as the Jester. I wish Ball well but was delighted to see Ulbricht. He's been doing this role for 15 years and may be sick to death of it, but you'd never know it. He was wonderful technically and as a character. I always find him a very warm performer and super appealing. I hadn't seen Bouder in this before and was nervous about her Odette. I needn't have been. She has transformed herself IMO when it comes to adagio movement. There was none of the quirky, staccato phrasing I was dreading. Not that I mind it (I love her Square Dance), but there was a time when that was her approach to all roles. I found her Odette quite musical, and full. Black Swan was great (1 glitch in the variation when she seemed to want to to a triple attitude turn but baled out). Fouette turns great (I'm not turn counter. To me it's bars of music to be filled with turns and the exact number of turns can legitimately vary). She started with single, single, double with swan arms, moved to single, single, double with turn arms, then a few singles and a nice finish. I think she as beautiful and tragic in the 4th act. Veyette was fine dancing and partnering. I just don't find him a very warm or princely presence. Other men (DeLuz, and Cornejo come to mind) own the stage when the walk on, and you feel their royalty. I didn't think much of Aaron Sanz in the pas de trois. His priority seemed to be showing his high arabesque. Not what I look for in a male dancer. The Divertissement pas de quatre was on the whole good. Joseph Gorden seemed a bit rushed and nervous, but he has white tight potential. The women's variations are difficult and in a way thankless. There is one challenge after another with no pay off. Brittany Pollack and Megan LeCrone handled themselves admirably. Erica Perrera less so IMO. On the whole I find the choreography a bit lacking in musicality. There is perhaps a resistance to go with the obvious phrasing but sometimes the obvious has the most emotional payoff. I'd love to hear other reactions to this and other shows.
  9. Wondering that myself. I'm going to see Ashley tomorrow afternoon.
  10. vipa

    Joy Womack

    Thanks for the clarification LadyBubbles. And I meant Sept 29
  11. vipa

    Joy Womack

    Interesting that Sarah Lane posted on instagram that she'll be guesting with the Kremlin on Sept. 20 doing O/O
  12. Kochetkova is doing a lot and always has, but truthfully dancers seem all over the place right now. I am mightily impressed with the projects Sara Mearns is involved with. Bouder and Ulbricht have their own groups. Tiler Peck curated and appeared in a CA festival before going to Vale to perform in numerous works. Sarah Lane, Isabella Boylston, James Whiteside and others are appearing more and more and putting their own stamp on things. All of this during time off from their home companies. Dancers today are very enterprising. I wouldn't try to guess who is busier or working at the highest level, but a lot of dancers are finding their way outside of their home companies.
  13. Having a substitute is always going to disappoint some audience members. I saw Kochetkova substitute for Cojocaru in Swan Lake. I didn't make it through the whole ballet because I was so bored. Expectations carry weight. I knew Cojocaru would bring something unique to the ballet and Kochetkova wasn't very interesting to me. As far as partnering goes. Casting is a jigsaw puzzle. It's not as simple as giving a bunch of shows to the woman who a lot of men like to partner.
  14. Agree with all whole heartedly, Kaysta. I also expect Lane to be a factor in Ratmansk's Harliquin and get a couple of Giselles. Personally I don't see why ABT needs Kochetkova.
  15. Agree Abatt, seeing them in Who Cares was a major ballet viewing experience for me in the more than 40 years I've been watching ballet. It was a privilege to see. I'm grateful to them both for that gift.
  16. I agree that she was his truest partner. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that they were very young when cast together in Martins Romeo & Juliet. I don't like the ballet, but I think that might have been a significant part of their early partnership.
  17. Truely delightful and left me wishing for more.
  18. Odd as a closing ballet but probably the best they can do. It will be an interesting send off. He is not retiring, just moving on to a different kind of career. He hasn't been around much for a few seasons, but he has been an audience favorite for a while. If he past partners (dance that is) come on stage to greet him I'm sure he and Tiler Peck will handle it.
  19. He has always seemed interested in experimental works. I wish him well.
  20. This is all so interesting to me. I saw Hyltin's SL and it was very satisfying. Flawed in some ways but satisfying. I find myself with a ticket to Bouder and wouldn't dream of changing it. Over the last year Bouder's artistry has grown in leaps and bounds so I am very interested in seeing what she does. I believe this is an incredible time at NYCB. Any one one of the dancer's cast as O/O deserves a viewing. I don't have the pocketbook to see them all but I'd be willing to take a chance on any of them. I chose my date before casting came out and I am eager to see Bouder, who I've never seen before. I have seen Hyltin, Mearns & Reichlin all worthy of seeing again. I have one chance at SL I see no reason to switch.
  21. Just my 2 cents. Each of the women cast in SL is technically strong and has a unique artistic voice. I bought a ticket not knowing who I would see (something I would never do at ABT) because I wasn't worried about what cast I would see. I've seen Mearns, Hyltin & Reichlin and would happily see any one of them again. They each brought something significant to the role. I'm seeing Bouder for the first time. She is know for her super technique but over time, her artistry has become more and more evident. I am looking forward to it. If I found out that I had a ticket for a different cast, I would still be looking forward to it!
  22. I got it too. I love that they sent it out by email. I'm seeing Bouder for the first time. I'm excited.
  23. I have no inside information but strongly doubt that Maria K will be doing the full length Swan Lake.
  24. I agree with Helene the most recent woman I remember is Sylve.
  25. I see thousands of views/hearts on instagram pictures. Many dancers have numerous followers. I wonder how much this translates into ticket sales. I'm sure research is being done in that area.
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