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Everything posted by vipa

  1. I'm going to see Sinatra Suite (I actually bought my ticket because Sarah Lane was listed). No female is listed even for the opening which is 2 days from now. What's up?
  2. Is Sarah Lane doing Sinatra Suite or is it just a publicity shot?
  3. I'm glad ABT is selling well in rep. Is it odd that there seem to be 7 performances a week. Aren't there usually 8?
  4. z I saw Sinatra Suite with the original case years ago and as the ads for that video suggest there are 2 principals. In the original cast the female lead was Elaine Kudo. Sarah Lane had been listed for the City Center season for a couple of perfomances. Now no females are listed -- the is definately a female lead role. I too wish ABT would have more detailed listings in the casting. Maybe they thing fans only care about principals. Not true in my case
  5. Sarah Lane had been listed for a couple of Sinatra Suites and then removed. Is it possible that the role is being divided? The problem in ABT seems to be too much talent and not enough opportunity. Many principles are doing few performance at City Center this season. Sorry to disagree but Lane gets my vote for soloist.
  6. What are the chances that Lane will be given this opportunity? Why are no women listed for Sinatra Suite? Isn't it strange?
  7. I saw Allegra Kent in Dance of the Hours many years ago -- Now that was fun!!
  8. Sarah Lane is not injured, but the ABT CC casting cards are being shuffled so that seasoned principals and soloists take priority. Sorry to hear that. Lane is one of my favorites and I was ready to buy a ticket based on her. No females are listed on the ABT site for Sinatra Suite. Are the guys going it alone? Lane should be a soloist.
  9. vipa

    Sarah Lane

    Sarah Lane is an ABT corps dancer who I particularly like. She even did Theme & Variations with ABT in New York once. She was listed in the Times ABT ad as being in the Sinatra Suite a couple of times in the upcoming season. Just as I was about to buy my ticket I noticed that she is no longer listed for it. In fact there are no women listed now for any performance of Sinatra Suite. Anyone know if she is injured?
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