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Everything posted by aurora

  1. The article cited in the other thread on this subject would seem to imply so (it says she currently dances with both the mik and ABT).
  2. Thanks for the explanation. He usually does express his regret. He's nice and does care about his fans. I feel bad for him missing Japan. He has talked before about how much he enjoys performing there. Good catch on the Onegins. I posted before my coffee had kicked in. Oops! I think its a less physically strenuous role than Don Q, not sure about Corsaire. I am not really very familiar with it. But it certainly does raise interesting questions. As it is his foot that is injured, provided there aren't many jumps maybe he is remaining hopeful?
  3. Is this meant to imply that it isn't injury that had him pull out of the performances in New York, as they are a month later? It at least confirms that as of mid April, his injury is still, sadly, a problem. Since he is listed in short works (just not full lengths) for the met season, which are scattered around the 2 pieces he pulled out of (Don Q and Corsaire), and indeed is still listed for the full lengths later in the season, what is your theory for this if not that he has pulled out due to injury?
  4. I think you are being a bit premature in your supposition that this is not due to injury. In that interview he talks about the injuries (plural) he has been trying to recover from, which have sidelined him for much longer than expected. That, combined with the tweet of breathebreathebreathe etc. coming at the same time he suddenly vanishes from a bunch of performances at ABT and does NOT show up in the Bolshoi London casting, leads me to suspect that he has further injured himself/is not recovering as he should.
  5. But according to Ilya's translation, one of the few solid pieces of information we have is that he was NOT burlged. And while it may have been true for you that you were forever after insecure in your home after being burgled, it is not a foregone conclusion. My family's apartment was burgled when I was quite small (someone forced entry and robbed us at night, while we were at home) and after a few small security upgrades, amazingly, we all managed to live there quite happily, some to this day, without feeling insecure or scared. We can feel relieved for him that his apartment wasn't entered, but maybe we should save the sympathy for those who were actually attacked.
  6. Deleting my post (for some reason the more recent posts on the thread hadn't shown up and mine was mere repetition)
  7. She has 'linked' herself to Tsiskaridze because he has a reputation as an outstanding teacher, inspirational in fact. I was told by an official at the Bolshoi school that part of his popularity is due to the fact he incorporates some of the methods he observed in Paris, having sat in on one of his classes I can attest to the fact that he stretches the dancers and enthuses them at the same time. Persecuting this fine teacher and his pupils will do the company more harm than good in the long run. All I said is that it can't endear her to them. Especially when they are demanding (in their own words!) leading roles for her. As Natalia has pointed out it doesn't seem that up to this point she has been persecuted. In fact she has been given quite nice roles if not the starring roles she wanted. But quite on the level for a talented dancer of her age in this company at this point in time. Except from within her camp, and in the fact Filin did not accede to their demands and give her O-O now, I fail to see how her career has been thwarted up to this point, when she has been given decent roles and is only 21. As others said previously, if she really thinks she deserves better roles at this moment perhaps she needs to go elsewhere as many people, in many companies have been forced to do. Or she could have a bit of patience.
  8. He did apparently tell her that she needed additional coaching, although there is debate as to how that was taken--her camp saying she was being punished for sticking with Tsiskardize. His camp saying she needed female coaching in addition. I am also not clear that there is any real evidence he really did say she was too fat, or if this is conjecture (I know it has been said, but is it fact that Filin said it to her...or is this other people justifying after the fact). Furthermore I don't see that it is good management to give in to what was clearly a demand for a role by a 20/21 year old dancer that you haven't deemed ready for the role. That is not how it generally works in any company. He has a lot of dancers to cast, as you note, and to give her the role would mean not giving it to someone else...someone he did think was deserving of it at this time. She is still young and does have time. She also has made choices, whether or not they should hurt her or not are debatable, but linking herself to a coach who consistently and openly delights in antagonizes the management and seems to be using her as a pawn in this can really not endear her to management. That may not be fair but I don't see that it is surprising.
  9. An article discussing the possible motives and complex interpersonal issues of the case (at least as they appear at this stage): http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/07/arts/dance/ballerina-may-be-at-center-of-bolshoi-acid-attack.html?hpw
  10. Can we not wildly speculate that he looks beaten? He doesn't look happy, but I don't think people usually do when they have been arrested, charged with a serious crime and spent many hours being interrogated. In our system or any other criminal system. I don't think it is what you would call a pleasant experience. [nb: Cygnet, I realize you just posted the image with no weighted commentary]
  11. I don't think he will be given the opportunity now. Arranging a brutal attack on your AD doesn't usually get a person promoted. If it does, well then. Things are even more messed up at the Bolshoi than I thought.
  12. confessions: http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2013/03/06/world/europe/06reuters-russia-bolshoi.html?hp
  13. The story has been updated since this morning...same link as above. Pavel Dmitrichenko, a dancer with the company, has been detained.
  14. Farrell and Martins in Chaconne: (part 1) (part 2) In an excerpt from Apollo:
  15. I was about to post the same. Here is a link to amazon if that helps (with picture): http://www.amazon.com/Ballerina-Famous-Dancers-Rising-Stars/dp/0876639899/ref=sr_1_52?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1362065257&sr=1-52&keywords=%22ballerinas%22
  16. I haven't had any caffeine yet, but in your transition to a 3 category system here you place Joffrey in the second, which you then seem to associate with "someone who can make decent dances when the need arises," rather than "someone who identifies themselves primarily as a choreographer." In some ways I agree with the distinction between these categories, and certainly Joffrey's career was about much more than choreography. But I think you've given him rather a rough assessment here. He wasn't someone who just "can make dances for the ensemble."
  17. In related news, from facebook: Facebook friends...visit GoreyStore.com today and use coupon code: DOODLE for 10% off orders of $35 or more
  18. We have an excellent subway system (and buses for that matter). As well as taxis. who drives in nyc?
  19. I found a photo of her from '50 (supposedly, this is the internet after all) where her hair is clearly dark.
  20. 100% agreed here. In fact I think the music is a major part of why I find this variation "manic."
  21. It rarely works for me (the basket dance). I agree with what you say above on principle, but both the music and choreography of the basket dance are so manic that the change from the melancholy preceding it is almost always jarring. In my opinion you still have the change of mood in the Makarova version. She is happy when she receives the basket. It does give her hope. Its just more subtle.
  22. I remember when I had to ask what OP standed for... Does anyone remember the meaning of OT? ;) Maybe this scintillating subject deserves its own topic thread
  23. An obituary for the father of Haitian professional dance, dead at 94 in Manhattan http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/30/arts/dance/jean-leon-destine-haitian-dancer-and-choreographer-dies-at-94.html?hpw
  24. An update in the times, saying Filin will be able to work again: http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2013/01/24/arts/24reuters-russia-bolshoi-attack.html?hp
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