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Everything posted by kbarber

  1. Kaysta if you would like to get together for coffee, give me a shout.
  2. Sotheby's is auctioning off a large collection of Natalia Goncharova's work,. If you have a spare $100,000, you can acquire: "Highlights include the artist’s set designs, costume designs, and studies for Sergei Diaghilev’s unrealized Spanish Ballets Russes, “Triana” and “Espagne,” http://uk.blouinartinfo.com/news/story/1270620/sothebys-to-offer-250-works-by-natalia-goncharova-in-london
  3. Very glad to have been of service, AshtonFan! And yes, the Grand Theatre is very grand indeed, isn't it?
  4. Here's the program, and it will be available online after the colloquium (just the presentations, I think, not the gala): Les intervenants du colloque Petipa : Michaela BÖHMIG, Italie, Professeur de Langue et littérature russes à l’université de Naples, L’Orientale : The Ballets Created by Marius Petipa in Russia (1847-1898): Themes, Genres and Styles. Natalia BRAGINSKAYA, Russie, Professeur de musicologie au Conservatoire d’État Rimski-Korsakov, Saint-Pétersbourg : L’interprétation par Igor Stravinsky de l’héritage de Marius Petipa. Emmanuelle DELATTRE DESTEMBERG, France, Doctorante en histoire à l’université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines : S’emparer de la mémoire de Marius Petipa: revendication politique et identité des Écoles de danse française et russe. Olga FEDORCHENKO, Russie, Chercheur à l’Institut d’histoire de l’art, critique de ballet : Marius Petipa interprète des ballets de Jules Perrot. Romain FEIST, France, Musicologue, Conservateur à la Bibliothèque-musée de l’Opéra de Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale de France) : Lucien, l’autre Petipa. Doug FULLINGTON, États-Unis, Directeur artistique adjoint du Pacific Northwest Ballet, Professeur associé d’histoire de la danse à l’université Washington, Seattle : Reconstructing Petipa: “Giselle” and “Paquita’” (avec Marian Smith). Jean-Marie JACONO, France, Maître de conférences de musicologie à l’université d’Aix-Marseille : Petipa et les ballets de Tchaïkovski dans la société russe : de la narrativité musicale à la danse. Sylvie JACQ-MIOCHE, France, Professeur d’histoire de la danse à l’École de danse de l’Opéra de Paris : Ombres et flamboiements du ballet romantique parisien. Bénédicte JARRASSE, France, Professeur agrégé de lettres modernes, Docteur en littérature comparée : Le statut du danseur dans le ballet impérial de Russie. Claudia JESCHKE, Autriche, Professeur d’histoire de la musique et de la danse à l’université de Salzbourg : Choreo-Graphing Spectacularity. Sergey KONAEV, Russie, Chercheur Senior en Études théâtrales à l’Institut national des arts, Moscou : Marius Petipa et le droit d’auteur. Nathalie LECOMTE, France, Historienne de la danse, chercheuse indépendante : Le ballet ” Le Corsaire ” : de Joseph Mazilier à Marius Petipa. Nadine MEISNER, Grande-Bretagne, Docteur en études slaves de l’université de Cambridge : Le ballet “La Vestale” de Marius Petipa. Pascale MELANI, France, Professeur en études slaves à l’université Bordeaux-Montaigne : Marius Petipa et le directeur des Théâtres impériaux Vladimir Teliakovski. Natalie MOREL-BOROTRA, France, Maître de conférences de musicologie à l’université Bordeaux-Montaigne : Marius Petipa danseur au Grand-Théâtre de Bordeaux. Marie-Lise PAOLI, France, Maître de conférences en études anglophones, Bordeaux : Ces chorégraphes qui font encore cygnes (danser les legs Petipa/Ivanov). Olga POLUBNEVA, Russie, Bibliothécaire, responsable du fonds iconographique Petipa à la RGBI (Bibliothèque d’État des Arts de Russie), Moscou : La collection photographique Petipa à la Bibliothèque des arts de Moscou (RGBI). Florence POUDRU, France, Professeur d’histoire de la danse au Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon : Quelques ballets de Petipa en France. Tim SCHOLL, États-Unis, Professeur de littérature russe et comparée à Oberlin College : Among Empires, Petipa’s Response to Late Nineteenth-Century Russian Nationalism. Marian SMITH, États-Unis, Professeur de musique à l’université de l’Oregon : Reconstructing Petipa: ‘Giselle’ and ‘Paquita’ (avec Doug Fullington). Anne SWARTZ, États-Unis, Professeur de musicologie, Baruch College, New York : Petipa, Patronage, and Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Sleeping Beauty’. Irina VAGANOVA, Russie, Bibliothèque nationale de Russie, Saint-Pétersbourg : L’héritage chorégraphique de Marius Petipa dans la création de Natalia Doudinskaïa et Konstantin Serguéïev (avec Marina Vaganova). Marina VAGANOVA, Bibliothèque d’État de Russie, Moscou : L’héritage chorégraphique de Marius Petipa dans la création de Natalia Doudinskaïa et Konstantin Serguéïev (avec Irina Vaganova). Jean-Philippe VAN AELBROUCK, Belgique, Directeur général adjoint du Service général des arts de la scène au Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles : Marius Petipa, une enfance bruxelloise. Kara YOO LEAMAN, États-Unis, enseignante et chercheuse à Yale University, New Haven : Petipa’s musical legacy in Balanchine. Walter ZIDARIC, France, Professeur en études italiennes à l’université de Nantes : Riccardo Drigo, compositeur de ballets de Marius Petipa (titre provisoire). Tetiana ZOLOZOVA, Ukraine, Professeur honoraire à l’Académie musicale de Kiev : Marius Petipa dans l’œuvre artistique de Serge Lifar. Télécharger (PDF, 902KB)
  5. Bart, I also just noticed this thread and am so sorry you had such a horrendous experience in St Petersburg, as I know your annual trip to see the Mariinsky is the highlight of your year. I am glad you have recovered so well and amazed at how you have managed to put a positive spin on things. definitely you should treat yourself to as many Raymondas as possible.
  6. maybe I'll be able to do a Saratoga trip after all!
  7. and to add to this saga, I just learned today from my ballet appreciation course students in Ottawa that the local paper has been announcing all week that R&J will be on at the Cineplex this coming weekend instead of last weekend (which it isn't!)
  8. on Instagram: https://instagram.com/p/8IyB-1P__Z/
  9. Following her Raymonda performance in Costa Mesa:
  10. ROH should give volcanohunter some kind of medal for doing their publicity for them! But what about all the Canadians who don't subscribe to balletalert? (I understand there ARE some, hard though that may be to believe).
  11. Stecyk, while you were going through your saga, volcanohunter has found out that Landmark theatres are showing R&J in Calgary. See this post: http://balletalert.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/40541-romeo-and-juliet-roh-2015-in-cinemas/?p=361830
  12. Thanks for this very exhaustive list, volcanohunter. Could they make it any harder for people to find out whether a given ballet is being shown in their neighbourhood or not in a timely fashion so they can actually go and see it??? sheesh
  13. thanks for the link to Faye Arthurs' blog, Kathleen. I wasn't aware of it before.
  14. http://asia.rbth.com/arts/2015/09/23/boris_eifman_ballet_is_at_a_crossroads_49489.html (Ironic that he unveils a statue of Balanchine then says, "choreographers and dancers have realized that endless infatuation with abstract ballet is a dead end.")
  15. I think he's doing everything. Last I heard, though, this film was supposed to be directed by Ralph Fiennes. http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-33238956 Unless that's a different one.
  16. Merrill Ashley is staging T&V for Dresden Semperoper Ballet. Here she is, with some rehearsal footage from the company.
  17. The Benois de la Danse facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/BenoisDeLaDanse?fref=nfI hope this counts as an official source) has just announced: Artem Ovcharenko, premier of the Bolshoi Ballet and the participant of the Benois de la Danse Youth Project, has been approved for the role of Rudolf Noureev in the film by director Carlson Smith. The shooting will be done by a team from London especially for the BBC. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTMXWjepe4E (The video is in Russian so I can't verify, but I'm sure someone on this forum can). Certainly Ovcharenko has a striking facial resemblance to Nureyev.
  18. Thanks for the tip, Volcanohunter. Just a warning to everyone, don't overlook removing the 3 pound donation they automatically add to your shopping cart!
  19. in French: http://culturebox.francetvinfo.fr/danse/feuilleton-lecole-de-danse-de-paris-fabrique-des-reves-detoiles-219637
  20. exactly. Likewise, on the ROH website, someone asked back in the spring when they could see Winter's Tale in North America and the webmaster response was "We;re coming to the US in June but unfortunately not bringing Winter's Tale". Would it have killed htem to mention that NBOC (WHO PAID FOR HALF OF IT!!) would be performing it in Toronto and Washington? I took a group which included some members of the board of NBOC on a backstage tour at the ROH and the tour guide said "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a coproduction with some American company... ABT I think. Or maybe Houston." GASP!!
  21. ROH seems to conveniently forget Canada exists unless they need someone to co-fund a Wheeldon ballet...
  22. The RWB building was badly damaged by a major flood that occurred Saturday, August 22. The flood water has since been traced back to a broken toilet in the third floor physiotherapy room. It pumped water out at full strength for nearly 30 hours before it was detected. Hallways, offices, and important studio space were all under water. "It ran through the building third floor, the second floor, into the top of the parking garage, where the ceiling came down from the weight of the water," said RWB Executive Director Jeff Herd. http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/royal-winnipeg-ballet-studios-archives-severely-damage-by-flooding-1.2553700
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