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ABT Swan Lake Met 2024

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Looking forward to seeing Misseldine’s NY debut (with Bell).

Coker just posted that she’s doing the peasant pas de trois with Roxander/Kimura at the evening of the 3rd. Happy I’ll get to see them.

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Saw on Instagram yesterday that April Giangeruso will be returning to dance with the corps in Swan Lake.  Would love to know more as to how that came to be.  I believe with apprentices there are already enough dancers. 

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Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Frmrdncr614 said:

Saw on Instagram yesterday that April Giangeruso will be returning to dance with the corps in Swan Lake.  Would love to know more as to how that came to be.  I believe with apprentices there are already enough dancers. 

That’s interesting. Her name isn’t back on the roster so must be just as she said, only for SL. Could be similar to how Nicole Graniero always returns for the Met season as well but not as a full company member. Graniero used to be a full time corps dancer, then went to the Washington Ballet, but returns to ABT for the summer. There could be injuries in the corps and they need the body. Or, they anticipate injuries that always happen so an extra dancer is always needed. And, Giangeruso knows the choreography well. Hope she stayed in shape.

Edited by ABT Fan
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I was just taking a look at ticket availability for tonight. There are 14 seats available in the orchestra, 4 in the Parterre boxes and thats it. The rest of the house is completely sold out. Availability looks pretty similar for tomorrow night.


I now Swan Lake sells but that is crazy! Good for ABT!

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3 minutes ago, nysusan said:

I was just taking a look at ticket availability for tonight. There are 14 seats available in the orchestra, 4 in the Parterre boxes and thats it. The rest of the house is completely sold out. Availability looks pretty similar for tomorrow night.


I now Swan Lake sells but that is crazy! Good for ABT!

And they recently opened up the Family Circle for the Wednesday matinee which is already selling.  Yes, Swan Lake sells out at ABT and NYCB.  Guess it does everywhere. 

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48 minutes ago, nysusan said:

I was just taking a look at ticket availability for tonight. There are 14 seats available in the orchestra, 4 in the Parterre boxes and thats it. The rest of the house is completely sold out. Availability looks pretty similar for tomorrow night.


I now Swan Lake sells but that is crazy! Good for ABT!

This is a good week too with lots of extra tourists in town. Not like SL needs help selling, but still.

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According to ABT’s IG stories, Gonzalez is doing Benno tonight with Park/Li for the pas de trois. Roxander/Miyake are doing Neapolitan. I would have thought Neapolitan would not have been cast with a soloist, but I think these two will make an impressive pair. Still, I’d rather see Roxander get opening night Benno. 

Please post any reports on tonight’s performance. 

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It's been many, many years since I saw (or wanted to see!) ABT's Swan Lake. But with the reduced performing season, there just aren't that many opportunities to see favorite dancers. So I'm in town. A few quick impressions on opening night:

  • Audience: if it wasn't sold out, it was close, with a very enthusiastic audience. Even those awful back rows in the boxes were sold. 
  • Boylston: The audience went wild repeatedly over her performance. I kept thinking: I've seen so much better from others. She did hold a couple of very long unsupported balances, which were impressive. And I like her choice to do 32 clean single fouettes. But her "swan arms" drive me crazy -- they're more like floppy wet noodles. 
  • Camargo: The audience didn't seem to appreciate him, at least not as much as Boylston. His gorgeous, elegant lines are stunning. Nothing in the technique was gasp-inducing, just a beautiful line and presence.  So sad we didn't get to see his Onegin.
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Posted (edited)

Boylston has a massive following on social media so I suspect that helped fill the house to capacity (on a Monday night!) and encourage the wild crowd reaction. I like her, but there are other dancers I'd rather see in Swan Lake. 

Edited by matilda
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Posted (edited)

Looking at the seating chart yesterday afternoon, the house was sold out. I didn't go in expecting great things from Boylston, and that was my feeling when I left at the end.  Very strong technique, no soul.  She is not compelling in adagio.  Carmago was good but not as stellar as I would have expected.  Clean work  but no fireworks.

I liked the two women in the pas de trois (Li and Park), but I'm still undecided about  Gonzalez.  

The days of gong to a show to see Purple Rothbart are over. With memories of the magnetism of Malhakov and Gomes, Jose Sebastian didn't do a thing for me.

So the highlight was Neopolitan with Roxander and Miyake.  I don't recall seeing Mikyake before, but these two were great together.  Hoping Jaffe give him featured roles sooner rather than later.

Mr. Abatt turned to me and said he didn't think Miyake was so special, to which I replied he is about 18 years old and was an equal to Roxander.  I also told Mr. Abatt that his view might change when he sees who they put into these roles the rest of the week.

Edited by abatt
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Posted (edited)

Does anyone know which Purple Rothbart is performing tomorrow (7/3) matinee? The Met site shows both Sebastian and Markey.

Also, any social media chatter about who might be doing the Act I PDT then?

I was supposed to be on vacation this week and was really sad to miss Chloe's NYC performance, so I just splurged on some good seats to ease my disappointment at the lost vacation. After last summer we decided to give McKenzie's Swan Lake a rest for at least  a few years, but I couldn't pass this up.

Just now, nanushka said:

Does anyone know which Purple Rothbart is performing tomorrow (7/3) matinee? The Met site shows both Sebastian and Markey.

NM, I see now that the ABT master calendar shows Markey as PVR. (I'm relieved.)

Edited by nanushka
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53 minutes ago, nanushka said:

Does anyone know which Purple Rothbart is performing tomorrow (7/3) matinee? The Met site shows both Sebastian and Markey.

Also, any social media chatter about who might be doing the Act I PDT then?

I was supposed to be on vacation this week and was really sad to miss Chloe's NYC performance, so I just splurged on some good seats to ease my disappointment at the lost vacation. After last summer we decided to give McKenzie's Swan Lake a rest for at least  a few years, but I couldn't pass this up.

NM, I see now that the ABT master calendar shows Markey as PVR. (I'm relieved.)

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Joey Markey. I’m seeing him on Friday.

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, ABT Fan said:

Tonight’s Benno is Frenette with McBride/Lensi as his ladies. I believe this is a debut for Lensi.

Thanks for the info! I hope to see some greater confidence, security and consistent stage presence from Frenette, compared to his PDT two (I think?) years ago.

I see Lensi has done Zulma — I don't recall having ever seen her.

I haven't seen McBride in a featured role in a few years; my impressions have generally been mixed. (I hope she tones down the smile a bit and doesn't wobble her head in supported pirouettes, as she sometimes has, IIRC.)

[Sorry, i realize now I read your message as referring to tomorr'ow's cast, when I'm attending. NM!]

Edited by nanushka
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12 minutes ago, nanushka said:

Thanks for the info! I hope to see some greater confidence, security and consistent stage presence from Frenette, compared to his PDT two (I think?) years ago.

I see Lensi has done Zulma — I don't recall having ever seen her.

I haven't seen McBride in a featured role in a few years; my impressions have generally been mixed. (I hope she tones down the smile a bit and doesn't wobble her head in supported pirouettes, as she sometimes has, IIRC.)

[Sorry, i realize now I read your message as referring to tomorr'ow's cast, when I'm attending. NM!]

Frenette posted on his IG stories that he’s also doing Benno tomorrow at 2pm and on the 5th. I’m not sure if those two also include McBride/Lensi as his ladies. Tomorrow evening is Roxander/Coker/Kimura.

I thought Lensi’s Zulma was really lovely. Agree about McBride - way too smiley and her head bobbles during pirouettes drive me a bit crazy. 


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24 minutes ago, DPell said:

How were Murphy and Forster last night?

I don't remember what Murphy's Swan Lakes were like 10-15 years ago, but last night was exquisite -- nuanced, extended, gorgeous.  She threw in some doubles on her fouettes. She's 45 years old!! Details were superior to Boylston the night before. E.g., at the end of Black Swan, she scooches backwards in arabesque. Murphy covered serious territory. Boylston barely moved.

Forster's Prince was much like his Onegin -- solid, reliable, trusted partner, workmanlike. What's always missing is the extra spark pushing the envelope in his technique. 

I couldn't see all the tiers, but the place seemed to be sold out - even the awful back rows of the side boxes. 


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42 minutes ago, California said:

I don't remember what Murphy's Swan Lakes were like 10-15 years ago, but last night was exquisite -- nuanced, extended, gorgeous.  She threw in some doubles on her fouettes. She's 45 years old!! Details were superior to Boylston the night before. E.g., at the end of Black Swan, she scooches backwards in arabesque. Murphy covered serious territory. Boylston barely moved.

Forster's Prince was much like his Onegin -- solid, reliable, trusted partner, workmanlike. What's always missing is the extra spark pushing the envelope in his technique. 

I couldn't see all the tiers, but the place seemed to be sold out - even the awful back rows of the side boxes. 


I think of Forster as the Carlo Bergonzi of ballet dancers. Bergonzi couldn't act, but he let his voice do all the work and he was superb. Forster has a relatively inexpressive face (he projected only a little of Siegfried's moodiness and anxiety), so just watch his body and not his face and be thrilled. Those beautiful long legs and arms!

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1 hour ago, California said:

I don't remember what Murphy's Swan Lakes were like 10-15 years ago, but last night was exquisite -- nuanced, extended, gorgeous.  She threw in some doubles on her fouettes. She's 45 years old!! Details were superior to Boylston the night before. E.g., at the end of Black Swan, she scooches backwards in arabesque. Murphy covered serious territory. Boylston barely moved.

Forster's Prince was much like his Onegin -- solid, reliable, trusted partner, workmanlike. What's always missing is the extra spark pushing the envelope in his technique. 

I couldn't see all the tiers, but the place seemed to be sold out - even the awful back rows of the side boxes. 


How was Curley and the peasant pas de trois?

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, California said:

I don't remember what Murphy's Swan Lakes were like 10-15 years ago, but last night was exquisite -- nuanced, extended, gorgeous.  She threw in some doubles on her fouettes. She's 45 years old!! Details were superior to Boylston the night before. E.g., at the end of Black Swan, she scooches backwards in arabesque. Murphy covered serious territory. Boylston barely moved.

Forster's Prince was much like his Onegin -- solid, reliable, trusted partner, workmanlike. What's always missing is the extra spark pushing the envelope in his technique. 

I couldn't see all the tiers, but the place seemed to be sold out - even the awful back rows of the side boxes. 


Yes.  Agree.  Murphy was stupendous and beautiful.  What she has lost in blindingly fast fouettes she has gained in detail and dramatic presence.  Forster was reliable and fine, but he never had stellar technique.   

Heard the usher say the performance was sold out. 

added- Curley was very good as Purple Rothbart.  Nobody will ever duplicate Gomes, but this was a very strong performance.  

Peasant pas was fine but unremarkable.  Neopolitan was danced by Miyake (replacing Pogossian) and Magbitang.  A wonderful performance.  

I have to see that Murphy Forster were much more compelling than Boylston Carmago.  That performance was dramatically inert.  Boylston has never improved over time during her career in dramatic roles. Her technique remains strong.

Bravo to our veterans - Murphy and Forster.


Edited by abatt
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Still in shock over Misseldine’s promotion. Doing it onstage was certainly exciting and Bell was so gracious during the page bows - he left so she could soak up the deserved applause!

For the performance, I thought it was a stupendous debut. Misseldine was more the frightened and timid swan at the beginning than most dancers and it was beautiful. She made lovely use of her head, neck, and shoulders to convey fear and sadness. Absolutely beautiful port de bras, lines, and arabesques though she needs to not drop her head so low on the supported penches. She did struggle on one arabesque to maintain her balance but she saved it. Her transition to Odile was exquisite- here she was seductive, sly, and flirtatious. Fouettés started off strong with some doubles but she lost speed and the ending was fumbled. But the rest of her Odile finished strong.

Bell was his usual gorgeous , princely self. There aren’t enough adjectives to heap onto him. So much emotion. Exemplary control during his solos, clean landings, strong and secure partnering. A true prince.

Markey gave a very powerful interpretation of PVR in his debut. Clean, controlled technique. More of him please. 

The pas de trois, however, was not so wonderful. Frenette did have an energetic, clean manage of jetes but all of his landings following the tours were sloppy. Overall, his was a low key performance. Waski - what was that? None of her jumps left the ground, she completely fell out of her diagonal turns, fell off pointe repeatedly, lacked any energy. It was disastrous. Armstrong, was beautiful - give her more opportunities. Spritely, lovely facial expressions, strong and crisp technique.

The afternoon obviously belonged to Misseldine. She seemed truly overwhelmed during bows. I look forward to watching her bloom.

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