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ABT Fall 2023

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Curley and Trenary were both wonderful in their roles.  Trenary did hit the deeper notes of despair and renunciation in the role of Natalia - she is a wonderful dance actress and would shine in some of the older Tudor ballets like "Pillar of Fire" and in DeMille's "Fall River Legend" (if ABT still cares about those formative ballets by their founding choreographers).  Actually, Trenary can also be flirtatious and bold onstage like Olga and could dance both lead female roles in "On the Dnipro (Dnieper)".  Curley had strong stage presence and rock solid technique and carried the role of Sergiy with great authority.  Sergiy behaves pretty selfishly throughout and it is hard to sympathize with his plight.  He gets off easy due to Natalia. 

It was Michael de la Nuez's afternoon as he did both Olga's fiancé and his big solo role in "Single Eye".  He has a unique, very kinetic style of movement and you can't take your eyes off of him when he gets going.  Catherine Hurlin was wonderfully bold, vibrant and totally engaged as the alluring Olga and really brought the character (and conflict caused by her) to life.  Her strong dancing with her big jumps and whiplash turns gave the character real strength with a touch of wildness.  Olga's need for freedom and the right to choose her own life came through powerfully.  I also saw the original opening night premiere cast with Gomes, Part, Hallberg and Herrera.  I thought that Hurlin outdid Herrera and I liked it much more this time.  I remember in the premiere season, Diana Vishneva was the second cast Olga and I usually saw everything she did at ABT (often multiple times) but I skipped her role debut because I didn't care for the ballet.  I liked it more overall this afternoon.  Ratmansky's ballet is well-crafted, but Prokofiev's score isn't one of his best, reminiscent but inferior to his more famous scores and isn't particularly "dansante".  Ratmansky crafts striking movements and builds the drama skillfully but the story is old and if I don't love the music, I usually don't love the ballet. 

That is also very true of Jason Moran's score for "Single Eye" which is also canned (I understand about the sound effects but a live piano would help).  I agree about the repetitive choreography with the constant windmilling arms, the push pull and manipulating the woman like a pretzel, etc.  Seen that, been there...  I was zoning out of the performance until I decided to watch individual dancers and then I got engaged watching corps dancers like Mikey de la Nuez, Léa Fleytoux, Erica Lall, Jacob Clerico and David Gonzalez.  I liked Devon Teuscher a lot and Thomas Forster has been looking amazing all season.

"Depuis la Jour" was pleasant and instantly forgettable - José Sebastian looked really good and Katherine Williams was lovely in the not very interesting stuff she had to do.  

Agree that this was rather "blah" and dreary programming - ABT has so many rich and fascinating works in its rep.   Something like "Bruch Violin Concerto" would have been nice.  Or MacMillan's full "Concerto".  Or add MacMillan's best ballet in my opinion "The Song of the Earth".  https://www.kennethmacmillan.com/new-page-28

Edited by FauxPas
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22 minutes ago, FauxPas said:

Agree that this was rather "blah" and dreary programming - ABT has so many rich and fascinating works in its rep.   Something like "Bruch Violin Concerto" would have been nice.  Or MacMillan's full "Concerto".  Or add MacMillan's best ballet in my opinion "The Song of the Earth".  https://www.kennethmacmillan.com/new-page-28

I got several emails about discounted tickets for every show of this program, so lots of people apparently agree with the "blah" factor. (I didn't see it myself.) Very pleased to hear of the great performances by Curley, Trenary, de la Nuez and co. though. 

Jaffe set up a format of "classics old and new," "20th century," and "21st century" for the season, so it's not like she had many contemporary masterpieces to choose from for this program. Also, there's pressure (perhaps from the board and media, if not necessarily the ticket buyers) to showcase work by choreographers who are not white men, limiting the selection pool further. 

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3 minutes ago, abatt said:

There was a ballet ABT did at City Center that required an opera singer and was about the death of children and a grieving community.  Anyone recall what the title was?  It was very  moving.  

I believe you’re thinking of AFTERRITE. (The “rite” was italicized I think, which I can’t do on my phone…) But that was at the Koch, so maybe you’re referring to a different ballet.

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Thanks for the assistance, but it is not afterrite.  That was Wayne McGregor.  I hated that ballet.

Just recalled.  It was Tudor's Dark Elegies.  A masterpiece.  Will we ever see that one again?  If they were happy to blow money on a singer, why did they spend it on an instantly forgettable trifle by Gemma Bond.  The money would have been much better spent to revive Dark Elegies. 



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I really do wish they would bring back some of their wonderful Tudor and Fokine rep.

I agree that all 4 principals in Dneipro Sat matinee were excellent however this was the dullest evening of ballet I can recall seeing in a very, very long time. Diversity, sure. But not at this cost.

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7 minutes ago, FauxPas said:

Abatt are you thinking about "Dark Elegies" which is the Tudor ballet set to Mahler's "Kindertotenlieder"?    At NYCB, Peter Martins did a "Songs of the Auvergne" ballet to the cycle by Canteloube and Frederica Von Stade sang the premiere run.

Definitely Dark Elegies.  

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At Ballet Theater, a Thrilling Puck and a Moment to Take Stock - The New York Times (nytimes.com)


More praise for Jake Roxander.  Someone above suggested that it would be exciting to see him again as Mercutio.  While that is true, I would much rather see him debut in a lead role.  If you have someone with tremendous talent, use him.  Don't stick him into a minor role.

By shortening the season, and by repeatedly bringing back the same works season after season at the Met, dancers are deprived of valuable performance opportunities.  As an example, Roxander would be great as Colas, or as Franz.  At this point he may not be ready for Albrecht, Siegfried or Romeo.  But will we ever see Fille Mal Gardee or Coppeilia, given that the season is drastically reduced.  I'm not so sure. Hopefully we will get a Don Q revival and see him in the lead.  Not sure what Jaffe's thoughts are on preferring seniority over talent for casting lead roles. 

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Talking about talent, Jonathan Klein has been MIA all season at ABT.  Has anyone seen him in anything?  Another potential Franz and Colas.  BTW:  La Fille Mal Gardée and Coppélia would work well in the NYST Theater (say no to the K*ch).  Also, having seen the full reconstruction at the Bolshoi as choreographed by Sergei Vikharev, the old Freddie Franklin version looks cut down and twee.  It also pales next to the Balanchine/Danilova across the plaza. 

For example at the Bolshoi in the Dance of the Hours there were 24 corps ballerinas, the Frederick Franklin made for smaller touring companies has 12 hours in a day.  Not enough hours for me.  I think a new fully reconstructed Coppélia is a must.  Sorry to those who love the Franklin version and loved Freddie himself.

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36 minutes ago, FauxPas said:

Talking about talent, Jonathan Klein has been MIA all season at ABT.  Has anyone seen him in anything?  Another potential Franz and Colas.  BTW:  La Fille Mal Gardée and Coppélia would work well in the NYST Theater (say no to the K*ch).  Also, having seen the full reconstruction at the Bolshoi as choreographed by Sergei Vikharev, the old Freddie Franklin version looks cut down and twee.  It also pales next to the Balanchine/Danilova across the plaza. 

For example at the Bolshoi in the Dance of the Hours there were 24 corps ballerinas, the Frederick Franklin made for smaller touring companies has 12 hours in a day.  Not enough hours for me.  I think a new fully reconstructed Coppélia is a must.  Sorry to those who love the Franklin version and loved Freddie himself.

He would be perfect for Colas with Skylar. I would fly back to NYC for that. Unless it’s a new staging of Coppelia, I rather see La Fille. Alexei is doing a new Coppelia for La Scala( not a reconstruction) . I wish ABT coproduced it with La Scala .

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3 hours ago, abatt said:

Definitely Dark Elegies.  

The mention of Dark Elegies, a wonderful ballet, got me thinking about Eliot Feld's At Midnight. I remember seeing it at ABT and being impressed. I'd love to see it again. I believe it's to Mahler songs.

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I've always been a little puzzled/sad Feld's ballets don't get revived by ABT--Both At Midnight and Intermezzo I remember with great fondness. I did rather assume that once he had his own company he then didn't want ABT doing them, but I had hoped that could be revisited later after his company was no more.  (Though I saw them a couple of times, I don't remember too much and am even less familiar with his more recent work for Ballet Tech, but I assume there is more of interest than I happen to remember. )

Probably Feld's works wouldn't play that well at the huge Met, but perhaps at the NY State Theater [I tried to write K-o-c-h but my keyboard kept bursting into flames] or maybe for ABT II which performs in smaller venues? I assume this all also  depends on Feld giving permission not just ABT being interested. So who knows what the story is....

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47 minutes ago, California said:

Trivia of the day: Judging from several Instagram Stories, ABT dancers are now on an 18-hour flight to China. From their postings: corps members fly economy (Roxander) and principals business/first (Cornejo)

I was wondering if those flying biz/first are doing so at their own expense (yes, expensive) or used miles to upgrade themselves. I think the later is a possibility given how so many, like Boylston, do lots of guesting and therefore must have tons of miles to use. Would ABT really have the means to pay for the 16 principals going to travel first class? 

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2 minutes ago, ABT Fan said:

I was wondering if those flying biz/first are doing so at their own expense (yes, expensive) or used miles to upgrade themselves. I think the later is a possibility given how so many, like Boylston, do lots of guesting and therefore must have tons of miles to use. Would ABT really have the means to pay for the 16 principals going to travel first class? 

We have no way of knowing, of course. I've actually wondered how ABT could afford China at all! A subsidy from the US state department? China? Some national airlines seem to provide air travel for visitors like this, although (again) we have no way of knowing and I haven't seen anything about this kind of support. Just think of the cost of shipping costumes and sets, never mind the dancers!

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5 minutes ago, California said:

We have no way of knowing, of course. I've actually wondered how ABT could afford China at all! A subsidy from the US state department? China? Some national airlines seem to provide air travel for visitors like this, although (again) we have no way of knowing and I haven't seen anything about this kind of support. Just think of the cost of shipping costumes and sets, never mind the dancers!

American Airlines is their airline sponsor, but I’ve always wondered how that worked. I can’t imagine they get free tickets, so are they partially subsidized? And, not to open a Pandora’s box, but since you mentioned sets and costumes, oh my that cost alone, but they’d also have to be insured, and shipped in such a way that they are guaranteed to arrive. The cost and that coordination….yikes. 

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1 hour ago, California said:

Trivia of the day: Judging from several Instagram Stories, ABT dancers are now on an 18-hour flight to China. From their postings: corps members fly economy (Roxander) and principals business/first (Cornejo)

At many companies business class is part and parcel of principal contracts. But often only if the trip is longer than a certain distance.

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5 hours ago, FauxPas said:

Talking about talent, Jonathan Klein has been MIA all season at ABT.  Has anyone seen him in anything?  Another potential Franz and Colas.  BTW:  La Fille Mal Gardée and Coppélia would work well in the NYST Theater (say no to the K*ch).  Also, having seen the full reconstruction at the Bolshoi as choreographed by Sergei Vikharev, the old Freddie Franklin version looks cut down and twee.  It also pales next to the Balanchine/Danilova across the plaza. 

For example at the Bolshoi in the Dance of the Hours there were 24 corps ballerinas, the Frederick Franklin made for smaller touring companies has 12 hours in a day.  Not enough hours for me.  I think a new fully reconstructed Coppélia is a must.  Sorry to those who love the Franklin version and loved Freddie himself.

Jonathan and his wife Emily Hayes started a facial care business and it’s start coincided with Fall Season. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyD-o3jg81n/?igshid=YjVjNjZkNmFjNg==

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2 hours ago, Drew said:

I've always been a little puzzled/sad Feld's ballets don't get revived by ABT--Both At Midnight and Intermezzo I remember with great fondness. I did rather assume that once he had his own company he then didn't want ABT doing them, but I had hoped that could be revisited later after his company was no more.  (Though I saw them a couple of times, I don't remember too much and am even less familiar with his more recent work for Ballet Tech, but I assume there is more of interest than I happen to remember. )

Probably Feld's works wouldn't play that well at the huge Met, but perhaps at the NY State Theater [I tried to write K-o-c-h but my keyboard kept bursting into flames] or maybe for ABT II which performs in smaller venues? I assume this all also  depends on Feld giving permission not just ABT being interested. So who knows what the story is....

I too remember Intermezzo very fondly. It was a young ballet student when I saw it, so I'd love to be able to revisit it. Currently Eliot Feld is listed as the founder of Ballet Tech, but is no longer the directer or on staff.

The Feld ballets are part of ABT's neglected history! My dream revival, however, would be Twyla's Push Comes to Shove.

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10 hours ago, vipa said:

My dream revival, however, would be Twyla's Push Comes to Shove.

Push is my dream revival, too. I always thought Daniil would be great in it. There's YouTube footage of Kimin Kim doing it a few years ago with Mariinsky. Presumably Tharp has to approve. Jaffe was in this (replacing van Hamel of the original cast). 


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1 hour ago, ABT Fan said:

American Airlines is their airline sponsor, but I’ve always wondered how that worked. I can’t imagine they get free tickets, so are they partially subsidized? 

In Roxander's Instagram Stories, from his economy seat, there is an emergency instruction folder: A380-800: Korean Air Lines. China Airlines and Delta are partners of Korean Air. Go figure!

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