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POB 2021-2022 Season

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24/09 Gala : Défilé du ballet/Clouds Inside (Voelker)/Brise-lames (Jalet)/Etudes (Lander)
28/09-6/12 Play (Ekman)
15/10-04/11 Le Rouge et le noir (Lacotte)
29/11-02/01 le sacre du printemps (Nijinski) / l'après midi d'un faune (Eyal) / Rhapsody (Ashton)
09/12-02/01 Don Quichotte (Nureyev)
30/01-20/02 Body and soul (Pite)
14/03-03/04 Uprising / In Your Rooms (Schechter)
02/04-06/05 La Bayadère (Nureyev)
06/05-05/06 Carmen/Another Place / Bolero (Mats Ek)
18/06-16/07 A Midsummer Night's Dream (Balanchine)
25/06-16/07 Giselle (Coralli-Perrot)

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5 hours ago, silvermash said:

24/09 Gala : Défilé du ballet/Clouds Inside (Voelker)/Brise-lames (Jalet)/Etudes (Lander)
28/09-6/12 Play (Ekman)
15/10-04/11 Le Rouge et le noir (Lacotte)
29/11-02/01 le sacre du printemps (Nijinski) / l'après midi d'un faune (Eyal) / Rhapsody (Ashton)
09/12-02/01 Don Quichotte (Nureyev)
30/01-20/02 Body and soul (Pite)
14/03-03/04 Uprising / In Your Rooms (Schechter)
02/04-06/05 La Bayadère (Nureyev)
06/05-05/06 Carmen/Another Place / Bolero (Mats Ek)
18/06-16/07 A Midsummer Night's Dream (Balanchine)
25/06-16/07 Giselle (Coralli-Perrot)

Thank you for posting. Are you excited by any thing in particular? (I see a number of things that sound pretty appealing.)

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A lot of repeats from recent history (Play, the Mats Ek night, A Midsummer Night's Dream) but then the Opera has been reeling first from the strikes that began in December 2019 and then the pandemic. Don Q, Bayadere and Giselle should make people happy, though.

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I think there are still several pieces which left from last 2 seasons, like Raymonda, Mayerling, etc, hopefully,  they will hold on 22/23.

Appology first, just a bit off the topic, is there any news on Bullion's farewell? He was born in Feb, 1980, so his show should be no late in Oct, 2022. I wonder he will chose a regular full-length before july, or in oct, or like Pujol, has a special time at Défilé?


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14 hours ago, Merit said:

Appology first, just a bit off the topic, is there any news on Bullion's farewell? He was born in Feb, 1980, so his show should be no late in Oct, 2022. I wonder he will chose a regular full-length before july, or in oct, or like Pujol, has a special time at Défilé?


Aurélie Dupont mentioned in an interview that Stéphane Bullion and Alice Renavand will leave next season but didn't say when

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14 hours ago, silvermash said:

Aurélie Dupont mentioned in an interview that Stéphane Bullion and Alice Renavand will leave next season but didn't say when

Many thanks.

I would very much like to see Bullion choose Bayadere or Giselle, he was great in both Solor and Albrecht, as  he is in such good condition, a proper classical full-length ballet shall do him justice. And I also hope Pagliero could be his partner. 

As to Renavand, I kind of think she might pick contemporay pieces, (most because I am not familiar with her in classical leading roles).

Just my humble idea.

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There will be a wave of retirements in the next three years among the etoiles and premieres. If I have the ages right, etoiles Stephane Bullion, Alice Renavand, Emilie Cozette and Myriam Ould-Braham, and premieres Eve Grinsztajn, Florian Magnenet and Audric Bezard will all retire during that three year period.

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On 5/26/2021 at 7:17 PM, miliosr said:

There will be a wave of retirements in the next three years among the etoiles and premieres. If I have the ages right, etoiles Stephane Bullion, Alice Renavand, Emilie Cozette and Myriam Ould-Braham, and premieres Eve Grinsztajn, Florian Magnenet and Audric Bezard will all retire during that three year period.

I once made a list, birth year -- possible farewell year

Alice Renavand 1980--2022
Émilie Cozette 1981--2023
Myriam Ould-Braham 1982--2024
Dorothée Gilbert 1983--2025
Ludmila Pagliero 1983--2025
Laura Hecquet 1984--2026
Amandine Albisson 1989--2031
Valentine Colasante 1989--2031
Léonore Baulac 1990--2032

Stéphane Bullion   1980--2022 
Mathieu Ganio      1984--2026 
Mathias Heymann  1987--2029 
Germain Louvet     1993--2035 
Hugo Marchand     1993--2036 (Marchand was born in Dec, so I think 2036 ) 
Paul Marque           1997--2039 

And also Magnenet, Bezard, Grinsztajn all will retire in 2,3 years

Edited by Merit
miss typing
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23 hours ago, Merit said:

I once made a list, birth year -- possible farewell year

Mathieu Ganio      1984--2023 

Ganio's only 37 so I would put his retirement closer to 2026.

The ranks of the male etoiles are thinner than they might have been under different circumstances because Josua Hoffalt resigned from the company while he was still in his 30s. So, with Bullion retiring soon and Ganio transitioning (in part) to character roles, that leaves only four other male etoiles. That should open up room at the top although I don't think Aurelie Dupont has any interest in elevating Francois Alu and Arthus Raveau to etoile status. Predictions: Pablo Legasa, Francesco Mura and the sujet Thomas Docquir are the most likely candidates to become etoiles.

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58 minutes ago, miliosr said:

Ganio's only 37 so I would put his retirement closer to 2026.

yes, my bad, miss typing. Thanks for point out.

Ganio was born in march (if my memory serves me well) 1984, so might be sometime summer 2026.

Edited by Merit
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46 minutes ago, miliosr said:

The ranks of the male etoiles are thinner than they might have been under different circumstances because Josua Hoffalt resigned from the company while he was still in his 30s. So, with Bullion retiring soon and Ganio transitioning (in part) to character roles, that leaves only four other male etoiles. That should open up room at the top although I don't think Aurelie Dupont has any interest in elevating Francois Alu and Arthus Raveau to etoile status. Predictions: Pablo Legasa, Francesco Mura and the sujet Thomas Docquir are the most likely candidates to become etoiles.

Hoffalt was also born in 1984, so sad he had to retire so early.

However, (IMO) as the state budget being cut, Dupont might not promote any male PD, but just promote male sujet to PD. I share your sought that Alu has no chance get promotion during Dupont's domination, and I also think neither Legasa nor Mura is ready, so save some on paying is not too bad a choice.🤑

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On 5/26/2021 at 5:17 PM, miliosr said:

There will be a wave of retirements in the next three years among the etoiles and premieres. If I have the ages right, etoiles Stephane Bullion, Alice Renavand, Emilie Cozette and Myriam Ould-Braham, and premieres Eve Grinsztajn, Florian Magnenet and Audric Bezard will all retire during that three year period.

I think that I was at the performance when Stephane Bullion was made an Etoile. Myriam Ould-Braham I must see again (and again and again, hopefully) before she retires. I only saw her in La Bayadere and her Kingdom of the Shades act was Merveilleux !

Added: In further regard to seeing Myriam Ould-Braham, heaven knows I've tried. I'm seldom near Paris when she's performing and POB tickets aren't always easy to get and the one time that I snagged one for a Swan Lake (Heaven!), even made a hotel reservation, the ticket was annulled. But persevere I do.  🙂

Another ballerina that I loved, by the way, and did get to see twice, was Delphine Moussin.

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Premiere danseur Vincent Chaillet has announced on his Instagram feed that he will forego his last five years at the Opera. Not really a surprise since, if you follow his feed, he's been involved in a variety of different project outside the Opera for the past few years. Still, as we've discussed upthread, the company will have its hands full replenishing the top ranks with so many male dancers of longstanding retiring or about to retire.

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@MeritWow!  Thank you for making such a comprehensive list of dancers birth and possible retirement years.  I would LOVE to see Pagliero and Ould-Braham before they retire.

@Buddy how lucky you are to have seen many amazing dancers.  I also love Moussin.

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1 hour ago, ECat said:

@MeritWow!  Thank you for making such a comprehensive list of dancers birth and possible retirement years.  I would LOVE to see Pagliero and Ould-Braham before they retire.

@Buddy how lucky you are to have seen many amazing dancers.  I also love Moussin.

Another ballerina that I like very much, ECat, is Héloïse Bourdon. She appeared at a rather young age as Odette/Odile (Swan Lake) at the 2016 Mariinsky Festival, which is quite an honor. I thought that she was very fine. I didn't hear much mention of her after that. Checking the POB website, she's listed as a Premier danseur, one step down from Etoile (the highest ranking), so that seems good. 

Miliosr or Merit, maybe you know how she's doing ?

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On 6/5/2021 at 2:52 PM, Buddy said:

Another ballerina that I like very much, ECat, is Héloïse Bourdon. She appeared at a rather young age as Odette/Odile (Swan Lake) at the 2016 Mariinsky Festival, which is quite an honor. I thought that she was very fine. I didn't hear much mention of her after that. Checking the POB website, she's listed as a Premier danseur, one step down from Etoile (the highest ranking), so that seems good. 

Miliosr or Merit, maybe you know how she's doing ?

It's hard to know exactly what her standing is (as compared to her rank.) Based on the published casting for the Roland Petit evening and Romeo and Juliet, I wouldn't say she's cast especially prominently. I don't see her name as one of the leads in any of the Petit one acts and I only see her cast as Rosaline in Romeo and Juliet. This in comparison to her fellow premieres Hannah O'Neill and Sae Eun Park, who are very prominently cast (the Petit evening for the former and Romeo and Juliet for the latter.)

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26 minutes ago, miliosr said:

It's hard to know exactly what her standing is (as compared to her rank.) Based on the published casting for the Roland Petit evening and Romeo and Juliet, I wouldn't say she's cast especially prominently. I don't see her name as one of the leads in any of the Petit one acts and I only see her cast as Rosaline in Romeo and Juliet. This in comparison to her fellow premieres Hannah O'Neill and Sae Eun Park, who are very prominently cast (the Petit evening for the former and Romeo and Juliet for the latter.)

Thanks, Miliosr. I have to say again that she looked very good to me as Odette/Odile (Swan Lake) at the 2016 Mariinsky Festival, where I've seen some of the best in the world. 

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14 hours ago, miliosr said:

It's hard to know exactly what her standing is (as compared to her rank.) Based on the published casting for the Roland Petit evening and Romeo and Juliet, I wouldn't say she's cast especially prominently. I don't see her name as one of the leads in any of the Petit one acts and I only see her cast as Rosaline in Romeo and Juliet. This in comparison to her fellow premieres Hannah O'Neill and Sae Eun Park, who are very prominently cast (the Petit evening for the former and Romeo and Juliet for the latter.)

I think she was not considered versatile enough for POB repertory compared to Park or O’Neill or Barbeau. However, in the past few years, she did a lot of contemporary pieces so perhaps it will change.

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7 hours ago, silvermash said:

I think she was not considered versatile enough for POB repertory compared to Park or O’Neill or Barbeau. However, in the past few years, she did a lot of contemporary pieces so perhaps it will change.


I hope so, Silvermash, and thank you. I've actually  preferred the 'classical' works that I've seen at POB over the years, which is perhaps why a fine Odette/Odile would register so well with me. I felt somewhat the same about Veronika Part at ABT. She might not have had the range or versatility, but the classical ballets that she performed were some of the best performances that I've ever seen. 

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The women's promotion competition was held today.

Roxane Stojanov has won promotion to première danseuse

Bleuenn Battistoni and Inès Mcintosh will be promoted to sujet.

Clara Mousseigne and Claire Gandolfi will be promoted to coryphée.


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The men's promotion competition was held today.

Jérémy-Loup Quer has been promoted to premier danseur. (Finally. :flowers:)

Jack Gasztowtt and Alexandre Gasse have won promotion to sujet. (It's been ten years since Gasse's last move up the promotion ladder. Good for him for not giving up!)

Guillaume Diop, Nicola Di Vico and Isaac Lopes Gomes have won promotion to coryphée


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