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Everything posted by abatt

  1. There seems to be a problem with getting the multi-program discount. The internet sales set-up does not give you any such discount. I called the box office and they said that they were never advised of a discount for the purchase of multiple programs. I told the box office worker that it was stated in the press release. She stated that it would have to be verified by the Koch theater through direct contact w. the company. When I asked if they would apply the discount retroactively if people already bought tickets, I was told no. So for now I'm waiting until they get this all straightened out before I buy. Quite frutstrating. How is it possible that they were never informed of the multi program discount!?
  2. I'm not sure that his lack of casting for the upcoming ABT season can be blamed on McKenzie. For all we know, McKenzie may have offered him additional appearances but he refused. Given the wonderful reviews Vasiliev received in Coppelia and Bayadere at ABT in previous seasons, I would have assumed those roles would be offered again. He would also have made a wonderful Puck. Notably, there were TBA slots Bayadere and Coppelia male roles roles for some time. Vasiliev creates excitement in the house and good press in the papers. McKenzie is no fool when it comes to selling tickets. If Reyes' partner for Coppelia would have been Vasiliev, I would have bought a ticket. Without him, I have zero interest in seeing that performance as it is presently cast.
  3. I think Vasiliev is perceived as a gala performer, but has the ability to also be a dramatic performer. I thought he was quite good in Bayadere and Spartacus, and I'm not just talking about the technical aspects of the roles. I thought he inhabited the role of Solor as a character. He was charming and engaging in Coppelia a few years ago w. Xiomara Reyes at ABT. Since he does not have a danseur's physique, he is generally not offered the heavy duty dramatic roles like Albrecht or Siegfried (except perhaps at the Mik). He is not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do in Giselle when the Mik comes to NYC. He is definitely not a one trick pony.
  4. I think Vasiliev must know he's a star, with or without Osipova. He can pick and choose where and what he dances. He gets invitations from numerous major ballet companies, in addition to doing these Kings of Dance shows. He danced with Cojocaru when ABT last performed Bayadere, and they worked well together. (Misty Copeland's Gamzatti, however, was overshadowed by the other leads, in my opinion.) I also saw him do Spartacus in DC when he was still w. the Bolshoi, and Osipova was not on that tour. His performance was excellent.
  5. Thanks for the laugh. I agree completely! I think it's reasonable to conclude that Boylston's Gamzatti in April is considered part of the exchange. Actually, I like Boylston's Gamzatti. I'd be interested to hear what the Russian audience thinks of it. ABT's best Gamzatti at present is Murphy.
  6. I'm assuming that the Mik will be smart, and simply cast them with different partners, so that they can both appear on the NY Tour. As for these other engagements scheduled in California and elsewehre, I certainly have my doubts. The California engagment is an Ardani production, so the question is whether their loyalty to Sergei Danilian (Ardani's head honcho) will outweigh their dislike of one another. Are tickets even on sale for their joint appearance in July in California? Personally, I would be thrilled if he ditched his scheduled performances in July with Osipova and instead appeared in NYC with the Bolshoi in Spartacus this summer. I can dream.... I saw Vasiliev as Spartacus a few years ago in D.C. and he was outstanding.
  7. I just took a quick look at the La Scala website, and it indicates that due to injury Osipova's role in Rubies is assigned to a different ballerina. http://www.teatroallascala.org/en/season/opera-ballet/2013-2014/jewels.html
  8. I thought for sure Vasiliev would end up with a Bayadere, since he was so good as Solor during the last run of Bayadere. (Vasiliev was a no show during ABT's recent visit to Japan, although he was only cast in two pdd).
  9. I suspect that the calendar will be updated regardng this info by the end of the week. Very exciting news.
  10. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/03/12/mikhailovsky-ballet-to-make-american-debut-at-koch-theater/?ref=dance The Mik is bringing Giselle, Don Q, Flames and a mixed bill to the Koch in Nov. Supposedly Osipova and Vasiliev are on the roster.
  11. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/03/12/bolshoi-soloist-to-debut-as-guest-artist-with-ballet-theater/?ref=arts Olga Smirnova, Victoria Tereshkina and Vladamir Shkylarov are guesting with ABT!
  12. It would be a pleasure to see Raymonda either in DC or NYC. ABT has stopped doing it, presumably because of its politically incorrect plot. It has been at least 10 years since Raymonda has been done here in New York. (Not counting the Balanchine version - Raymonda Variations - which is merely a plotless distillation.)
  13. I've also been thinking that Bournonville has not been done at NyCB in a long time. The last time I recall seeing it was at Hubbe's farewell, when Kathryn Morgan and (?)Ben Millepied danced it. I wish they would bring that back.
  14. Yes, Maria is listed for the cigarette role. In addition to Ringer, Bouder was doing that role, but since she's not on the tour, it goes to Maria now.
  15. Some interesting debuts are scheduled. It appears that Bouder is not on the tour.
  16. I wonder if David Hallberg is feeling awkward as an American in Russia at the moment, given the escalating crisis.
  17. Nina Ananiashvilli used to give a flower to her partner, as a I recall. Something really classy that I saw her do, which not many others do, is to throw a rose into the orchestra pit in appreciation of their contribution.
  18. Whelan has not danced Diamonds in some time. It appears that she has given up that role. In fact, she has given up all the tutu roles she had. (Alternatively, Peter Martins made the decision for her?) It is highly unlikely that she will be on the DC tour. She recently stated that she is still recovering from her injuries and hopes to return to NyCB for the Spring season. She was supposed to do a multi-city tour of her Restless Creature program during March - April 2014, but the entire tour had to be scrapped due to her continuing recovery.
  19. I watched a few minutes of this production and had to turn it off. I thought the choreography was hideous.
  20. Mearns also did the second role in Emeralds this season. She was terrific.
  21. I always assumed Darci Kistler would take over after Peter retired. I think Damian Woetzel would be a wonderful choice for the future NYCB leader. Steifel has a history of jumping from job to job and company to company. Of course, he is free to do that, and maybe we can chalk it up to youthful restlessness. (Wasn't he Dean of North Carolina School for the Arts for a brief stint?) His past history would suggest that any ballet company looking for stable leadership over a period of time might have a negative view of this.
  22. I read that this will be broadcast on Great Performances on PBS. Broadcast date is TBA.
  23. If they are going to Tudor, I was hoping for Leaves are Fading or Lilac Garden.
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