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Everything posted by cubanmiamiboy

  1. ...Carlos Guerra. Yes, YES! You know bart...?, you're totally right!... what a great pairing ! Maybe better Catoya/Panteado...? and then i would add... 4) Tricia Albertson and Jeremy Cox 5) Mary Carmen Catoya and Renato Panteado. ( Jack, I know i'm being probably unfair about not mentioning great classical Catoya more often, but i still remember her Aurora...
  2. SFB Principal (ex CNB Principal) Lorena Feijoo. http://www.sfballet.org/about/company/danc...asp?id=12340008
  3. I could- (finally)- start on Patrick Mullins "Day of Cine-Musique"...
  4. Jack's observation on the Act II designation left me thinking. The thing is that i would find even more misleading if i see a "Swan Lake" announcement and then i end up not having Odile. See, i get the fact of Balanchine wanting to recreate the SL instead of reproducing it in its whole, due to what he saw as a silly plot. I also recognize that the most of the balletomanes know about the particularities behind Mr.B works. But, there is a problem. What about the rest of the population...? Wouldn't be possible that some people who are not that familiar with Balanchine's choreographies be confused, (if not disappointed) if they discover that this won't be the "standard" version of the SL right at the night of the performance...? In other words. You know SL. You've seen it many times, and you love Act III. Then, right at the performance you suddenly realize that there won't be any Black Swan to be found anywhere here...( maybe even before the music starts while reading the program). Shocking, i would say. That would have been me, wouldn't i have read about Mr. B production specifics here at the board. While i understand that the "Act II" adding kind of "breaks" the magic of how Balanchine envisioned and offered the work, i also think that is safer. Alternative solutions like renaming the ballet are also excellent ways of alerting future audiences to look in a different direction on what to expect ; e.g "The Sleeping Princess" or "The Magic Swan" .
  5. Yeeeeeeeees!!!!. If there's someone i want to see doing Odette, that would be Deanna Seay. She has to be in... ...and then the rest...
  6. Att newyorkers...keep an eye on Jeanette Delgado, Deanna Seay, Rolando Sarabia and Jeremy Cox...(i know, i don't get tired of repeating those names...
  7. I have this same pic from an old cuban ballet book which contains several late 40's and 50's Alonso's, but some of them, like this one, are unidentified. Can somebody recognize ANYTHING...? rg...? http://www.This is a link to a site with copyright violations..com/compagnies...rs/image011.jpg
  8. Here's a lovely vintage-looking pic of the Cuban production during the Snow PDD. The King is recent defector Principal Miguel Angel Blanco. http://www.danzahoy.com/pages/members/51_0.../critica/02.jpg
  9. Thanks for your thoughts, Carbro!. I'll keep in mind that of "Balanchine's take on the esence of Ivanov's lakeside choregraphy". But yes, i'll miss Odile , and the drama, and all the courtiers running nowere in circular motion like maniacs while an overdramatic fainting Queen steals the very last part of the show...(oh, and last but nor less...yes, Carbro, i'll really miss those 32 steps...you know...those,,, )
  10. "Cheek to cheek". (specially if danced by Roland Petit Ballet Luigi Bonino and CNB Loipa Araujo, as i saw it in 2000 ) Back to the XIX Century, Thaikowsky and "Swan Lake": To listen to-(NO DANCING INVOLVED)- the music of: 1877 "PDD for Two Merry Makers" ... or Drigo's revised 1895 "Black Swan PDD" Ok, so this was a too dense of a question,i know. Still, i'll live it just in case somebody out there can actually make a comparisson between this two versions of the same music for two different PDD's in terms of musicality values instead of choregraphic needs. So, second round!, and this time is about... Argentineans!!! so Julio Bocca or Maximiliano Guerra?
  11. Thanks, bart. I've added some little information these days, but i'm still stucked with the pictures guidelines. Everyime i think i took the right direction, something goes wrong, and the pic doesn't get where it should be. Oh, well..patience...i'll get there.
  12. Bart, i'm so excited with the upcoming season! I'll have a full set of new Balanchine toys (well, vintage in relation at the dates they were created but still,news for me) to play with . For the most, i'm truly looking forward to "The four Temperaments" (right,Leigh...? and the recently Youtubized Symphony in C. Now, i have a couple of questions for the living ballet encyclopedias of the board: 1-"Ballet Imperial" a la Karinska or fallowing the latter version that Mr B made omiting sets and costumes...? 2-Balanchine's "Swan Lake"...the famous condensed 2nd Act that newyorkers seem to feel so nostalgic about...? Interesting...so, won't feel the need for Odile...? Let's see. You're right, bart...
  13. WOW!!...I just read the upcoming season announcement....Bravo, Eddie!!! Program I Balanchine after Ivanov. "Swan Lake" Act II Balanchine/Hindemith. "The Four Temperaments" Tharp/Glass. "In the Upper Room" ( Oh, well...)" Program II Villella/ Carmichael, Parish, Ellington. "The Fox Trot: Dancing in the Dark" Taylor/Schubert. "Mercuric Tidings" Balanchine/Tchaikowsky. "Ballet Imperial" Program III Balanchine after Petipa/Minkus . "Don Quixote" Program IV Balanchine/Bach. "Concerto Barocco" Robbins/Chopin. "In the Night" Balanchine/Bizet. "Symphony in C"
  14. Thanks Marga for the info...! What a lovely sequence. Toumanova's whole projection, including her physique and dancing, looks to me very contemporary and updated...like a nowadays ballerina.
  15. In my endless ongoing search for footage of the 40's and 50's stars of Ballet Russes, ABT and so on, i found an amazing clip on Youtube of Tamara Toumanova dancing with Gene Kelly. Gene plays The Marine, and Tamara Toumanova is his dance partner, playing The Streetwalker in the "Ring Around the Rosy" section of Kelly's 1956 movie "Invitation to the Dance". I've never seen the whole movie before, so i would like to know if there are more sections on it with her. Also , i'm interested in other comercially released videos of her or other stars from the era. Any information welcomed. Thanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmQf248L0AI
  16. The Cuban National Ballet led by Mme. Alonso is celebrating its upcoming 60th anniversary concurrently with the 21st International Ballet Festival being held from October 28 to November 6 , featuring a new version of Sleeping Beauty. Wish i could be there... Oh well... This link is an automatic Google translation of the official site, which doesn't have its own english version... http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=e...l%3Den%26sa%3DG
  17. I love her tutu. It seems to be very fluffy and multilayered-(my favorite approach to the romantic period, a la Maria Tallchief clip on Youtube; i really dislike those other see-thru two layered versions)
  18. It's a shame that only the Adagio is available, but at least one can appreciate by this 1958 clip how well preserved has this version survived to the present days at CNB. (Mme. Alonso was 38 at the time) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIAPuE3VNso
  19. The website:wwwdebtconsolidationpodcast.com lists "Brave new world for nonprofit bankruptcy." When you click on that, an article about Kaatzbaan is posted in the Poughkeepsie Journal. For some reason i can't open the link of the Poughkeepsie Journal, but here's another link with wome information on the isssue. "... Kaatsbaan has, for the last year, been working on a plan that would allow the center to pay off all the current guarantors as well as the facility's mortgage, which is held by Key Bank. "I can't discuss the plan because details are still awaiting approval of some of the team," Cary said. "It's something that will be presented to Peckham in the very near future, and hopefully it will give them the confidence to give Kaatsbaan some time to put this plan into action." http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?BRD=176...G=461&rfi=9
  20. "Cheek to cheek". (specially if danced by Roland Petit Ballet Luigi Bonino and CBN Loipa Araujo, as i saw it in 2000 ) Back to the XIX Century, Thaikowsky and "Swan Lake": To listen to-(NO DANCING INVOLVED)- the music of: 1877 "PDD for Two Merry Makers" ... or Drigo's revised 1895 "Black Swan PDD"
  21. mmm...beautiful indeed. Still, the absence of a costume doesn't do it 100 % for me. I guess it is not a common practice within CNB, where EVERY danced piece follows the most strict and conservative approach...including costumes. I don't know....i don't get to understand "Esmeralda" without the dancer LOOKING like Esmeralda...
  22. Welcome to my boat Petite Arabesque. Now i know that i'm not insane. The lovely Karinska costumes ARE certainly loud. This is my first impression when i saw the ballet for the first time. I used to have a fried in Havana who was the personification of intolerance. One night he was so fed up with the laughing of some ladies in front of him that he suddenly grabbed their long ponytail and pulled it down really hard while shshshs!! them, all that while showing the most horrible of his faces if they would dare to turn around. Well, they didn't, and silence reigned for the rest of the performance. He,he,
  23. ...with Lorenita ( ) opening along with Boada in Possokhov's "Fusion". I'm particularly intrigued by the "Changes" music...
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