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Everything posted by Helene

  1. It sounds like you won't be violating copyright. The question is whether there are other things, like license or other issues to overcome, or whether there will be a general concession.
  2. This is backwards, but VIDF has linked to an album of Caitie Kakigi's photos of PNB in rehearsal (in a high school gym) on its Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Vail-CO/Vail-International-Dance-Festival/31837010934#!/album.php?aid=2309398&id=20734&ref=mf There's a great one of Lucien Postlewaite on point in his sneakers somewhere in the middle of the deck.
  3. The PNB blog is on the PNB site: http://www.pnb.org/Blog/ I don't see an obvious link from the PNB homepage (or submenu), but I searched on "blog".
  4. We're getting close. If you haven't donated so far -- and if you use the amazon.com box at the top of the site regularly, that is your contribution -- please consider it now so we can stop
  5. I didn't mean you vrsfanatic. What we worry about and have had issues in the past are posts from family members who don't identify themselves and have a vested interest, and staff and coaches who post as fans. We've also had times when students were compared unfairly to the professionals or to more advanced students. Also, this is where BT and BT4D are a little different, and I wanted to sure we're all on the same page, and to avoid misunderstanding, which I did a bad job of, and I apologize
  6. Just a note: it's our policy that apart from graduation performances of schools affiliated with major companies, that students be reviewed generally and not be held or compared to professional standards. Also our general policy that anyone who has an interest in or relationship to the school or performers must disclose this is applicable.
  7. The elderly part was the change from the original. The sisters were older, but hardly elderly.
  8. The roles and physical and psychological ugliness of the step-sisters are prominent in the original story by the Brothers Grimm. If anything, I think it was Helpmann's portrayal of the toxic sister that upstaged the protagonists.
  9. Does the new Liebeskind art museum building in Denver have a lecture/performance space theater? If I were a chamber group, I think I'd want to perform there, since the building itself is such a draw.
  10. Thank you for reviewing the performance. to the dancers.
  11. That's a great photo of Henning Kronstam
  12. He is a pianist, although I'm not sure at what level, and he has composed. Maybe jazz is his genre?
  13. According to the year-end school performance program and which PNB verified, two: Price Suddarth and Jenna Nelson, who were the leads in "Chaconne" (which I missed because I was in San Francisco that weekend).
  14. The Antony Tudor Ballet Trust has issued a DVD (and book) with info and video from the Centennial Celebration. It includes student from the JKO school performing Tudor class combinations and excerpts from students from The Juilliard School performing excerpts from "Undertow". I'd never seen it before apart from some still photos, and the male solo, which is in the DVD, is amazing. The caveat is that many of the dancers are wearing white, and we lost the whole picture in the dance as a result. Proceeds go to a Tudor scholarship at The Juilliard School. http://www.antonytudor.org/store.html (I can't get the website excerpt to work.)
  15. Anne, thank you so much for telling us about this set. Yesterday afternoon, sandik and I watched "Dancing Bournonville" and "Step on Step", the latter created from the outtakes of the Peter Martins portrait. It was amazing seeing all of the great dancer-turned-teachers: Flemming Ryberg, Fredbjorn Bjornson, Henning Kronstam (with eyes in the back of his head and xray vision), Erik Bruhn (oh, such beautiful hands), Hans Brenaa, and Stanley Williams (looking strikingly handsome and uttering probably half of all of the verbal instructions in his teaching career). In "Dancing Bournonville" it was a thrill to see the young and unguarded Ib Andersen being coached, with Metta Ida Kirk, by Hans Brenaa in "Kermesse in Bruges", and the breathtaking performance of the Tarantella from "Napoli". The only thing missing were complete credits: there is no indication in the DVD or in the set booklet who danced in "Napoli" (unless they were listed on the bottom of the screen in subtitle form, something cut off for us.) In "Step on Step", there were outtakes of rehearsals of "Afternoon of a Faun" -- one scene with Robbins coaching -- and "Flower Festival of Genzano", both with Suzanne Farrell and Peter Martins, and I was blown away by how imperturbable Heather Watts was in the midst of being tossed, turned, spun, caught, stretched, pushed, and pulled by Daniel Duell in rehearsal for "Calcium Light Night". I'm going to wear out these disks, I can see They are well worth it.
  16. Just got word from PNB that the website will be updated with the info for the new apprentices as soon as their contracts begin during September.
  17. Or another way of putting it is that someone whom many more people in America recognize than Baryshnikov met Yuriko Kajiya and not only was so impressed and inspired that he invited her on his TV program, so that millions could be exposed to ballet, but also to lend his name to an important local fundraiser.
  18. There was a quickly organized gala that included guests from other companies, not all local, when Oregon Ballet Theatre was facing a possible shutdown.
  19. Are ballet videos subject to digital locks? If so, are they considered motion pictures, apart from ballet videos that are marketed like motion pictures, like the NYCB's and PNB's "Nutcracker" movies? The Library of Congress has ruled that there on exemptions to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA) for six types of use that bypass the standard DRM (Digital Rights Management) rules/laws. One of these is: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/07/apple-loses-big-in-drm-ruling-jailbreaks-are-fair-use.ars I'm wondering if this means that short portions of commercial ballet videos may be used in compilations on YouTube, for example, or if documentary film makers can bypass getting the rights from, for example, choreographers' trusts and original publishers for use in documentaries, even if they are commercial.
  20. The PBS Balanchine bio opens with a narration by Frank Langella with a depressing quote from Petipa from 1904, which I interpreted as valedictory, and then notes that Balanchine was born that year. I had always interpreted that to mean that Petipa died the year Balanchine was born Maybe companies are waiting to take big notice in the upcoming season, especially during "Nutcracker" season.
  21. The characterizations in "The Merry Widow" gave a number of PNB dancers the chance to stretch themselves dramatically when the company produced it. I remember especially that Kari Brunson made a huge splash as the Loud American Tourist and especially character dancer Uko Gorter's gracious portrayal of the Baron. He was like a male Marshallin.
  22. In April Duato did not renew his contract to lead Compania Nacional de Danza. According to this article, which was published in Links on 17 April, "Observers say that Duato has only included contemporary choreography, while the National Institute for the Scenic Arts and Music, INAEM, also wanted to see classical ballet performance." In yesterday's Links, dirac posted an article about an upcoming CNdD performance in Montreal, for which the Montreal Gazette interviewed Duato. Among the quotes, Considering how dismissive he was of the classical ballet company run by Plitsetskaya and its dancers when he took the helm of the Company, replacing them with his own dancers and choreography, it's hard for me to shed tears that it's possible that everything's come full circle. After years of having the top dancers in Spain leave the country to enrich companies elsewhere, it's also hard not to note that until Angel Corella established his company, The Powers That Be did not start a pizza parlor across the street from the existing one.
  23. Othello might be blue if James Cameron got a hold of him. My favorite dance Othello is in modern dance, Limon's "The Moor's Pavane", a one-act distillation. I think Othello needs a very fine storyteller, especially without any set-pieces like the "Rose Adagio" or "Black Swan Pas de Deux".
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