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Everything posted by Hans

  1. I will be seeing the Mariinsky's Swan Lake when it comes to the Kennedy Center this January, so I should be able to give a report then.
  2. Alexandra, I read it as humorous--in fact, I thought it was hilarious Full of praise for Leigh's choreography and for sticking to his principles--that is, not doing flashy tasteless junk just to get an audience but presenting quality work regardless of how many seats are filled.
  3. I will second what Mel wrote about "the further one strays from the average height, the better a technician he must be" (paraphrase). I'm the same height as Baryshnikov, but I haven't received any phone calls from ABT yet :shrug: Seriously though, unless one is a star or otherwise necessary to the company in some way, one pretty much needs to be able to partner a range of heights, and tall men can do that more easily than short men. Of course, there are the odd times when one is paired with a taller woman, but the result isn't usually pleasant for anyone
  4. I recently finished "Year of Wonders" by Geraldine Brooks (who gave a talk at my school), and I'm earnestly trying to plough my way through Nijinsky's diaries (the version edited by Acocella) but it is very slow going. For school, I have a music history textbook that I'm really enjoying (it comes with CDs! :jump: ) and I'll eventually have to read a book about the life of Balanchine for my ballet class. Paquita, you must be very learned indeed to enjoy reading all those! Although I like reading those long, complicated 19th-century novels, I have to admit that Chaucer makes my head spin :dizzy: (PS: I don't like biology either )
  5. I am pleased to have the privilege of being the first voter I voted very much, but keep the previous versions in the repertoire because of the dubious accuracy of certain parts of the reproductions.
  6. Old Fashioned, I know exactly what you mean. I'm still trying to decide whether it's good or bad that they didn't list her height and weight. I wouldn't want people to think she really is overweight (for a dancer) but at the same time, I wouldn't want them thinking ballet companies are insane, firing a dancer that thin for being fat (which I realize is not even the real issue in the case). I think I'd rather they hadn't printed the story at all.
  7. First row of the lowest balcony, exactly on center . Best of both worlds, IMO.
  8. I know this story has been mentioned a great many places (New York Times, Good Morning America, &c) but you know it's a big deal when it is actually mentioned in my hometown's newspaper I was absolutely shocked No ballet ever gets in there except when the local ballet studio brings in guest artists for Nutcracker and they get a tiny article and a couple photos. Now if only they'd start reviewing performances... :rolleyes:
  9. Just walked through the woods on campus and there are plenty of trees down...not to mention a few signs of a "hurricane party" being held last night. All the buildings here are fine, though. There was a voice mail message for me when I came back, so our main phone service must be back up .
  10. No outgoing or incoming phone service because MCI's downtown Baltimore Telephone Switch is underwater so thank goodness for cell phones!
  11. Good choice seeing Bears, Old Fashioned Let us know how she does! It must be interesting for Lauren Anderson to dance both the Lilac Fairy and Carabosse. Is Carabosse a dancing role in Houston's production?
  12. Downtown Baltimore is all flooded, and power is out around the city. Fortunately, I am outside the city proper, so I still have power, but my internet access was down last night, and the power went for a brief moment around 6:45 pm. Lots of branches and things on the paths, and no one's supposed to travel.
  13. I agree, pugbee. While it may be possible to dance at 5'7" and 100 lbs, that doesn't mean it's healthy, and it certainly should not be held up as an ideal. Just when you think the "anorexic" stereotype is starting to go away, here comes this story about an incredibly thin dancer who is supposedly "fat," and the ballet world is viewed as crazy once again. While it seems to me that dancers are very healthy these days, I also think they are still far too thin, and I agree that partnering is really more about timing and coordination than actual weight (though of course that plays a role). Perhaps choreographers should start focusing on dancing as opposed to lifting...
  14. About the being hard to lift because of no jump--I remember reading that about Kirkland in someone's autobiography--Villella's or LaFosse's? Also, whether she is 5'6" or 5'7", 109 lbs is incredibly thin; I'm surprised she can dance at all at that weight! No one the proper height should have trouble lifting someone that tiny. But haven't there been tales of rather wimpy Bolshoi men these days? Maybe that's the real issue....
  15. sz, that is perfect! Here are some more... Sylvie Guillem: Death by Chocolate Alessandra Ferri: cherry mocha with hot fudge
  16. Manhattnik, I think I'll be laughing for days
  17. Asylmuratova: cinnamon ice cream with caramel Nilas Martins: cookie dough Miranda Weese: lemon ice
  18. Now that I have your attention... We've all heard about Balanchine giving a different perfume to each ballerina. This thread does the same thing, but with ice cream You don't have to make up a cute name for your flavor, though they are welcome and male dancers are included. Examples, courtesy of carbro : Jose Carreno: coffee with a caramel swirl Angel Corella: tart and lemony Julie Kent: vanilla chocolate chip It'll probably make us all hungry, but such fun
  19. I thought pretty much everybody liked ice cream , so I don't really see why it's such a big deal. Sylvie Guillem said in an interview that she likes ham and nobody went insane over that.
  20. I don't think it's staged--look at the two blurry figures on the left in the background.
  21. Somehow, Vanilla Volochkova just doesn't seem appropriate...
  22. If you don't already have them, I recommend the Royal Ballet (Wright production with Dowell & Collier) and the Kirov (with Baranov and Lezhnina).
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