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Everything posted by Juliet

  1. But make sure you date your programme for several years ago (pre 1/29/96), as La Fenice burned to the ground, alas.......
  2. While far from an expert, I know every note of this particular score and it was presented in entirety.
  3. You know, I think she and I are on different wavelengths. I didn't find the miking obvious in the slightest; I am not of the MTV generation, and while I am a serious opera fan, you won't get me lining up to see Wozzeck, grunge band or no..... Did I mention that I found this review more than a little condescending and pompous? Just because people are younger does not mean that they are stupid, uncreative or unwilling to learn, much less enjoy opera. Oh well, we are all different in our attitudes.
  4. Now you all don't forget that this is going to be a singularly American Nutcracker....ENB did some delicious Licorice Allsorts costumes for their production recently, if I am not mistaken......I don't want to poach on someone else's territory.... I can just see the little CrackerJack Kids coming out from a big box.....or maybe they can all be the little prizes coming out from the Great CrackerJack.... we can have the little French Fries, the little Moon Pies, the little Uncle Leo's Peppermint Sticks, the battle between the Chili Dogs and the Sauerkratut/Kielbasa forces.... fiinishing with the cotton candy and sno-cone waltz..... It will be Boardwalk Nutcracker!!!!! (What do you mean I'm off-topic??? Oh.....alright..... Back to hemming a Drosselmeyer cape that is three miles long.... ;)
  5. I am also very sensitive to over-loud amplification (maybe because my eyesight is deteriorating, I have ears like a fox...)---the sound for this production was fine. It is not an overly large house, by the way. Calliope, what did you think? I still want That Red Dress......
  6. I'm too up to my ears in mousecheesesugarplumsanddrosselmeyercapes to go into historical minutiae, but yes, this is a common take on Nutcracker, based on the Hoffman story. The story is readily (and beautifully) available....look for it in a wonderfully illustrated edition by Maurice Sendak. For older children I think this is the best; for younger ones I think the subtext is better subsumed into the more general tale--Balanchine's is one very beautiful version.
  7. Usually, choreography/production. Especially with some companies or dancers, One Never Knows who will actually appear. I have occasionally had a pleasant surprise with a substitution of an entire ballet....... Of course, some dancers I would travel far to see do just about anything (and have.) There are also some companies who may have wonderful dancers but drek for material.
  8. I agree, also. It doesn't hurt to have a synopsis in the program, many people find it useful. (In the case of the recent Eifman season, I also found it hilarious, but that is another matter......) I used to violently object to projected text in opera, now I am just used to it and it doesn't bother me at all. I am getting more accepting as I get older, I guess..... I'm also curious whether Baz Luhrmann's "La Boheme" has a plot summary in the Playbill. It does. Also the projected text.
  9. I shudder at the prospect, however theoretical. Let's hear it for differences!;)
  10. I also love, love, love it. The voices, the acting, oh my paws and whiskers, the *production*!!!!!! I am very familiar with the Sydney Opera production, which has been altered somewhat for this show--but it was improved and I can't wait to go again. Maybe if I'm very, very good....... In my next life I want to be Musetta in That Dress.
  11. I think they are really, really interesting. Not what I would like to make, but perhaps they are effective on stage. Someday certain designers are going to learn that what is good design for fashion, or visually arresting is not necessarily what is good for dance design. Here is the next step from the Dancing Hostess Cupcakes of SFB's Paquita--the Danish Snowballs. Now I just have to wait for the Twinkies....I hope that Hostess is handsomely subsidizing these costumes.
  12. I say it is pink. Pink with silver. There are variants but in recent Kirov productions it is pink. And why not? Pink for the dawn, pink for young girls....;)
  13. Do you check out the women in leotards or other men in tights? They check you out just about as much. These are work clothes. This is what dancers wear, both men and women: tights. Most dancers have beautiful bodies; they aren't scoping you out, don't worry. Most dancers are watching themselves in the mirror, or watching the teacher for corrections--they aren't watching you. Until you are comfortable in tights, talk to your teacher and wear sweats or warmups until you can't stand the heat anymore. You can always wear two pairs, too, if you wish. Good luck, you'll get used to it and really, don't worry about anyone looking critically at you.
  14. I didn't think it was bad! No, I did not. It was the second performance of the run, and I thought the children did well, They always do get better, but I didn't find the missteps too glaring or in anyway unacceptable. Aesha Ash, with the blonde hair and Lil'Kim makeup, needs to be seriously and kindly Spoken To. It distracted me from her dancing, which was fine but overshadowed by The Look. I think Jenifer Ringer looked lovely, frankly, and see nothing to criticise in her appearance. I think she and Peter Boal looked better singly, but there were some lovely moments, and it was by no means a bad performance--this is a good role for her and he, as ever, is simply beautiful to watch. Alexandra Ansanelli danced big, and diamond bright, and was the highlight of the show for me. She is so secure technically, and it is a pleasure to see her flying through those flowers like a shower of dew--I know it sounds hackneyed, but really she just sparkled through that whole waltz and it was a delight to watch. So--I see we all have different impressions!!;)
  15. Nice: Jenifer Ringer Naughty: Viviana Durante There are other, glaringly obvious ones....;)
  16. Juliet

    Robert Tewsley

    I know that PM announced his arrival at a company meeting a couple of weeks ago. I assume that he will be dancing from the Winter Season on...
  17. Juliet

    Robert Tewsley

    Yes, Robert Tewsley is joining NYCB as a Principal.
  18. Oh please, no. Although, don't I recall hearing of some sort of two-piece black atrocities (maybe not quite bikinis, but close enough...) on the men in a ballet recently? It may have been in Washington, come to think on it.....
  19. The music from the old DeBeers Diamond commercials by Karl Jenkins. Calliope, I like this too-- Christopher d'Amboise just did a piece with this and it was very well received-- I'd like Mozart's Div. #11.....
  20. "Does anyone know if this NYCB dancer is related to Madonna? Just idle curiosity on my part." No. she's not. She is lovely on her own, talented and highly intelligent..... I say Brava to Angelina Ballerina....she is quite fun, and certainly an improvement on Barbie's Nutcracker of last year.....
  21. For those new to the field, or who simply want to read further, there is a very good book called Balanchine's Ballerinas: Conversations with the Musesby Robert Tracy (S&S, 1983). It is out of print, but many libraries own it, or can get it. The picture of Allegra Kent in The Couch Pose is worth the search ......
  22. For those new to the field, or who simply want to read further, there is a very good book called Balanchine's Ballerinas: Conversations with the Musesby Robert Tracy (S&S, 1983). It is out of print, but many libraries own it, or can get it. The picture of Allegra Kent in The Couch Pose is worth the search ......
  23. Thanks for this-- I have this on video as it is one of my favourite Boheme productions. I am really looking forward to seeing it in a month or so! Now if people will just *go*.......
  24. Now *this* is what I would like: a map. Spots designated. A walking tour. Just the sort of thing a researcher with extra time ought to be able to put together for a BA Walkabout.... Now, who has extra time? I am really enjoyig reading this.....
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