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Everything posted by Giannina

  1. Hey, Next; I say "Everyone to San Francisco in April", right? Giannina
  2. Marianna Tcherkassky was once married to Danilo Radoevic?! I didn't know that! Giannina
  3. Alexandra mentions "soft technique". When this forum appeared that's exactly the word that came to my mind: "soft". She had the softest feet I've ever seen, and I could never decide if was their physique or the shoes she wore. Her feet were beautiful, as was her technique: not flashy but always correct and....well, soft! Giannina
  4. "American in Paris" was my favorite movie for eons; I dug it out today and watched it again. You have to put yourself into the mind-set of the time the movie was made; at that time it was like no other musical and it was sensational. It won an Oscar for Best Picture of the Year. As Carbro says, it didn't hurt to have all that gorgeous Gershwin music in the background; watching Oscar Lavant play it was thrilling. I think Kelly was at his best in that movie. Giannina
  5. It's a matter of personal taste, balletstar811. I do not care for the hyperextension; I prefer an extension to the side of 90 to about 105 degrees. Extensions of more than that are comparatively new (I've been watching ballet for 60 years) and to me are an over-statement. I realize that many ballet fans prefer them, and that they have been a part of their ballet experience for practically all their lives. I respect their opinion; that's what makes life interesting and ballet rapturous. Giannina
  6. Thanks for looking, Silvy; at least you're giving Amazon a try. Giannina
  7. SPOILER! (Is that what you mean, Alexandra?) Don't read this if you don't want to know about the ending of this book. Actually, you're not going to learn much here because I'm not sure about the ending of the book myself. That's my question. Is the ending written in the final chapter titled "London 1999" the ending? Or is the ending in the chapter before that the ending? And why is the end of that chapter also labeled "London, 1999"? Or is neither the ending? I think I'm too simple minded to get these plots; give me non-fiction and less confusion. Go Seabiscuit! Giannina
  8. To tell you the truth, rg, it doesn't look like either one of them. (Age playing tricks with me? Naaah!) Giannina
  9. When can we talk about the ending? I have a question. Giannina
  10. I'm not sure but I don't think so. My copy is directly from TV. Interesting performance: Makarova began in the starring role but was injured so Marianne Tcherkassky took over for her in Acts II and III. Giannina
  11. rg: or anyone else: Do you have the entire cast listing for the TV broadcast of ABT's La Bayadere in 1980 (or thereabouts)? I cut off my taping before the credits appeared and I'm wondering if they listed others besides the leads? I even like the corps members listed. Thanks. Giannina
  12. Hello, citrus, and welcome to Ballet Alert! I'm "the Welcome Lady" from our Welcome forum and I get the honor of welcoming our new members. If you get a chance, go to Welcome and tell us a bit about yourself. Sorry I can't help you on the "wing issue". Giannina
  13. Tonight at 11:30p.m., in So. Calif, on TV channel TCM, Tamara Toumanova stars in "Days of Glory" with Gregory Peck. Giannina
  14. atm711, you may not agree with me if you see the ballet but the music is crucial to the choreography. I'm with you in loving Gymopedie; it's been an emotional part of my life. The choreography is perfect for it; I'm in tears just thinking about it. However, as I said, you may disagree and I wouldn't want to spoil the music for you, but..... Giannina
  15. Thanks for the report and thanks for the good wishes. Jacob is sensational! Giannina
  16. Treefrog, where will that be performed? In Chicago (she asked, hopefully, because her new GORGEOUS grandson is in the Chicago area)? Giannina
  17. Be still my heart! Monotones II is my favorite ballet. I saw it, and wrote a review for this board, two years ago in London (Royal Ballet) and it was one of my great ballet experiences. Have not seen Monotones I, nor have I seen it offered recently. Giannina
  18. I'm not sure a ballet stamp is a good idea. The last one we had had a short life because it came just before a postal rate hike. Coincidence? Giannina
  19. http://wwwbookfinder.com Giannina
  20. As Shostakovich I'm nervous, fidgety and stuttery, among other less than dynamic discriptions. Not very complimentary, tho I like his music. However, maybe that test is more sensitive than we imagine because I'm all of the above what with my daughter in labor NOW!! I'll take comfort in my Ashton outcome in the dead choreographers catagory. Giannina
  21. "Fully recovered"?! From what, good heavens? Giannina
  22. I have the tape, put out by Home Vision. I tried to make a DVD copy and it wouldn't copy; a sign came on the screen saying, "Copying of this video is not allowed". You can go to Corinthe Video web site; they offer it but you'll have to find out if it's available. Go to http://www.awa.com/video/cvrecent.html Giannina
  23. You can find several at Amazon. Access the site at the upper right hand corner of this page. (I'm sure you know that anything you purchase helps Ballet Alert! Online financially, but only if the site is accessed in this manner.) Giannina
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