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Everything posted by dirac

  1. I also felt an urge to see The Legend of Hell House again and thanks to Comcast's rewards program I could rent it for a dollar, although sometimes TCM shows it around this time of year. I think it is a genuine horror classic and seeing it again confirms this opinion for me. The resemblance to the Jackson novel are close although Matheson's story is pulpier in both versions. Hell House is also a lot harder on its occupants than Hill House. (I'm going to pretend that the 1999 remake of The Haunting does not exist.) Matheson does leave out the scrungiest items from his book, like the Bastard Bog in which Belasco's lady orgiasts drown their unwanted offspring. I think there are some sequences that are genuinely scary, like the black cat going after Florence, but it's not a BOO! kind of movie. The ending is a terrible letdown. The movie looks very good - love the red bedrooms. I agree that the acting is good except for Roddy McDowall. Not my idea for the part and I also think he's over the top here. I always liked Pamela Franklin in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie and I like her here, too. Speaking of Shirley Jackson, this Halloween season I saw the relatively recent movie version of We Have Always Lived in the Castle. Watchable but it doesn't work. The translation to the screen and the loss of Merricat's highly unreliable narration tends to highlight the many improbabilities in Jackson's plot (how on earth did Constance get acquitted?) and the acting is uneven. I think if they had taken a few more liberties with the story it might have helped, but the atmosphere is just not right.
  2. I think I know the moment you're speaking of and it's genuinely shocking. Lansbury is so young and sweet and heartbreaking as Sibyl. Only a monster would mistreat her!
  3. It's been many moons since I last read "Dancing on My Grave," but I'm reasonably sure it was the '72 tour and Balanchine was walking through the Hermitage with von Aroldingen, not Kent.
  4. dirac

    Sunday, October 22

    The Youth America Grand Prix semifinals come to Philadelphia next weekend.
  5. dirac

    Saturday, October 21

    Gayle McKinney-Griffith has died at age 74.
  6. Emily Adams of Ballet West has a gorgeous natural arch, at least it looks like the real thing to me.
  7. dirac

    Sunday, October 22

    A Forbes Q&A with Tiler Peck.
  8. The British Film Institute is celebrating the partnership of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger.
  9. dirac

    Sunday, October 22

    Jack Anderson has died at age 88.
  10. The Estonian National Ballet presents a new evening-length ballet by principal dancer Jevgeni Grib.
  11. A review of New York City Ballet by Alastair Macaulay in The Financial Times. Reviews of NYCB by Mary Cargill for danceviewtimes.com. Dessert First Old Masters
  12. dirac

    Sunday, October 22

    A profile of three identical Cuban triplets making their ballet careers in the U.S.
  13. dirac

    Tuesday, October 17

    Emma Von Enck and Anthony Huxley will appear in Boca Ballet Theatre's Nutcracker.
  14. dirac

    Saturday, October 14

    Irina Kolpakova at work in the studio.
  15. dirac

    Sunday, October 22

    An article on how Balanchine's ballets have survived since his death and a preview of City Ballet of San Diego's "Balanchine Extravaganza" by Pam Kragen in The San Diego Union-Tribune.
  16. dirac

    Saturday, October 21

    Associated Press Q&A with Misty Copeland.
  17. dirac

    Tuesday, October 17

    Libby Christie, the former managing director of the Australian Ballet, has died.
  18. dirac

    Sunday, October 22

    Aberdeen dancer Cameron Flynn returns home performing with Matthew Bourne's New Adventures.
  19. dirac

    Thursday, October 19

    Retired dancers talk about returning to the stage.
  20. dirac

    Sunday, October 22

    A British Vouge item on Yasmine Naghdi's marriage to private equity guy.
  21. dirac

    Saturday, October 21

    Ballet Theatre of Maryland presents "The Firebird."
  22. dirac

    Saturday, October 21

    An appreciation of "The Red Shoes" by Hugh Barnes for The Arts Desk.
  23. dirac

    Friday, October 20

    PBS will stream and broadcast "Great Performances: New York City Ballet in Madrid" on October 27.
  24. dirac

    Saturday, October 21

    A review of the Birmingham Royal Ballet and the Royal Ballet by Rupert Christiansen in The Spectator.
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