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Everything posted by dirac

  1. Thank you for this review, Drew. I had mixed feelings about this project - obviously Sinatra's oeuvre is a better choice for Tharp (and theater) than Dylan, but what would she do with it? There's the Sinatra of Vegas and the Sinatra we think of as an artist (some overlap, but not much) and in the past Tharp has worked well with both, but perhaps not here. As you note, however, tryouts are tryouts.
  2. Thanks for posting this, leonid. Very few writers have had such a powerful influence and high, middle and low brow appeal as Poe.
  3. I recommend strongly that people take a listen to the excerpts. It's wonderful what's available online these days.
  4. Thanks for the reviews, everyone. I look forward to reading more. Quite a bit of cognitive dissonance here.
  5. Judging from the general reaction it seems there are those from all parts of the political spectrum who think that ideally someone should make peace of some sort before being awarded a peace prize. All US presidents conduct a number of initiatives for peace or improved relations in various areas of the world, many of them below the radar, including presidents at war. I agree, Pamela.
  6. Thanks, Ray. The other day I had thought of posting to ask you if you'd had time to look at the book. There must be something out there that addresses the topic in those latter senses??
  7. Agreed. There's no way he could say no without introducing further complications. He took a smart and reasonable line in his speech, accepting the award on behalf of the country and not himself.
  8. True, Hans, but it is remarkable, all the same. These kids have to absorb so much! That's a great story.
  9. Yes please, if anyone at BT listens to the concerto, please report back in this space.
  10. SanderO, I think I just posted that if you've had your say, that's sufficient unto the day. You (and Patrick) have both made your views amply clear and you are veering way off topic. Thanks to all.
  11. I had considered that, Mel, but when I logged on today a number of people had already posted to the thread contributing their comments, including yourself and as Pamela did not intend to create a political debate but only to announce a piece of interesting news, I decided not to close it. (Not too long ago someone posted a notice of the death of Walter Cronkite, also not a personality noted for his contribution to the arts.) As long as the discussion remains civil I don't have a problem with it continuing. It was inevitable that politics would arise, unfortunately, and as Mel notes correctly our general rule of thumb on BT is to avoid political discussions except as they relate to dance and the arts. I would suggest, however, that the range of opinions on the matter is already well represented here and that people post accordingly. If you've had your say, 'nuff said.
  12. Thanks, Mel. Obama's claim is shaky under either standard. However, his speech today was admirably modest, which is not always this President's strong suit, and I think if he handles this going forward as well as he has so far he'll come out of it all right. Well said.
  13. Yes, please tell us about it, Pamela. The last von Trier opus I saw was Dogville – didn’t catch the follow up with Bryce Dallas Howard in the Kidman role. I had the usual mixed feelings, but I wasn’t sorry I’d seen it and he does have a way of getting astonishing performances from his female leads. I may not travel out of my way for Antichrist but if it’s convenient I do plan to see it.
  14. There was another good one from Ezra Klein (Obama supporter), who said that Obama should get the Nobel Prize in chemistry - 'he's got so much.' I feel sorry for Obama, because he didn't ask for this, I doubt he welcomes it, and the last thing he needs right now is international highlighting of the thinness of his C.V. But turning it down would probably have created more problems and I understand they've already confirmed he's going to Oslo. Well, to echo what carbro said, let's hope the committee winds up pointing with pride, as opposed to having egg on its face.
  15. He is a real choreographer, I think. Just not a classical one. As Leigh Witchel said in Ballet Review, as choreographer-in-residence, okay. As resident choreographer, not so much.
  16. Los Angeles Glows ... Thanks for the link to the review, Quiggin. There is indeed a lot in it that applies to this discussion, such as
  17. Sarkozy must be livid. Some of the suggestions that Obama decline the award are even coming from people who generally support Obama. Even the White House seems somewhat embarrassed by it. Patrick, I love it. Getting the Peace Prize for ramping up Af-Pak. It’s so Orwell.
  18. I You are lucky, YouOverThere. The NPR station in my neck of the woods plays very little classical music any more.
  19. Apparently that was the actual reaction of some White House aides upon receiving the news, volcanohunter. Several observers have recommended that he decline it but I doubt he will do so and question whether it would improve matters if he did.
  20. A number of years ago when I went to see the film Le roi danse, about Louis XIV, Lully and Molière, I sat in my seat dreading the arrival of this moment. Fortunately, director Gérard Corbiau decided to get it over with right at the beginning and turn the rest of the film into a flashback. I had never heard of that movie, volcanohunter. Thanks for mentioning it.
  21. Bart's right, I'm sure. It's the WE HATED BUSH award, following up on the prize to Gore. Or maybe the committee was impressed by Obama's groundbreaking efforts at the Beer Summit.
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