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Everything posted by Helene

  1. http://www.nycitycenter.org/tickets/productionNew.aspx?performanceNumber=9020#.VcZoB3FVikp Allegro Brillante
  2. http://www.nycitycenter.org/tickets/productionNew.aspx?performanceNumber=9020#.VcZoB3FVikp Allegro Brillante
  3. Former HNB dancer Jurgina Dronina, who joins National Ballet of Canada in the 2015-16 season as a Principal Dancer, tweeted this yesterday: It isn't clear from the hash tag's page whether they danced last night in the first of two closing weekend "International Ballet: A Night with the Stars: program of the Festival des Arts de Saint-Sauveur (QC) because the Festival's webpage isn't up to date. Update: Davit Karapetyan tweeted,
  4. Welcome to Ballet Alert! Franziska! We are the audience site for watchers, although we have members who are adult dancers. The "doers" site is our sister site, Ballet Talk for Dancers, which has a forum for adult students: www.dancers.invisionzone.com You will need to register separately for the BT4D. BT4D does not accept hotmail, gmail, yahoo, or most free email addresses. If you do not have an email address with a company, school, work, or ISP domain, we suggest creating an account with aol, which is accepted by the site. If you see a professional company performing classical ballet, we'd love to hear your thoughts here.
  5. http://fass.ca/index.php/en/event/indoor-shows/stars-of-american-ballet
  6. http://fass.ca/index.php/en/event/indoor-shows/international-ballet-a-night-with-the-stars
  7. http://fass.ca/index.php/en/event/indoor-shows/international-ballet-a-night-with-the-stars
  8. It is likely she does receive clothes, at least on loan, from designers. It's a win/win.
  9. Ballet Talk for Dancers only accepts email domains from work places, schools, internet service providers -- I don't know if ISP's give out email addresses outside of North America -- but they do accept "aol", which is now a free service. https://my.screenname.aol.com/_cqr/login/login.psp?sitedomain=sns.mail.aol.com&seamless=novl&lang=es&locale=US&authLev=0&siteState=sid%3Aae63386b-ae3b-4170-9217-38a69c22f3ee%7Cqp%3A%7Cld%3Amail.latino.aol.com%7Cuv%3AAOL%7Cat%3ASNS%7Clc%3Aes_US%7Crt%3ASTD%7Csnt%3AScreenName%7C&offerId=webmail-es-us
  10. Hello aeryn, and welcome to Ballet Alert! We are a discussion board from the point of view primarily of audience and writers. We have a sister site, Ballet Talk for Dancer, for dancers and dance students, and it has a section for adult dance students: www.dancers.invisionzone.com You will need to register for it separately to ask questions about dance schools and to discuss schools and training topics, and the site does not accept free email domains, like @gmail, @msn, @hotmail, etc. (Barcelona is my favorite city!)
  11. Links must be posted for all roster changes. Houston Balket: https://www.houstonballet.org/Inside-Houston-Ballet/Dancers/ Voltolini's FB entry (can be translated through Google): https://www.facebook.com/lucianarvoltolini/photos/a.660764480627490.1073741825.110333215670622/860861353951134/?type=1&theater
  12. What a horrible thing to experience, Birdsall. I hope you heal quickly.
  13. They are now listed on the roster: http://www.nycballet.com/Dancers/Dancers-by-Rank.aspx
  14. On medici.tv, which means it should be up for at least three months, if not six, a wonderful performance of two-handed piano works played by Trifonov and Babayan at the Verbier Festival (live, 25 July 2015): http://www.medici.tv/#!/sergei-babayan-daniil-trifonov-rachmaninov-liszt-verbier-festival Rachmaninov: Suite for 2 Pianos No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 5 Rachmaninov: Suite for Two Pianos No. 2 Op. 17 Rimsky-Korsakov/Babin: Dance of the Tumblers Solo: Liszt: 12 Transcendental Etudes Trifonov: Rachmaniana Suite 1, Suite 5
  15. Another tribute to Plisetskaya at the 2015 Verbier Festival on 23 July: as Gergiev led the Verbier Festival Orchestra in "Bolero," a film of Plisetskaya performing the Bejart was projected on a large screen behind the orchestra. http://www.medici.tv/#!/verbier-festival-gergiev-matsuev-trifonov-mozart-ravel-tchaikovsky There was a gorgeous photo of her that was projected after the performance and during the applause for the orchestra, as Gergiev acknowledged the many soloists.
  16. From the press release: NEW LECTURE SERIES ON THE HISTORY OF DANCE A new lecture series on the history of dance has been announced by the Sarasota International Dance Festival of Florida. The programs are the creation of Robert de Warren, whose distinguished global career as an artistic director of ballet companies encompassed positions as director of the National Ballet of Iran, the Northern Ballet Theatre in the United Kingdom, and La Scala in Milan before leading the Sarasota Ballet of Florida to worldwide recognition. He founded the Sarasota International Dance Festival in June 2010, which sponsored the Carreño Dance Festival, bringing to Sarasota pre-professional students and a renowned faculty from several foreign countries and the United States. The lecture series, presented by Mr. de Warren, includes multimedia presentations, From Crinolines and Heels to Tutus on Pointe – Three Centuries of Ballet and From Tutus on Pointe to Barefoot on Stage – A History of Dance in the 20th and 21st Centuries. The lecture series has been booked by cultural and academic institutions such as the Life Long Learning Academy of University of South Florida, Santa Fe Community College. The Longboat Key Education Center, and Harrison School of the Arts. Julie Kent, principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre, says of the series: “Robert de Warren is a wonderful, charismatic voice from the dance world, who delivers our history with great style and panache.” For more information or to arrange for the series, contact sidafinc@gmail.com. From the August 2015 newsletter on SIDF's website, on confirmed date is: In October, the SIDAF lecture series will resume at the Lifelong Learning Academy of the University of South Florida in Sarasota, with a new program of six lectures given by Robert de Warren, Greats in 20th Century Dance, followed by a two day Introduction to Dance Appreciation Courses, given by de Warren at Santa Fe Community College In Gainesville.
  17. I just became aware of documentary footage Maris Liepa on "Spartacus" with performance excerpts and interviews: On Grigorovich's version (with comments by Grigorovich, Tsiskaridze, Vasilieva, and his daughter Ilze) Jakobson's version They posted by the Maris Liepa Foundation and have English translation voice-overs. There's also a show called "Как уходили кумиры," which Google translates to "How to Care Idols" and which features cultural icons of the past, that did an episode on Liepa: When I clicked the "CC" button in YouTube itself, there is a Google translation that gives the gist of what is being said, at least in the Chrome browser.
  18. Thank you so much Quiggin! Trifonov's teacher, Sergei Babayan, who played the Second and Fifth concertos, was splendid, too. I had always misunderstood and thought that the Fourth concerto was abandoned by Prokofiev, not Wittgenstein. It's a remarkable work, here played by Alexei Volodin. Here are the direct links to the pages with the three parts to the program: Numbers 1 and 2 Number 3 Numbers 4 and 5 Today's counter says there are 24 days left to list, which means an expire date of around 26 August. It was very different playing than in the Tchaikovsky competition .
  19. I agree that the maturation is in the choreography, but it's a result and a leap: she's been asleep for 100 years, and the catalyst for the change is symbolic and happens while she is sleeping. Whereas with Odette -- aside from Odile -- Juliet, Manon, Tatiana, Marguerite (any of them), Hagar, Caroline, The Woman from His Past, Sylvia,Marie/Clara is some "Nutcrackers", even Swanhilde and Kitri, however light and comical -- there's a precipitating incident/turning that we've seen and in which either the character has participated or to which she is reacting, and the dramatic arc is graspable.
  20. http://www.the-japan-news.com/news/article/0002299536
  21. http://www.the-japan-news.com/news/article/0002299536
  22. Froustey just tweeted with a fun photo by Erik Tomasson: I guess tweets are super-titles rather than captions.
  23. Thank you so much for that rehearsal video, MakarovaFan: they broke the mold. Natalia Somova and one of my favorite all-time male Pairs skaters, Maxim Marinin, have two children together.
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