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Everything posted by stuben

  1. I am with you on this about Trenary vs Lane here, after all these years watching Lane and the last in Manon, I say this is a travesty to not give her the well deserved Juliette ☹️ (Trenary is a wonderful dancer) I am sorry but I guess I am reminiscing the days of Kent, Herrara and Reyes, and I just can't see Trenary there yet, however, Lane has it all for me to successfully execute these dramatic roles. This is likewise for my feeling of Forster vs Bell, and hope Forster will get his moment this season.
  2. Completely agree with the disappointments: Lane πŸ˜” and IMHO Hurlin is technically good but both her and Bell are quite young and needs time to grow yet into their roles, I know I will be the minority here, I know most audiences love technique and tricks but it should not sacrifice emotional connection. It is unfortunate for those seasoned dancers not given the chance like Hoven and where is Paris? Seems there is the ticket sales factor and as Hamrick says in her interview, it is "politics". So happy for Forster to get his break finally!!!
  3. Our wishes might come true, let's hope, since it seems KM is keeping this all in the family, as he is one of the founders as listed on site: Founders: Gregory Cary β€’ Kevin McKenzie β€’ Bentley Roton β€’ Martine van Hamel.
  4. I see both points, indeed first rate employers would groom their hires, I guess I should have added - .....I would think an insecure boss would never want to feel threatened.....
  5. My thoughts exactly! In any job I would think a boss would never want to feel threatened by their employees to surpass their successes. Sadly though in this case of performing arts the artists suffer for this type of power grab. Question about the coaching outside though, would the company pay for such help or does the individual dancer have to use their own salaries? Assuming that costs quite a bit especially for well known coaches like Max, if so this has to be tough on the small salaries that dancers make.
  6. Isn't Raffa and Jones ballet mistresses? I am not sure of the differences since they do coach as said here but mostly corps and soloists? Even the male "coaches" I do believe are listed in the programs as ballet masters. If so, there really isn't anyone other than Irina, who I think may be 82? I recall a birthday wish and postings about her recent birthday.
  7. My thoughts exactly since choreographers like Ratmansky can't be at every single performance once of every single company, I would think it is up to each company's artist leadership and staff to follow through ?! In this case, seems like there is a lack-there-of, and for what it is worth who is really left to coach these days? Jaffe, Irina & Max, Reyes, Kent, Gomes (if he had stayed) would all have been wonderful coaches, sadly there is a lack of leadership to employ such talent!
  8. I am in shock after learning of this, she will be missed πŸ˜₯ Agree with Hallberg or even Marcelo to return for this!!! Feeling like the golden age of ABT is dwindling these days, just saw Hallberg at the Royal in Manon, so he is dancing.... just not here!
  9. It is a shame indeed to hear 😯 based on what is said and what she has endured from the AD, the pressure of it all might have caused this result? I can't image how it won't effect anybody in any situation like this, agreed that a performer should know not to let it get to them but who knows what goes on behind closed doors?! All I can say is that times I have seen her and the last of which was Manon, she brought us all to tears and that will be my memory I choose to carry of her.
  10. Thanks for this and glad I had my fill at NYCB, as I assumed after seeing the season listing that it will be a money saving season for me!
  11. Thanks for this and just read the whole article, thought of these few interesting part and seems telling IMO: ".... it took several more years for him to be assigned the roles he craved and felt he deserved. …. it took Kevin McKenzie, the artistic director of Ballet Theater, a while to see him in this light. …. Ms. Copeland, who will dance the role of Terpsichore opposite his Apollo..." - Why should anyone with his talent take so long to be given a chance that he felt he deserved? Lack of coaches? Feels like artistic won't look at a dancer unless it is someone that suits their taste buds? And finally seems up-thread comment is correct, sadly Lane is snubbed again for Apollo since it is clear Copeland is the expected lead ☹️ ! Is it too late for Lane to look elsewhere? She is clearly all our favorite yet not catching the artistic's taste buds! She was amazing with Cornejo in Manon and hit that out of the park!
  12. Feels like another season of snub 😞 very disappointing indeed, their chemistry is by far the best in the leads these days, I almost feel they are the last of the best. IMHO there maybe up and comers but they need time to get there, and I am not talking about technique! Sarah has it and yet sadly through the years I have watched her be continuously snubbed for others less worthy. They seem to have more dancers easily handling the modern choreography, but I am not quite sure of any when it comes to the classics. All aside I just spent my limited income at NYCB and got me fill pleasantly, so will continue to read everyone else's thoughts for this fall and hoping the best for Sarah.
  13. Likewise my sentiments and with my ticket purchases, they own the right as "Prima" ballerinas, and IMHO there isn't anyone who can hold a candle now. I just have this strange feeling that the training/coaching just isn't there any longer. I miss those great days 😞 let's not forget Marcelo.... not knowing what happened, yet I see he is dancing with others, so I have to wonder and since the principal men category is too slim for my taste, and even though the new soloists are showing promise, and technically quite good, the emotions and connection just isn't there for me, as it was during the days of Marcelo, Max and many others who have left.
  14. If not mistaken, didn't Irina say something to that effect in her NY Times interview, if my memory serves me well, she was not pleased at all about how her exit went after all she gave to ABT and her fans ? And, sadly I will never forget how Xiomara and Paloma were given their exit show πŸ˜–, in my books after all they gave to us so many years of their beautiful and incomparable work, only to be left at the curb, unconscionable in my books and personally gone now are the Golden Age of ABT.
  15. A friend from Boston just shared this with us, how exciting it must be for Paulina Waski! We will miss her on the NYC stage, but glad she seems to be settling in very nicely and what a wonderful video from the company too 😍 Sure hope the company will tour in NY again! Interesting that Boston does a description of who Myrtha is in the ballet. πŸ‘ http://www.instagram.com/p/B2SeinXjVuJ/
  16. Good news indeed for all and agree about Waski leaving ABT, we so enjoyed her dancing and sad she never got to dance her Myrtha there, I believe due to injury but wishing her the best, lucky for Boston indeed πŸ‘! Even better it seems Boston offers discounts for dancers to share, how wonderful that is!
  17. Interestingly enough a new book: Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America by Christopher Leonard just released about the dark money, and how the Koch brothers manipulated their wealth, to make themselves look good while the entire time destroying our planet and democracy. IMO these non-profits all bend rules or turn a blind eye for large donations unless they have significant small donors and tickets sales in the case of ABT to survive.
  18. Thanks for the reminder and I guess I stand corrected 😊
  19. Totally agree as McKenzie has lost so many through the years, I recall Hinkis and Votolini whom have both gone onto soloists elsewhere and am sure, as FauxPas says, given more chances than their time here. And let's not forget Matthews and Kajiya, and so many before whom we loved, and left under the direction of McKenzie! Feels like he has his flavors of the season. As in the current year of Waski, who just left to Boston Ballet, seems to be suggesting on her social media that she is getting ready for Myrtha 😊. I wish the best for her as my family and I have enjoyed her dancing all these years and see her potential if given the right opportunities. I agree too about the age issue and waiting around for a decade, and happy those who don't see chances to move on vs sitting around hoping or praying! I know this must be a big draw since it is in NYC and when it was under Misha, but through the years I see the changes under McKenzie, plus back then there were only a handful of great companies around, but now things are different and there are more options, so I can't imagine sitting around waiting for a part of 10 years?! I can see the stamina and strength you need for the full-lengths, and there is a difference between a 20 to 30 year old IMHO.
  20. Seems late for posting casting but then again I’m used to NY companies posting earlier, then of course their changes too! Thank you Marta and let’s hope you’ll get your wish to see your dancer 😊
  21. Seems Waski might be dancing her Myrtha with Boston after her injury that took her out at ABT? I could be wrong since there is no music to this video: https://www.instagram.com/p/B1cBHmojPWw/?igshid=9u2imdutk0vs Would love to hear about her debut should anyone from BA attend.
  22. Good to see Waski has landed there 😊 I see first up for their season is Giselle, and that’s something she has done well based on her YouTube performance with Xiomara Reyes, plus wasn’t she slated to dance Myrtha last Met Season? A loss for ABT maybe a nice gain for Boston. Best of wishes to her and all the new hires.
  23. Thank you everyone for clearing this up as I thought I was losing my mind or eyesight 😊 and agree with BalletFan how life works out, and actually Boston has a wonderful rep this coming season starting with Giselle no less (listed now on their website). If so, wouldn't it be wild to see Waski finally do her Myrtha?! Hope she will continue her updates on social media so some of us can keep track and who knows, maybe she will be back again for Met Season .... like Graniero (Washington Ballet)!
  24. Nothing in Waski's post mentions Boston? No announcements either anywhere so maybe I missed it?
  25. It might be that Sarah is replacing Stella since I have family who have tickets for their CA performance on Dec. 16th as it was Stella and Aran, either would make them happy, but wishing Stella well.
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