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Everything posted by Birdsall

  1. Rosa, Thanks for the video! I now bookmarked it, so I can view whenever I want. I love it! So funny! I wonder what Tereshkina was thinking, when she saw it, or maybe she was so busy she didn't notice. So now someone needs to post video of last night's bat!!! Bart
  2. I see. This clarifies things. This is so different from the opera sites. They have "food fights" there!!! As much as I don't necessarily like food fights, I am used to it, and I actually find it humorous, but I know how some people get very upset. I have worked in public schools in the past (middle school no less), so I have learned to let things roll off my back for the most part. One time I was helping out supervising kids in the cafeteria on the last week of school, and luckily I was in the big middle pathway between two large groups of tables, and I noticed some kids starting to duck under the tables, b/c a few seconds later suddenly all the kids threw their food and ran out. Mass chaos in seconds. The vice prinicpal on duty was in shock and very angry. It was like a scene from Animal House! I was one of the few lucky adults who didn't get any food on me.
  3. I posted a question under the "Rules and Regulations" I just wanted clarification, b/c I am unsure what exactly "discussing the discussion" means. Does it only mean discussing the discussion just to be nasty or is it anything? I have written, "As someone said above...." and I wonder if that is actually discussing the discussion. Please clarify with examples if possible what is okay and what is not okay concerning "do not discuss the discussion." It seems like if we followed it strictly simply quoting each other is sort of discussing the discussion, or am I being dense?
  4. By the way, did everyone see the video of the cat running across the stage as Tereshkina was dancing the Black Swan coda? Someone here posted it! Made me laugh! Whoever posted it should post it again!
  5. In the ushers' defense, if California ushers are anything like Florida ushers, they are usually total volunteers who are simply trained to show people their seats and tear tickets. They are like you and me but volunteering, so they can see free shows. I would not know how to remove a bat or catch it. So I can't imagine an usher ever doing anything except notify someone in administration (for the theatre or performing arts center). In Florida most are retired and elderly and probably wouldn't be able to catch a bat even if they wanted to!
  6. Sarasota Ballet is doing Lilac Garden this season. I think it is at the beginning of March.
  7. I am glad to hear all comments both pro and con......everyone should say what they want to say as long as it doesn't break one of the rules.
  8. Birdsall


    I guess today is the day, I believe, that we may hear reports (maybe not until tomorrow morning) from California whether Skorik can show her naysayers what she can do. Looking from a human perspective I hope for her sake she has improved. I still think Fateyev is cruel to push her before the public in high profile assignments knowing the controversy that surrounds her. I think he should give her more soloist roles that are not the lead role. Once she proves herself in those roles over and over, then give her Odette, but this is like throwing her to the wolves. Maybe he has a sadistic streak! Or maybe he is determined to prove he is right and everyone else is wrong. Who knows?
  9. Birdsall


    Does anyone know why he is "acting AD"? Are they searching for someone else who will be permanent or waiting to see how he does in his position before making him permanent? I am not sure a "leader" should come right out and single one person out in an interview as the first person who should get more opportunities, unless it was someone everyone is talking about all over the world as the most exciting dancer to ever appear at the Mariinsky. I think he should have simply named some of the names like he did afterward. Why would he name Skorik first of all? He probably knows about all the controversy, and that makes me think he named her first and foremost as a challenge. He seems determined to prove she has what it takes. This sounds like it is all about him, not her. I think it is cruel to put an unprepared dancer on one of the world's stages and let us balletomanes pounce on her like wolves! Maybe he thinks we shouldn't, but we do, and opera lovers pounce on new singers who make mistake after mistake. It is the way of the world. I am starting to believe this is a power trip on his part.
  10. And my point was that he is a great actor/dancer and when he dances with a woman he probably draws from the natural human feelings of love, passion, etc. So on the one hand, it doesn't matter if he is gay or straight on stage, but my point was that his decision to be "out" as opposed to simply not talking about his sexual orientation might actually contribute to his ability to open up to the audience and female partners on stage. Maybe not, but I suspect his personality from what it looks like on stage is being an open hearted performer and person, not holding anything back or avoiding sharing who he is. You can't do that if you are closed up and putting up walls between yourself and others and have shame or fear. When you are comfortable with who you are in every aspect of your life you become a more interesting person with much more to share with the world.
  11. Cristian, you are right. In the movies it has become even vogue for straight actors to play a gay man, but I think it is still rare for films to use openly gay actors to portray straight men, although it probably happens. I don't keep up with the movies so much anymore. I think Marcelo Gomes is a wonderful role model for male dancers. His sexual orientation doesn't matter while you are watching the performance b/c he becomes the character. And I suspect his talent and open-ness (open heart) as a performer, dancer, actor, etc. is a direct result from being totally true to himself and being who he is in all aspects of his life. He is able to portray the characters he does, b/c he truly lives life fully.....that's what I suspect. I will never forget knowing an ugly duckling guy (who was gay and closeted and tense) and he came out to his parents (who accepted him) and stopped worrying what people thought and simply blossomed into a gorgeous man. The way he walked, the way he talked completely changed. He gained confidence, and his face was not this blank, guarded face. He was smiling and gorgeous suddenly! It was like night and day! I tell this story to anyone who doubts that coming out is a good thing. I literally witnessed an ugly duckling blossom into a swan (and became a guy every guy wanted to date).
  12. The problem with these lists is that they are too general. Someone who adores ballet is usually going to want to make sure Tchaikovsky is on the list. Someone who loves opera much more might never think to put Tchaikovsky on the list. Also, you run into the problem of the person creating the list having a preference for baroque music or romantic or 20th century, etc. which would sway the list heavily in one direction. Someone above pointed out that Handel is missing but probably wouldn't be if the person were from England or Germany. I think a list like this is way too broad. I think it is probably fun to create a list thought, so I understand someone trying. I love Bellini's Norma so much that I would put Bellini on the list for that work alone, but I also know that he is not really going to make many people's Top Ten Greatest composers b/c his stature is not that of Wagner or Verdi.
  13. According to the book Vaganova Today (which probably many of you have read) the greatness of the Vaganova training (and Mariinsky Ballet) is that when dancers graduate from the Vaganova school they are usually complete artists and not unfinished ones who need to grow a lot in front of the paying public. Granted, that is probably the ideal......the ideal is that a Vaganova dancer graduates and is a complete artist and amazes even in the corps. I'm sure no one is perfect and mistakes are made even by Principals. I am sure famous stars like Vishneva have grown since graduation also, so there is a certain amount of growing. I guess my point is.....people do not want to go see unfinished artists finish their schooling in fairly big soloist roles. I hope she has grown and has become much better. If someone flies to Russia to see the Mariinsky, he/she expects to be blown away.
  14. Actually, Helene brought up Versailles, but that is an institution in Miami. I haven't been to the places you mention. My Cuban friends always took me to Versaille or La Carreta which is near Versailles but more like a diner. Versailles is great value for what you get!!!!
  15. I go there almost everytime I am in Miami!!! Great place!
  16. And now we have a Cuban AD at MCB...task completed. I hope a little more effort-(compared to the non existent so far)- is made to finally accept-(and address)- what Jayne just mentioned. I hope Miss Lopez could make good use of her bilingual background and transport its significance to other levels all in favor of the community. When I was young the Cuban influence in Miami was considered negative by many prejudiced people, but I think nowadays most people consider it a huge POSITIVE. It makes Miami a much more interesting and cosmopolitan city and gives it a special feel. I have not heard negative comments about the big impact Cubans have had on Miami in a long, long time which is good. When you get to know Cubans you find out they are more cultured than the average American. At least that has been my personal experience in Florida.
  17. Jayne, I pretty much agree with that assessment. People unfamiliar with Florida think all of Florida is like the Old South. South Florida definitely has a New York sensibility in some respects simply because so many people are originally from the New York area. Many have homes in both places. There isn't much "Old South" in South Florida. Jacksonville still has an Old South element. So you are correct. And, yes, Miami is sort of like the biggest city in Cuba! LOL That is why when I studied at UF in Gainesville and now have returned to Gainesville (2 years ago), I can't stand the Cuban restaurant here in Gainesville. It is a joke!!! I know what REAL Cuban food is like. I also can not get a REAL Cuban coffee this far north, so Cristian is always ragging on me that I buy lattes (double shots and sometimes even three or four), which I consider the next best thing if you can't get Cuban coffee! LOL Birdsall
  18. Novikova should be promoted to Principal! It is just plain shocking for them to keep her at the same level as Skorik is now.
  19. Birdsall


    Does a First Soloist get extra coaching? I mean, can she get more coaching/training time as opposed to when she was a lower rank? That might be good if so.
  20. Birdsall


    Maybe so, but I didn't know that, and it is just now listed on the website. I don't think it was listed there before. I guess they just updated it, so I thought she was 2nd soloist!
  21. I think she was 2nd Soloist. I think First Soloist is new, but she was given lots of soloist roles as if she were a 1st soloist. I guess this is no surprise.
  22. Birdsall


    I posted this in the tour topic, but I think some people may miss the news if that topic doesn't interest you. Oxsana Skorik is now listed on the Mariinsky web site as a First Soloist.
  23. FYI: As of today Skorik is listed as a First Soloist on the Mariinsky's website.
  24. In case anyone is curious I will clarify what I think about the whole South Florida concept......the whole West Palm, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami (South Florida) area is considered as a Megalopolis by geographers. At least that is what it was called when I took a geography course years ago. It is urban sprawl big time, and one city spreads somewhat into the next. It is not uncommon for someone to live in Palm Beach County and work in Miami, although the traffic is horrendous and public transportation is not good (in my opinion). It is a driving area. It is close to impossible to live in South Florida and not have a car. With all this said these three cities are their own cities. They are three cities one after another (with smaller towns in between actually). But when I was young living in West Palm it was common to drive down to Miami to go clubbing at the wild clubs like Warsaw Ballroom on South Beach (Miami Beach). When you live in that area you think nothing of driving 1 1/2 hours to get to a club, especially when you are young. There is such a driving culture and you drive everywhere, so driving 1 1/2 hours to Miami is no big deal. I usually crashed at a friend's house or sometimes drove 1 1/2 hours at 4am after all night partying!!!! I can't believe I did it! It is hard to understand, unless you have lived in that area. Now I live in Gainesville, FL, and I die if I have to drive 30 minutes anywhere. But when you live in South Florida it is part of the culture to drive all over that area. When I was younger Ballet Florida was the Palm Beach County ballet company, but I have to say it does not feel strange that Miami City Ballet performs in Palm Beach County. Miami has been a part of my South Florida life always. I have friends who live there, I have gone to shows, gone clubbing, etc. So Miami City Ballet performing in West Palm never made me think that it is unusual. It still feels like a South Florida company even if its actual name is Miami City Ballet. I have a subscription with my mother on Fridays, but I sometimes go to an extra show by myself while down in Jupiter (just north of West Palm) for the weekend, and I often strike up conversations with people next to me, and they are often from New York and well acquainted with New York City Ballet, and they are happy that Miami City Ballet performs in West Palm. In fact, I think West Palm is almost New York South!!! You could probably stop people wherever you go and ask them where they lived before West Palm, and probably 80%-90% would say New York or New Jersey.
  25. I do think as we age we must keep moving. If you don't keep moving you lose movement. So this video is truly an inspiration. After being mugged and having a broken arm and hip it would be easy to just say you can't do certain things anymore, but she does what she can in that video. That is what people should do.
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