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Sleeping Beauty Marathon Casting Wish List.

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So we are going to have a 2-week non-stop run of Sleeping Beauty this coming Winter season, what's your casting wish list? For Aurora, Prince Desiree, Lilac, Carabosse, Gold & Jewels, Blue Birds...? Debuts, returning favorites?

Well, my first choice is to see Sylve as Aurora. I'm flexible as to the rest of the casting as long as it doesn't include Borree.


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Me, too! I also look forward to Tiler Peck's Florine

I saw Bouder's first Aurora, but not her second, which reportedly had grown considerably over a few days. I can barely restrain my eagerness to see her third. And fourth!

Wouldn't it be fun to see Krohn alternating between Lilac and Carabosse!

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In City Ballet's previous run of Sleeping Beauty, Ashley Bouder's second Aurora was the greatest I have ever seen in any production, including those of the Royal (both the catastrophic one and the great one before it), both Mariinskys, ABT. Maria Kowroski was a perfect Lilac Fairy and Merrill Ashley a perfect Carabosse.

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Don't know if this has been done already, but I'd love to see Ringer as the Lilac Fairy. I'd also like to see Sean Suozzi as Bluebird, De Luz as the cat, Craig Hall as Gold, Carrie Lee Riggins as Diamond. I'm sure many others will appear on my wish list as time goes by -- especially as January draws near.

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I just wish I could see Carla Korbes as Aurora, but that won't happen now. I would be interested to see Megan Fairchild--the last act might be a stretch, but she would probably be lovely in the first act, and I would love to see her in Martins' vision scene--which I think is one of the loveliest I have ever seen.

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I just wish I could see Carla Korbes as Aurora, but that won't happen now.

We in Seattle didn't, either. Korbes danced Lilac Fairy, as well as the Gold and Silver pas de trois in the Wedding act.

I imagine, though, that if the company mounts this production again and she is still here, she will step into the role. She was a lovely Lilac Fairy, very attuned to the unfolding drama of the ballet as well as the more dancerly possibilities.

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I imagine, though, that if the company mounts this production again and she is still here, she will step into the role. She was a lovely Lilac Fairy, very attuned to the unfolding drama of the ballet as well as the more dancerly possibilities.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed

And then all of the Ballet Talkers from NYC will have to visit Seattle :) (And again -- or before -- when Jewels is revived in three years...)

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And then all of the Ballet Talkers from NYC will have to visit Seattle :)
Excuse me, but all of the BalletTalkers from NYC already know that :) , and have for some time! It's just a matter of picking a date, saving our pennies, and then having Leigh book our flights. :devil:
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