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Great joy

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Three weeks ago I had for the fist time in my life the opportunity to present two short dances that I created on stage. 23 young people joined me dancing. About 2.000 people were our audience. When we finished and got a hugh applaus I felt very, very happy. It was fore sure one of the happiest moments of my life.

I only wanted to share with everyone this great joy - and wish all dancers a lot of equal experiences!

With all greetings from Nürnberg, Volkmar

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Great news!

I've always been curious about one thing: what is it like to create, choreograph, and rehearse a ballet -- and then to dance in it as well. Obviously the experience must be very different from standing in the wings and watching.

Did you enjoy the actual experience of dancing as much as if the choreography were someone else's? Was there any frustration in not being able to watch the whole thing from a distance? Did you tape the performance to have something to watch (from a distance) later on? Please, tell us more about the whole experience.

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Thank you all for your congratulaions!

The experience was that in a pre-programme of the World Youth Day in Cologne I worked with these people from Spain, France and Slovenia by the way of dancing.

Though I had to deal a lot with meditative dancing during the months before, learning its language and get its spirit enbodied (if there is any distinction betewwn spirit and body in this respect...). During the last weeks before this programme I created two dances: "Sanctus" with the music by J.S.Bach's "Sanctus" from his b-minor-mass dealing with adoration and "Kings&Queens" with the music of G.F.Handel's 1st movemebt of his "Music for Royal fireworks" dealing with human dignity.

Generally I have to admit that as a priest and biblical scholar I am beyond any professional dancing nevertheless I like to do it and found dancing for myself as a way to promote my own creativity.

During the three days of training a lot of saying and words from choreographers, dancers and other professionals came into my mind - what was very helpful for me.

I do not know if I would have enjoyed tha dancing as much as if the choreography were someone else's because I knew/know that "my dances" are my babies and I suppose that everyone loves his own babies a little bit more than someone else's... But nevertheless I can say that during the performance it was only this special dances themself that I was thinking of - or better: living for/living in.

Of course, I would have liked it very much to see the thing, and unfortunately everything went so fast that we had no possibility to tape it. Only a couple of pictures "survived". Next time I will look for video-taping - I left the stage not only with a very happy feeling but also with the conviction, that I want to have similar experiences again.

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Volkmar, first of all, congratulations! This sort of thing is very rewarding, and I am happy for you that your first time was a success and a joy for you.

Were the kids you worked with dancers, or were they more or less new to this sort of thing?

Are you familiar with the film "Rhythm is it", or with the other projects of the Berlin Philharmonic with (mainly) young people - all non-dancers - dancing to classical music?


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Thank you all for your gratulations!

Dear Diane: they kids I was working with were all new in this sort of dancing - and especially new for the experience in dancing on a stage in front of such a hugh audience.

Of course, I know the film "rhythm is it". Just some weeks ago I saw a similar project of Royston Maldoon in Cologne (the ballet "Carmina burana" with a school from Germany dancing) which again fastinated me on his work.

For myself I am very encouraged to continue creating dances to classical music - despite I will need more time for my scientific work in the future.


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