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What performances should I really not miss?

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I live near the DC Metro area and am wondering what is coming that I shouldn't miss. I guess I should explain that my daughter has been dancing for several years in a pre-professional program and I have no ballet background whatsoever. She is very serious and passionate about it though, and I want to do the right thing by taking advantage of the area we live in. Obviously we can't see everything so I'm looking for some suggestions. Thanks so much! :P

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A few suggestions after perusing the Kennedy Center's webiste:

For starters, ABT moves in for two weeks in February. If I were to choose one program, it woul be the closing Swan Lake with Veronika Part and Marcelo Gomes. It is not a great staging of the ballet, but it's far from the worst, and both leads are magnificent, passionate artists. My second choice would be the Fokine program, especially one in which Herman Cornejo repeats his breathtakingly spectacular performances in Le Spectre de la Rose.

New York City Ballet visits over the week March 2-6. My choice of the three programs would definitely be the first, offering Theme & Variations and The Four Temperaments, two major Balanchine works, plus the lightweight but pleasant I'm Old Fashioned by Jerome Robbins. Any program that offers two Balanchine ballets of the caliber of T&V and Four T's is a winner.

I see that the Kirov Ballet (which is there now for another day or so) is returning in June with their full-length Le Corsaire. If it is the same production they brought to New York a decade or so ago, it is somewhat of a mish mash (but different from ABT's Corsaire mish-mash, which you may have seen on video). Still, it offers a chance to see the company that many still hold as the pinnacle of academic classicism in a vehicle that shows off those qualities.

If you've been lurking around this site, you may have noticed that the mention of Suzanne Farrell Ballet's upcoming performances of Balanchine's Don Quixote stirs no end of excitement :P . You should know that for the most part, Farrell's company consists of dancers from various companies who come together for a limited number of performances. This year, because this ballet requires a large cast, she is using the National Ballet of Canada. This should even out the usual differences of style within her company. The company is evidence of her excellence as a teacher and coach, as they always dance with great spirit and attention to detail.

Also regarding Farrell Ballet, the Balanchine-Nabokov Don Quixote is nothing like the Don Quixote (Petipa/Gorsky-Minkus) available on any number of ballet videos. It is a very dark, very dense production and I'd hesitate to recommend it to people without much ballet watching experience. I'm hoping to go down for it, but I wouldn't suggest it for you and your daughter.

I haven't seen the Washington Ballet in over 20 years, I'm afraid, but we have lots of Washingtonians here, and I'm sure some of them will be happy and able to advise you on that company. Judging from the posts on that forum, they seem to be doing very well indeed!

Now, having made my recommendations (and I hope others will contribute their own), may I put in a request that whatever you see, you come back and let us know how you liked it? We'll look forward to hearing! Thanks.


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Welcome to Ballet Talk, supportivemom! I see you found your way here.

Folks, I invited supportivemom to post her question her because I felt sure some of you could help her out. She has been asking very good questions on Ballet Talk for Dancers about what kinds of performances contribute most to a dancer's education. What is the wisest allocation of limited funds? You can join that conversation here. (you will have to register at BT4D if you are not already a member there)

Meanwhile, don't forget to tell her what's coming up in DC!

Edited to add: I see that Carbro has gotten you started already while I was busy composing!

Edited by Treefrog
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I'd DEFINITELY try to catch the Giselle with Ferri and Bocca. A ballerina is either a Giselle or she is not, and I have Ferri's video. I know that she is a Giselle. She might not be dancing this role much longer so I'd try to see her in it definitely.

I agree with carbro about the Kirov's Le Corsaire. SIlly story, but some great great dancing. And I'm sentimental about this ballet as it's the one that started it all for Rudolf Nureyev.

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If it is possible, I would heed carbro's warning about Balanchine's Don Quixote, but I would take your daughter to the Suzanne Farrell's production anyway. The ballet was "lost" once -- leaving the New York City Ballet repertoire after a couple of seasons -- and this is a unique chance to see a staging by the original lead woman (Dulcinea, Madonna, young girl), of a ballet that was created out of love for her. As a pre-professional student, your daughter is committed to ballet, and even if she doesn't like this production, it's a very important piece of 20th century ballet history. And if nothing else, she'll probably love the ballerina's solos. (If she were a young girl going to the ballet for the first or second time, I would agree with carbro to skip this one.)

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Balanchine kept changing parts of Don Quixote all the time it was in the NYCB repertory, so it will be interesting to see what Farrell's version will look like. She'll probably have a surprise or two up her shawl.

In my role as tribal elder, I'd like to say that it is impossible to predict what someone new to an art will or won't like.

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I'm coming to this late, supportivemom, and my idea is not exactly the kind of suggestion you asked for, but, perhaps seconding a request by your young dancer, sooner or later, as resources and circumstances allow, do look at another performance of a ballet you've - I was going to say, already seen, but I will say, looked at, maybe even a repeat of the same production, by the same company, but with another cast, if you had a pretty good time with it the first time. See what you see the second time.

With me, this kind of experience expanded enormously my awareness of performance and allowed me to begin to distinguish between the performance and the ballet. Even the same dancer will perform differently on different nights. If becoming sensitive to these nuances seems a little expensive, okay, sure, wait. But someday, do!

And with an expert commentator along! A dancer! I've had the pleasure of that experience only recently. How I envy you!

Have fun!

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Thanks for your suggestions, Jack Reed. My daughter and I were just discussing this over breakfast! Although she's seen Giselle more than once, she wants to see it again to catch the nuances of different dancers. As you said, I think she is starting to understand the concept of "performance". Of course, it's mostly lost on me, but I'm happy to tag along and bask in the glow of her enjoyment! :)

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And the great thing supportivemom is that you will be seeing some of the great ballet companies of the world. And great ballets. Varied reps.

Great dancers!!! And, all in the span of a few weeks!!!!!!!

One suggestion I do have is to look for the student discounts. I don't know the policies for discounts down in the DC area. But it does not hurt at all to ask, right? I figure you probably have ventured down this road. But just in case!!!!!!

Another suggestion is to ask people who work in your daughter's dance school, to suggest companies and performances to see. And, if they are not doing it already, to get groups together for school outings(group discounts!?). Maybe you can help organize them!!!!! Try to see different performing arts and arts in general. Nureyev would go to museums, operas, plays, art galleries, and see and perform in Modern dance! Just in case you did not know, he played the piano. And he even conducted a few ballet performances!!!!! Enjoy and Good Luck!!!!! :):yahoo:

Edited by fandeballet
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